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Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.30] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:54 pm
by Narcisism
Heya. Dropping in to explain my recent absence, and tell you that there will likely be more. I have to do some stuff to get myself back into school, so that's taking my attention away from Minecraft atm.

Because of that, I won't be filling out an application right now, but once I'm back to waiting for paperwork to be processed, I'll be sure to do that :)


Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.30] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:53 am
by Incomitatum
Let it be known,

For proving he can coordinate large projects, for bringing quality people into our ranks, for being friendly and knowledgeable himself, and for being in a convenient timezone...

MiC has been offered and accepted the title of Moderator.

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.30] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:22 am
by BakerCompany86


Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.30] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:33 am
by Incomitatum
Alright, we have a new, big project.

We are building THIS on a large scale
Phase 1 is amassing the resources.

Phase 2 is building. Each Block will be 3x3 smoothstone, with stone-brick in the seams.

As you can see we will build up roughly 7 "Blocks", before tapering in one. So up 28 first... When that is done we'll due Phase 3

I'll edit this for more instructions later.

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.30] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:56 pm
by phantagor
Incomitatum wrote:Let it be known,

For proving he can coordinate large projects, for bringing quality people into our ranks, for being friendly and knowledgeable himself, and for being in a convenient timezone...

MiC has been offered and accepted the title of Moderator.

Ha! I should start building stuff again, when i am mod too :)

Anyway: Congrats, fellow countryman!

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.30] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 4:50 pm
by phantagor
After feeling quite funky today, i decided it is about time, that i am going to apply as a veteran player. I am not quite sure if the rank still exits, but to hell with it then^^

• How long have you been playing on the server?

Uh, i think since around middle of august. At least i was there with the 3rd iteration of the mothership. I was that strange guy building the "olde magick shoppe" and the monastery..

• Which Vet (or higher) has said they will sponsor you?

Yeah, right, this might be a problem, because i didnt ask any other one. Not because i am afraid that noone would, but i am not the guy asking others to help him with this. Instead, i would appreciate it, if someone steps out and says: hey, phanta is a nice guy, i would!

This is not somekind of fishing for attention. I just want to bother people with it.

• In the time you have been on, what role have you performed the most (if in doubt look at your /mcstats).

Mcstats? d'oh? Na, seriously, the most time i spend was ether with building or mining. But i think that is was everyone is doing, or?^^

• What would you say is your greatest accomplishment on the server to date?

*cough* Ahm, i know that i am known for being a bit pavonine/pride about my buildings, but i fact, i just do them for the community. I take the most pride out of it, when lots of people see what i build. Not to hear them say: "Wow Phanta, you are awesome" but more because i know, that my builds werent in vain. What is the point of building shiny stuff, when noone sees it?

• To prove your are worthy of the rank, which district do you plan to build in and what will the subject matter be?

Oh boy. My greatest problem seems to be, that i have to much ideas and things i want to do. And then i am going to bother Inco with lots of that stuff. I am surely on his ignore list right now :) So dont ask me what i want to build. Better ask me want i dont want to build :)

• What group projects have you participated in? What role did you perform, how were you helpful?

Digging the Tunnel for the Railway. On the Mothership i sometimes helped with building the front of the ship. Oh, and then of course the Mage Tower now. And i helped with the fence (but most of the help was done by most cudos goes to him :) )
Oh and i helped with the noob maze. At the beginning at least.

What role did i perfom: depends: miner, digger, block placer, farmer...i mostly did what was needed in that time.

How were i helpful? Good question. I am not sure if i was as helpful as some guys. That may be the fact, that i have to be afk a lot of times, when i am on, due to my physicaly disabled mother. So: i helped, but i would be more helpful, i would have more time :)

I do what i can, when i can. That is what i can give you :)

• Why do you -want- do be a Vet. Additionally, why do you think you -should- be?

To be really earnest: first i wanted it, to please myself and to be acknowledged of being some important part of the community. I build a lot of stuff for the Kingdom and i am damn proud of it. But there are times when i think that i am somekind of useless when there is nothing to do right now.

And i have to much ideas, which cant all be done. I know this and that is also the fact while i am still on this server, even if Inco sometimes just didnt listen to me or ignores all the ideas i post him :)

I know that it is a hard job to keep everyone interessted etc.

So, after this was my first thought, i tought about it again. I am already an important member of the team (or so i hope^^). But i want to become even closer to the server. I donated, i build lots of stuff...and i thought it is about time, to be more part of the bigger picture, not just some annoying german archaologist :)

Dont get me wrong, i dont want to be the one who says what is to be done: That is the job of inco. But i feel that i can improve the server or at least the design of the server when i am part of the "Big Team".

So: why do i want to become a vet and why should i become a vet: i am putting lots of time, effort and motivation into the server and i think this can be increased with giving me some more "insight" into the big scheme and workings. I want to build this server up to be something unique. And i have the meanings to do it :)

• Who does Incomitatum believe is the greatest superhero of all time?

Oops: now that question took me by surprise. I will go to the ancient library of my castle, digging in some books and will arise with an answer to that, sooner or later!
For the meantime i guess: Batman? (no, it HAS to be Batman!^^)

EDIT: After a too short rest: It can only be Trent Reznor! Okay, he is not much of a supernatural Superhero, but Inco would agree^^

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.31] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:07 pm
by Incomitatum
Upgraded to 4.31b.

Server architecture is having some serious issues. We upgraded, crashed, and can't FTP in. I have a tech support ticket in with the host now.

And.... we're back.

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.31] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:22 pm
by BakerCompany86
Hmmmm...still can't log on boss. Client out of date? Do I need to upgrade to the latest version of MC? Will BTW still function? SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!!

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.31] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:23 pm
by FlowerChild
BakerCompany86 wrote:Hmmmm...still can't log on boss. Client out of date? Do I need to upgrade to the latest version of MC? Will BTW still function? SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!!
Make sure you have 4.13c installed. The last emergency patch was for clients too, and you'll get a mismatching version error if you try to log into a 4.13c server with a previous 4.13 version.

You can just redownload, as I've updated all the links to point to the correct version.

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.31] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:26 pm
by BakerCompany86
*See Below*

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.31] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:38 pm
by BakerCompany86
EDIT: aaaaaand Marvin wins the cookie today!

Thank you Marvin!!!!

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.31] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:39 pm
by Incomitatum
Baker, come on G+.

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.31] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:41 pm
by walker_boh_65
BakerCompany86 wrote:For some reason WinRAR won't let me copy the BTW files into the MC.jar file. Can anyone link me their BTW MC.jar pretty please? I'm about to go punch a baby.
Try a re-download. Sometimes this happens if the file was corrupted someplace.

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.31] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:14 am
by Logan074
And is the server down?
I have been trying to log in for 10 minutes and can not. I have all updates and was on earlier with the new update and jar.

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.31] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:27 am
by M!C
Logan074 wrote:And is the server down?
I have been trying to log in for 10 minutes and can not. I have all updates and was on earlier with the new update and jar.
Same for me. I just wanted to relog but now can't get back on.

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.31] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:29 am
by BakerCompany86
Sadly we are Minecraftless this morning. Shame, I had carrots and taters to find.

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.31] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:09 am
by Incomitatum
I woke up, about 10 min ago to the server being down. I have patched the server and the hidden client to 4.31c. Server is back up now. Lets hope we don't have anymore crashes.

I'll be doing web design most of the week, so (if I am disciplined) you won't see me on much. Feel free to hit me up here or on G+ if something goes wrong again.

Thanks to Eclipse for bringing this to my attention.

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.31] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:52 pm
by Western-Knight
It's not often that you can say "Today is the first day of the rest of my life" and it REALLY means something. A day that sets you on a path to change both yourself, and the road ahead of you.

Tomorrow, I'll be able to say that as I head off to basic training. Three months that will take me from the lazy, irresponsible man I am and either mould me into a man better fit to live, or break me down completely. I hope it isn't the latter.

The past two weeks on your server, despite not being able to build my own area has been possibly the best experience I've had yet in a Minecraft server. The many people I've talked to, are all mature, polite, and excellent builders. I look forward to coming back and playing with you all once I return from my duty to train and improve myself.


Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.31] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:05 pm
by Incomitatum
Mark, we won't forget you; and, despite you leaving for three months, we'll be looking forward to your return.

I can't speak for the future of the server, who know's what will be going on in that time. Hell, it'll be sometime next YEAR.

Hit me up on G+ and please keep in touch (when you get back) .

I am moved by how many active-and-retired military find it to our server. I am pleased we can count you as one of them.

Edited with the proper G+ profile, rather than the one I was viewing at the time.

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.31] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:55 pm
by Incomitatum
Just to let you guys know the server keeps going down randomly with this error in the log..

2012-11-05 12:40:30 [SEVERE] Encountered an unexpected exception OutOfMemoryError
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
at java.lang.Thread.start0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Thread.start(
at ik.a(SourceFile:117)
at co.a(SourceFile:30)
at bx.b(SourceFile:341)
at ik.c(SourceFile:60)
at hl.a(SourceFile:39)
at hk.b(SourceFile:29)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(SourceFile:731)
at hg.r(SourceFile:233)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(SourceFile:661)
I will consider the best course of action. I can be sure if it is running out of Memory because of something in BTW or some way the host company has the server configured.

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.31] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:21 pm
by Logan074
Western-Knight wrote:
Tomorrow, I'll be able to say that as I head off to basic training. Three months that will take me from the lazy, irresponsible man I am and either mould me into a man better fit to live, or break me down completely. I hope it isn't the latter.


Mark, expect to be broken down, but it will be from this state of being that your instructors will build you and mold you into the better man. Good luck in this wonderful endeavor you are about to under take.

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.31] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:11 pm
by Aceldamor
• Have you READ everything before this? Yes
• How long have you spent looking around The Kingdom? About 15 minutes
• Where are you from (Example - Iowa or United Kingdom)? Arizona
• How old are you? 35
• If you are not 18 or older, who is your Sponsor?
• What gender do you wish to be know by? Male
• What is your Minecraft Username? Aceldamor
• What other games do you play on a semi-regular basis? On another MC server, WoW
• What role do you enjoy taking the most in Minecraft (Eg: Farmer, Builder, Explorer, Digger) I'm a little bit of everything.
• If you are added, how often do you intend to be on? Few hours a week.
• What is your schedule like, what hours do you most often play Week Nights, some weekends
• Why do you think you will be a good fit for the Dogs of the State? I can follow rules, and think I can contribute to the large builds
• (Optional) If you have any history of Military service, what branch were/are you a part of, what was/is your rank, and where were/are you stationed? Army - Sgt. - Fort Jackson, South Carolina

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.31] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:17 pm
by FlowerChild
Logan074 wrote:Mark, expect to be broken down, but it will be from this state of being that your instructors will build you and mold you into the better man. Good luck in this wonderful endeavor you are about to under take.
As per the forum rules, please refrain from discussing politics. Statements about the pros or cons of military service are inherently political in nature.

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.31] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:00 pm
by boomerdude
• Have you READ everything before this?
• How long have you spent looking around The Kingdom?
took the tour and explored everything inside the walls and a little bit outside(sadly I did not time it maybe 15-30 minutes)
• Where are you from (Example - Iowa or United Kingdom)?
South Carolina
• How old are you?
• If you are not 18 or older, who is your Sponsor?
• What gender do you wish to be know by?
funny question... male hence "dude"
• What is your Minecraft Username?
• What other games do you play on a semi-regular basis?
halo, cod, love me some skyrim, and occasionally pokemon
• What role do you enjoy taking the most in Minecraft (Eg: Farmer, Builder, Explorer, Digger)?
all of the above, can't just pick one but I will say I hate digging but mining is ok
• If you are added, how often do you intend to be on?
at least 3 times a week, i'm on a college schedule of when don't I have homework
• What is your schedule like, what hours do you most often play?
most likely at night (Eastern time) on on weekends
• Why do you think you will be a good fit for the Dogs of the State?
Better than wolves server with 18+ year olds that don't want to fight? It sounds like heaven.

Re: DOGS OF THE STATE: KINGDOMS[4.31] [Mature] [Military Min

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:09 am
by Incomitatum

Thank you for your application. I look forward to meeting you online soon. If possible shoot me a PM when you are on next. This week is pretty hectic for me, but I hope I can make the time.