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Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:56 pm
by FaceFoiled
And updated to 4.64

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:36 am
by lostone1993
ok, who bumped the lead out of the power point, :P

joke aside. did the server crash or something, its been offline for at least 4 hours
its been offline since it was ment to restart

EDIT: NVM Resolved

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 5:09 am
by FaceFoiled
The server did indeed crash, from the looks of it due to a chunk error. I started it up again this morning.

# There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.
# Native memory allocation (malloc) failed to allocate 154320 bytes for Chunk::new

It looks like it went down shortly after an automatic restart, took quite some time to prepare the spawn area (not sure if it always takes that long)

Code: Select all

2013-04-03 04:00:01 [INFO] Stopping server
2013-04-03 04:00:06 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.4.7
2013-04-03 04:00:06 [INFO] Loading properties
2013-04-03 04:00:06 [INFO] Default game type: SURVIVAL
2013-04-03 04:00:06 [INFO] Generating keypair
2013-04-03 04:00:06 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on
2013-04-03 04:00:06 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
2013-04-03 04:00:06 [INFO] Better Than Wolves Version 4.64 Initializing...
2013-04-03 04:00:06 [INFO] BTW reading custom config file...
2013-04-03 04:00:06 [INFO] Better Than Wolves Initialization Complete.
2013-04-03 04:00:06 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0
2013-04-03 04:00:07 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 3%
2013-04-03 04:00:08 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 10%
2013-04-03 04:00:10 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 10%
2013-04-03 04:00:11 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 13%
2013-04-03 04:00:12 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 28%
2013-04-03 04:00:13 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 38%
2013-04-03 04:00:14 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 42%
2013-04-03 04:00:15 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 58%
2013-04-03 04:00:16 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 68%
2013-04-03 04:00:17 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 88%
2013-04-03 04:00:18 [INFO] Done (11,512s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
2013-04-03 04:00:18 [INFO] Starting GS4 status listener
But I'll keep an eye on it. :)

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:57 am
by FaceFoiled
The server seems to be stable again, no spikes or crashes. Not quite sure why or what happened. :P

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:00 am
by magikeh
Hey Face how often does the server restart? I have an inkling that i know what went wrong..

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:53 am
by FaceFoiled
This is the default (and current) schedule:

Every 15 minutes Save the world state
Once per day at 03:15 Take a backup of the world
Once per day at 03:30 Send a server notice: Server restarting in 30 minutes.
Once per day at 03:45 Send a server notice: Server restarting in 15 minutes.
Once per day at 03:55 Send a server notice: Server restarting in 5 minutes.
Once per day at 03:59 Send a server notice: Server restarting in 1 minute.
Once per day at 04:00 Restart server

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:31 am
by magikeh
FaceFoiled wrote:This is the default (and current) schedule:
Once per day at 04:00 Restart server
Ok, remember how a looong time ago I went into the nether, made a loooong rail line and plopped down a portal? Recently Bob, Ion and I wanted to do a 'communal restart' go out into the middle of nowhere and start over. We went to that portal and tried to start off there (pretty hard as it was ocean for days) We then decided to try a new location, created a portal half way up the nether line and have since been doing the restart there. If the server was having trouble, it could be whatever it was that was creating a problem last time (when we went thru the portal, all my old equipment and builds were still there) So... IT WAS ION'S IDEA!!

:P If the logs are showing an error from that area, i think it would be wise to try to destroy the chunks (McEdit style)

Anyways, if there is a problem, i think that this would be the suspect (as it broke the server last time i was on those chunks)

EDIT: Also i remember it took a while to download the world and fix it. I will offer up my internet connection and services to fix the booboo, as at times I can get up to ~900 Kbs, and i can upload fairly quickly too (haven't actually done speed tests on the up limit)

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:37 am
by FaceFoiled
Downloading/uploading is not the problem ^_^.
Though my upload is not that fast at home, my download is faster (at work atm).

Opening a 4gb map in Mcedit is. :P I could not remove the chunk last time either.

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:44 am
by magikeh
FaceFoiled wrote:Opening a 4gb map in Mcedit is. :P I could not remove the chunk last time either.
If thats the case, I have a 8GB ram, 3.6Ghz, SSD Desktop at home that might be able to pull off the job ;)

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:48 am
by FaceFoiled
16gb, 4.5ghz, SSD ^_^. MCedit kept on crashing :D.

I'll upload the map tonight though, so you can have a go. If you can manage to fix it, I can download/upload a new backup and use that afterwards.

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:50 am
by magikeh
FaceFoiled wrote:16gb, 4.5ghz, SSD ^_^. MCedit kept on crashing :D.
:D Golly gee! Thats quite the setup mah friend! would think that you would host the server on that bad boy! ;D
FaceFoiled wrote:I'll upload the map tonight though, so you can have a go. If you can manage to fix it, I can download/upload a new backup and use that afterwards.
^_^/ I shall see what luck i can have with it!

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:55 am
by FaceFoiled
magikeh wrote::D Golly gee! Thats quite the setup mah friend! would think that you would host the server on that bad boy! ;D
It would be nice, but it would be a pain in the buttocks for people to connect to outside of Europe. My connection is not that great, so people would most definitely notice it more than they might do now. The server host, is on a direct 1GB uplink (Located in Amsterdam).

I'll upload the map tonight, and poke you. :)

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:01 pm
by magikeh
FaceFoiled wrote:I'll upload the map tonight, and poke you. :)
:D Okeys! Ill delete the old old chunks but leave the newer ones? Or just remove everything that was created in our little adventure? (also move the players to a safe location) And ill fill up that nether track, just so a wandering soul doesn't break the server.. again.

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:12 pm
by PatriotBob
magikeh wrote:
FaceFoiled wrote:I'll upload the map tonight, and poke you. :)
:D Okeys! Ill delete the old old chunks but leave the newer ones? Or just remove everything that was created in our little adventure? (also move the players to a safe location) And ill fill up that nether track, just so a wandering soul doesn't break the server.. again.
*single manly tear*

I think chunk destruction may be a bit much, but i don't have server logs or anything so I can't dispute that might be needed.

*waves goodbye to new home*

Side Note:
So where's that piston door video magikeh? :)

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:20 pm
by FaceFoiled
Well, before anything is done, let's first see what can be done. :) Who knows, what ever happened might be an isolated incident. :)

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:33 pm
by magikeh
PatriotBob wrote: Side Note:
So where's that piston door video MagikEh? :)
:P Pesky old man!! Woke up 10 after i was supposed to leave this morn, haven't had time to bootup the SSP world. Should hopefully have it compacted and setup all purdy this eve!

Also I think we should try to just remove the old chunks, and leave the newer ones for a while.. atleast if that fixes the problem! :3

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:32 pm
by Prof_Ion
Well This ought to be quite the experience then wont it :P Let's hope all goes well and we can take care of all this stuff. Sorry if there were any complications with MY idea. I take full responsibility if there are any major problems. Good luck Magikeh (try and save me on this one lol) :P

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:27 am
by lostone1993
Crash- chunk error thing again ?

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:47 am
by Mac
Am on the search for a wither fortress, was following the road after mikko's portal but cannot seem to find it,
even after following it for quite a long time.
Basicly, can anyone direct me to an already exixting wither-spawning fortress.

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:50 am
by The great randomo
Mac wrote:Am on the search for a wither fortress, was following the road after mikko's portal but cannot seem to find it,
even after following it for quite a long time.
Basicly, can anyone direct me to an already exixting wither-spawning fortress.
There's a sign in the nether hub with 'Wither fort (rail there)' on it. The withers spawn like crazy over there. Use it as long as you're not looking to build a trap - I've claimed the fort :)
Oh, and the rail goes over 2 cobble bridges.

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:11 am
by Mac
Was looking on that one you mentioned randomo.
I take the guess that it is pretty far out. Was walking way past some tunnel-section that looked like belonging
to a fortress.
Is it that the fortress you mentioned already or is it yet further on?
Logged out while standing at mikko's city portal.

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:23 am
by Katalliaan
Magikeh has a wither skeleton area as well. If I remember correctly, you get there by starting at the spawn portal in the nether, go right, take a left towards the nether wart plots, and the rail should be in the far wall on the right.

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:20 am
by Mac
Randomo showed me the way to his wither-fortress. Did die a quick death despite iron armor due to
multiple withers a general carelessness ;) .
Need to brush up my combat skills before going there again.
Should also prove useful when fighting the wither boss.

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:46 am
by The great randomo
O.K, I don't really know how to put this, but all, every single one, of my villagers just disappeared. The area around them was completely lit (I know from true sight), and there were 90 of them. I had one for each of the scrolls, even...
There is simply no way in which I can afford get them back, and from what seems to be a bug or something, all of my plans for a village have gone to shit. Could a mod or someone help me out please?

Re: Welcome to Edolas (Server information)

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:53 am
by magikeh
The great randomo wrote:O.K, I don't really know how to put this, but all, every single one, of my villagers just disappeared. The area around them was completely lit (I know from true sight), and there were 90 of them. I had one for each of the scrolls, even...
There is simply no way in which I can afford get them back, and from what seems to be a bug or something, all of my plans for a village have gone to shit. Could a mod or someone help me out please?
Yeah that was a problem with the port, all passive mobs... disappeared. Ion gave me my mobs back in the form of a condensed lifeform.. :P