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Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:42 pm
by tyr116
andreinawolf wrote:
tyr116 wrote:I'd like to re-request a whitelist. Hope to get in this time :P -tyr116
Whitelisted! I remember seeing your first post. Maaaan! I feel like I did kick it in the corner :(
Is ok! As long as you atleast read it, it's alright, don't take it hard! I'm just glad you replyed at all :)

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:21 pm
by Xritus
Server Application

IGN: CookieWarrior
Country: Germany
Age: 15

I would like to join your server, because I've never ever really played singleplayer, most of the time multiplayer with friends or on other servers on my own.
And now I am searching for a good Better Than Wolves server were I could meet some nice players and could have fun with :)
I would also rate myself as an very mature person, so I would not be a troll or griefer. Just would like to enjoy Minecraft.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:23 pm
by andreinawolf
Changed the /chatcolor command so that it can show you the actual colors in chat to help you decide. See the OP for details.

Also! Big news! The view distance has been increased from 8 to 10! Wooo! You can see a bit farther now :) This is actually the default, but it was likely changed to 8 when the server was hitting bad times ages back.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:33 pm
by andreinawolf
FYI: Updated the OP with a slightly expanded list of steps for getting whitelisted.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:40 pm
by andreinawolf
Xritus wrote:IGN: CookieWarrior
Hey! Nice post and I have no problem whitelisting you. However, I just changed the "Getting Whitelisted" section to make sure of something very important. You've obviously covered most of the bases and I'm sure you'll quickly realize what the last piece is! :)

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:41 am
by menerell
My IGN is menerell... I'd like to join the serve because I really love to build HUGE steel factories, but I don't have anybody to trade with. A real pity, gentlemen, my steel is high quality.
Besides... I feel lonely in the SSP. I'm no troll, I swear.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:08 pm
by Eramus_the_5th
Reason for wanting to join: I am fairly new to BTW, so I will most likely learn faster with other people. Well, that, and I get really bored in SSP after a while.

Edit:Yes, I have read the rules, as well as the rest of the entire thread. I have no idea how I forgot to put this in.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:51 pm
by Xritus
So here is my new application, so you can see it better :)

Server Application

IGN: CookieWarrior
Country: Germany
Age: 15

I would like to join your server, because I've never ever really played singleplayer, most of the time multiplayer with friends or on other servers on my own.
And now I am searching for a good Better Than Wolves server were I could meet some nice players and could have fun with :)
I would also rate myself as an very mature person, so I would not be a troll or griefer. Just would like to enjoy Minecraft.

I have read and accept the server and forum rules :)

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 1:18 pm
by andreinawolf
Xritus wrote:IGN: CookieWarrior
Whitelisted! See you soon :)

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 9:40 pm
by bobotea
Hi, Requesting whitelist! :D

Relativity new to BTW mod but have been playing minecraft since alpha now, i would like to join your server as it seems to promote a good creative and social community. The rules outlined in the OP sound conducive to promoting a fun environment. I am wanting to learn more about BTW and play with others!

IGN: bobotea

A little about me: I am a Canadian university student currently enrolled at a Western Canadian University in computer sciences. Age = 20

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 9:59 pm
by andreinawolf
bobotea wrote:Hi, Requesting whitelist! :D

IGN: bobotea
Whitelisted! See you soon! (Which is silly to say because you're logged in right now)

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:21 pm
by grindy

Why I want to join? It's Better Than Solo!
Since the last server i played on was shut down, i'm searching for a descent friendly server. As I'm very confortable with the rules and the community seems to be quite active, I'd like to give it a try.

P.S.: I've read the rules :)

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:48 pm
by morango709
IGN: morango709

I have been looking for a friendly SMP server for a while, I can't play without BTW so this server seems perfect. I have read the rules and I will follow them. Thanks!

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:05 pm
by andreinawolf
Made some updates to the OP!

Changed the first rule to be a bit shorter:
Be friendly! You don't have to be an angel but don't harass or insult other players in a way that would cause them emotional harm.
Added a new rule:
Be constructive! Most people spend quite a bit of time setting up their base and its various contraptions. Being told that it's ugly, inefficient or could be made better by another person doesn't foster a friendly environment. Stay constructive and first find out if the person wants help!
Added the underlined part to the next rule:
Respect other people's bases! If you encounter a base in your travels, give it the respect that you would want others to give yours. Do not loot from their chests, do not make modifications to their base, and avoid spending too much time inside of it.
Added to the "Getting on the Whitelist" section:
This server is for players who have at least moderate experience with BTW. If you're new to the mod or not very experienced yet with BTW, please play a bit more in single player :) However, if you have an already whitelisted friend who will be guiding your adventure into the magics of BTW, have them contact me!

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:21 pm
by andreinawolf
grindy wrote:IGN:realozzi
Whitelisted! What was the server you used to play on btw?

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:21 pm
by andreinawolf
morango709 wrote:IGN: morango709
Whitelisted! See you soon!

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:29 am
by kardoen
I would like to get on the whithelist.
IGN is MrKardoen

My friend Aradanwen is already on the server
and he wanted me to join you.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:56 am
by andreinawolf
kardoen wrote:I would like to get on the whithelist.
IGN is MrKardoen

My friend Aradanwen is already on the server
and he wanted me to join you.
Cool! Have you read all the rules?

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:50 pm
by kardoen
Yes I have.
I think my problem is gonna be, No temporary structures, since i'm good at making them.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:53 pm
by andreinawolf
kardoen wrote:Yes I have.
I think my problem is gonna be, No temporary structures, since i'm good at making them.
That rule only applies to building at spawn, so otherwise you're fine :)

Whitelisted! See you soon!

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:10 pm
by Mac
Jaust wanted to say say sorry for not having been able to come and play on the server.
With all that hubbub going on atm my mood and motivation was a bit down.
Will see if i can make it this weekend.

Also thanks for accepting my request for whitelisting.

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:30 pm
by andreinawolf
Mac wrote:Jaust wanted to say say sorry for not having been able to come and play on the server.
No worries Mac! Hope to see you on this weekend then :)

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:21 pm
by opus192
Hello there,

My name is opus192 (IG :D), and I would like to apply for the Better Than Solo BTW server.
I have a couple of friends playing on this server, and I'd really appreciate it if I could get whitelisted.
My main goal is to get experience with Better Than Wolves, as I haven't played it that much.
Being able to do this would with friends would make it even more fun than it already is!
As said, I have read the rules. Because why wouldn't I?

I thank you for taking the time to read this.


Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 5:49 pm
by andreinawolf
opus192 wrote:My main goal is to get experience with Better Than Wolves, as I haven't played it that much.
Hey Opus192!
I added the following section to the "Getting on the Whitelist" recently so you may not have seen it yet:
This server is for players who have at least moderate experience with BTW. If you're new to the mod or not very experienced yet with BTW, please play a bit more in single player :) However, if you have an already whitelisted friend who will be guiding your adventure into the magics of BTW, have them contact me!
If your friends are going to be your guide, please have one of them contact me or post here. Thanks!

Re: Better Than Solo - Friendly - Whitelist Reopened! [BTW 4

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:39 am
by andreinawolf
Updated to 4.42!

I didn't take out my temporary fixes for fireworks and item dispensers yet though. I will remove those fixes later tonight. Until then you will not be able to make fireworks.