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Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:51 am
by FaceFoiled
And the first 4 are up! I'll be rendering and uploading new eps throughout the day :D

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 3:10 pm
by magikeh
Day 4 up and on the youtubes!
Day 4: Sticky Hill

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:12 pm
by PatriotBob
Episode 3 is up! (and maybe still processing) Hopefully I've gotten the rough parts out of these... maybe :/
Let's Play Playlist

I'll be probably record the next batch sometime Friday night. :)

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:58 am
by JoshGayou

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:17 am
by Thalarctia
Episode 2 of Survival of the Fattest is up! Catch it here, or on the yout00bz!

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 6:41 pm
by magikeh
Updates: Just lost around 2 hours of footage, it is currently stuck in a state where i cannot edit it and youtube does not have the codecs to take a peek at it. So in light of that i will be recording shorter episodes from now on ;) And as a friendly reminder to the folks out there, just because you have the space to record it, does not mean you have the space to edit it! If anyone wishes, i'm sure i can create a written account of what happened. Otherwise i think ill continue on as if nothing happened! :D

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:06 pm
by PatriotBob
magikeh wrote:Updates: Just lost around 2 hours of footage, it is currently stuck in a state where i cannot edit it and youtube does not have the codecs to take a peek at it. So in light of that i will be recording shorter episodes from now on ;) And as a friendly reminder to the folks out there, just because you have the space to record it, does not mean you have the space to edit it! If anyone wishes, i'm sure i can create a written account of what happened. Otherwise i think ill continue on as if nothing happened! :D
Welp time to pick up a drive measured in TB magikeh :)

Sorry to hear about the data loss though. I know how that sucks.

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:02 pm
by magikeh
PatriotBob wrote:Welp time to pick up a drive measured in TB magikeh :)

Sorry to hear about the data loss though. I know how that sucks.
:P Thats the thing, i have ~600 gb to manage, just its split up across 3 drives.. that and the file is 403Gb... xD

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:06 pm
by PatriotBob
Yeah I ran into that problem too, I decided to encode the capture live before writing to disk. Raw is nice and all, but for the purpose of youtube, I can live with a high quality 1080p encoded video that's only a few GB for ~20 min. rather than 100's of GB.

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:56 pm
by magikeh
PatriotBob wrote:Yeah I ran into that problem too, I decided to encode the capture live before writing to disk. Raw is nice and all, but for the purpose of youtube, I can live with a high quality 1080p encoded video that's only a few GB for ~20 min. rather than 100's of GB.

And thats where my lappy draws the line, its either the high res or low file size.(GPU + CPU cannot handle all that processing at once) And quite frankly im up to dealing with the long load times in the video editors, as i enjoy releasing higher rez videos to the public ;)

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:44 am
by PatriotBob
I can argue with the desire to want to keep high resolution video. I have had the luxury of just updating my desktop so I kinda just moved from not enough CPU to even play games at times, to having more than I know what to do with. Multi-threaded video encoding is about the only thing that can bury it at the moment.

So yeah. Smaller videos I've been trying to keep my recording clips around an hour just to keep the original file manageable.

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:39 am
by JoshGayou

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:56 pm
by Tekei
Recorded and uploaded another bunch of videos today. 4 episodes totalling about an hour.
Playlist link

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:04 am
by FaceFoiled
And another 2 episodes. :) Can't wait to record more again, hopefully tonight. :D

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 2:39 pm
by magikeh
Ok so ive managed to mtake some screenies from the 'lost footage' and create this little narrative for those that are interested in what might have been missed:
Whazzat? Yeah there are some spoilers!
There i was at the plateau, digging a stairway to the depths of the earth. Wondering what goodies I might come upon. Digging downwards I found only a lot of rock and a few peices of coal. When my last pick ran out i walked up the staircse that I had been working on. When i looked outside it was dark, and many bad mobs littered the land, seeing another zombie with an iron shovel. I made plans to steal the shovel from the zombie, I created a bow and collected the few arrows that i had gathered. When I was armed and ready i went out, I made my way down to the last known position of the zombie. But alas he had gone, when I felt it nessissary to move back to base i encountered a few creepers, when I neared the plateau and rounded a corner there he was
I ran back to the plateu and scrambled up the entrance, blocking all access off the zombie glared at me. I started swinging just as the sun came up. When the beating was done I went down to collect my prize. Getting bored of all the mining I moved on, it was daylight and my foodsupply was growing smaller. I decided that it would be wise for me to go out hunting for a more sustainable food source. I knew that if i wanted to have a good source of food (mainly meat) then i would need to have some sort of crop to feed the livestock with. I remembered about the pumpkin seeds that I found the other day, while adventuring over the hill, that would have to do. I could farm chickens and live a somewhat comfortable life as I tried to establish myself. Grabbing a few seeds and moving away from saftey I scouted the land for chickens, all over the land there were webs, but no chickens. I reached a tiaga biome at one point and there were sheep for days,
so I went around and collected my fill. Loosing sunlight and hope I started back for home, then I came across a chicken! Holding seeds in my hand I slowly enticed the chicken back to the plateau, digging the chicken a little hole so it could live out its life in peace, without wandering too far. I fed the chicken a seed and watched on as it clucked with glee. The night was upon me as i worked my way up the face of my hill. Once safe inside my plateau i started the mutton cooking and got to work organizing my loot from the previous few days. It did not take long as there was not too many explorations that took place. Looking at my chest i realized that if i wanted to plant the pumpkin seeds i would need more iron. Mining was to be done, rather than going back down the staircase I decided that it would be faster to find an above ground cave and search the walls for the iron that i needed. Preparing with lots of tools, weapons and light i ventured off to the side of my hill and started down a cave.
There were many dangerous guys in the cave, being smart i blocked off the entrance and drew each of them, one at a time to the entrance where they met their death. Once the cave was clear of baddies, I moved along with torches lighting up the dark areas making sure to take careful note of which resources were where. Once there was a branch that was cleared of all resouces I took down my torches and blocked off the entrances to said branch. Once moving downward I realized that this cave was not infact a small one, but a network of caves and giant caverns.
Rather than moving back to base with my resources I decided to spend the night in the mine, digging away what resources it had to offer. Once day came and my pack was satisfyingly full I walked back up to the plateau, throwing the iron that i had into the stove and storing the rest in the chests that i had. There i was, holding my first iron implement, a hoe.
Of all the things to make it was the most satisfying thing that i could have done Moving quickly i ran down to the waters edge and started the works of a basic pumpkin farm. Creating the plots in such a pattern that each stalk had space around it to sprout its fruits.
As night fell I realized that there was not much more to do on the surface, so after reequiping I went back down to the caves and resumed getting resources. Feeling like I had cleared the mouth of the cave well enough I started to venture deeper into the depths of the cave, thats where I was ambushed by a spider and creeper. I was able to beat both off, then more creeers came along, I realized that i could let them do the work for me so i let them scar the land, and i went and picked up what was left after the explosion. When i decided that i went far enough I started to move back to the surface, when i rounded a corner a skelly got a shot into me,
I charged him with a half broken axe in hand. By the time i had gotten to him and i was already at half health, swinging furously with the axe when it shattered, i moved on to using my pick, but by that time I was in a crippled state. One more shot and i was done for, watching through my slowly red-ing vision i watched the skelly laugh with a bony cackle.
When the black receded and i awoke again, I realized it was night and there were mobs around me, working quickly I ran to a tree and started punching for my life, hearing a skelly i looked up and to my horror i saw not one but two spider jockies.
Grabbing the wood that was scattered around the ground i dug a hole and started to get some basic stone tools until i heard the burning of mobs. Digging my way out of the hole I was promptly greeted by a couple spiders, hitting them in the belly with an axe i fought my way out of the hole. When my eyes adjusted to the light i started to run up to the mobs and murder them, moving swiftly i approached the wild cattle and disposed of them within two hits.
Quickly gathering wood and food i set out for a cave, knowing that a compass was the only key home. When the night fell i stumbled into a short cave,
blocking off both sides i started on cooking what meat i had, and dug out more stone for tools. Once again I was in the dark, with a little food and only the cloths on my back (even if you could call them clothes) When I saw the sun was rising I started preparing for the next day, making a surplus of tools. I left a few basic supplies in the cave, just incase I ever come across that place again but I know one thing. If i am to make it back home, I will need to survive.

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 3:32 pm
by JoshGayou

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:42 am
by FaceFoiled
Finally made a cauldron!! :D
And with the following 2 episodes, that's now over half a day played. :P I know the episodes are rather lengthy (all an hour long), but time just goes way to fast to cut the recording every 30 minutes :P

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 10:25 am
by magikeh
Episode six is up and on the interwebs, enjoy! ^_^
Episode 6: Restarts

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:38 am
by JoshGayou

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 3:53 am
by Thalarctia
Have some more Survival of the Fattest:

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:44 am
by magikeh
Episode 7, the lucky number some say ;)
Episode 7: New Hidey Hole

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 4:21 am
by Noodlerex
Hmmmm, I haven't played Minecraft in the last six months, and haven't played BTW in that time either obviously so I'll be going in completely blind. I guess I'll give it a shot if I can get fraps working, would be nice to actually upload something on my youtube channel.

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:21 am
by magikeh
Boooop! Another episode for the masses! :D Enjoy!
Episode 8: Gettin Rollin Again (Spoilerss)

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:18 pm
by FaceFoiled
What is this? more episodes!!! \o/ Another 3 uploading as well. =) Closing in on the 24 hours of playtime!!

Re: Request for 4.65 Let's Play action

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:46 am
by magikeh
BOOOOP! Episode 9 is on the interwebs, get it while its still hot! :D
Episode 9: Goodies :D