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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Noob(ish) observations

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:44 pm
by FlowerChild
Sarudak wrote:Wow! That's gonna be tough for those of us without any old worlds. Automating steel production I can do. But I don't have even remotely that much iron...
This is meant to be at the end of the current tech-tree man, like most of the new content I release.

You've still got a week and a half to build up though. You might want to invest in mining charges to get the iron mining done.

AND...because I'm such a nice guy and will avoid driving people nuts with potential're looking at around half a stack of steel *blocks* to get started on the new stuff...

If you have an automated facility, this shouldn't be too much of an issue. If you don't: forget about it.

Re: Dwarf Fortress: Noob(ish) observations

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:49 pm
by TheAnarchitect
For those of us who are slow, this means we get to watch and learn from other people's mistakes.

Re: Dwarf Fortress: Noob(ish) observations

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:53 pm
by rhacer
TheAnarchitect wrote:For those of us who are slow, this means we get to watch and learn from other people's mistakes.
This was exactly my thought. I'm just learning the whole automation thing, starting to tinker with getting soul urn production automated, but that's several disparate systems at the moment. Eventually I will have built enough and torn enough apart to have a pretty good handle on making things work, but that's one of the prices I pay for, in the words of my two year-old, I DO IT MYSELF. I occasionally need input or straightening out on things, but I try and avoid all "howtos."

Re: Dwarf Fortress: Noob(ish) observations

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:07 pm
by Sarudak
FlowerChild wrote: This is meant to be at the end of the current tech-tree man, like most of the new content I release.

You've still got a week and a half to build up though. You might want to invest in mining charges to get the iron mining done.

AND...because I'm such a nice guy and will avoid driving people nuts with potential're looking at around half a stack of steel *blocks* to get started on the new stuff...

If you have an automated facility, this shouldn't be too much of an issue. If you don't: forget about it.
Fair enough. Sorry if it sounded like a complaint it wasn't really meant as such. Just a commentary.

A half stack of blocks I can do if I build a good automated factory. But if that's only getting started I better get to work prospecting to find another iron mine(I use BOD). :)

Re: Dwarf Fortress: Noob(ish) observations

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:09 pm
by FlowerChild
Sarudak wrote:But if that's only getting started I better get to work prospecting to find another iron mine(I use BOD). :)
I wouldn't. If you can produce a half-stack, you're prepared.

Re: Dwarf Fortress: Noob(ish) observations

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:26 pm
by kregoth
Grr this also means I should really sit down and finish playing my new world, I been putting off playing survival because the jungle biomes fucked up my old world. Bah now I have to alleviation this particular issue :P

Also on an unrelated note, My birthday is the 14th so thanks for the early birthday present? I'll curse you later for making me realize I should have been playing BTW and not Dwarf Fortress, and recently A Valley Without Wind. :)

Re: Dwarf Fortress: Noob(ish) observations

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:27 pm
by DreamsofFury
Auto urn maker, just gotta load the BD....Auto Kiln, once again need to load the BD manually though, auto "soulifier" and once AGAIN need to manually load the BD and those drop right into a crucible I have already loaded with stacks of iron and crushed coal...

I have 2 double chests full of ground netherack, 4 double chests full of iron and about 13 double chests of coal......

Think I should go out and get clay now?

Re: Dwarf Fortress: Noob(ish) observations

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:29 pm
by MoRmEnGiL
Hm, I have a full stack of steel blocks, plus 2 more stacks of ingots, and around 3-4 sets of tools (of all kinds) in recycle rotation plus a full suit of armour.. I think I might be good for a little while, but I still feel under-prepared.

Funny thing is, I do not have an automated steel production facility. But then again most of this steel came from before soul urns were implemented..

Well, this means that I'm in no immediate rush to build one, I can take my time and make it up to my standards. :]

Re: Dwarf Fortress: Noob(ish) observations

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:31 pm
by DaveYanakov
This is actually even better timing that I previously thought. Just found out today that Guild Wars 2 is going to be available for pre-purchase on the 10th so having this to occupy my time will help me in not spending money for the rest of the month. Totally sweet.

Re: Dwarf Fortress: Noob(ish) observations

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:32 pm
by FlowerChild
MoRmEnGiL wrote:Hm, I have a full stack of steel blocks, plus 2 more stacks of ingots, and around 3-4 sets of tools (of all kinds) in recycle rotation plus a full suit of armour.. I think I might be good for a little while, but I still feel under-prepared.
<scribbles on a piece of note paper>

Correction: The April 10th release will require 3 stacks of steel blocks! Mouhahaha!


Re: Dwarf Fortress: Noob(ish) observations

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:36 pm
by DaveYanakov
FlowerChild wrote: <scribbles on a piece of note paper>

Correction: The April 10th release will require 3 stacks of steel blocks! Mouhahaha!

We still use asterisks to indicate that we're joking, right?

Re: Dwarf Fortress: Noob(ish) observations

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:50 pm
by 001010
FlowerChild wrote:AND...because I'm such a nice guy and will avoid driving people nuts with potential're looking at around half a stack of steel *blocks* to get started on the new stuff...

If you have an automated facility, this shouldn't be too much of an issue. If you don't: forget about it.
Yeah, I have some work to do...

Re: Dwarf Fortress: Noob(ish) observations

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:51 pm
by Stormweaver

I was going to put off starting a new world (and actually playing BTW, since having an active BTW world makes me sad in SMP) till the tenth so I could get Endgame started, but now I'm thinking that I might have to start a new world beforehand so I can experience the new content, grab any relevant information which could contradict my current fannon, and then start a new world from scratch for endgame.

Bugger. I need more free time in my life >.>

Re: Dwarf Fortress: Noob(ish) observations

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 7:09 am
by MoRmEnGiL
FlowerChild wrote: <scribbles on a piece of note paper>

Correction: The April 10th release will require 3 stacks of steel blocks! Mouhahaha!


Re: Dwarf Fortress: Noob(ish) observations

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 1:56 pm
by diegokilla
I don't even have words except to say that I love DF. ( It is what originally stole me away from BTW :P )

Re: Dwarf Fortress: Noob(ish) observations

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:20 pm
by kregoth
diegokilla wrote:I don't even have words except to say that I love DF. ( It is what originally stole me away from BTW :P )
Ha that's a great werebeast for sure. Right now in the succession game we have a forgotten beast made of clear glass and spits poison, By it description it sounds like a *cough* smoking apparatus *cough*

Re: Dwarf Fortress: Noob(ish) observations

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:20 pm
by FlowerChild
DaveYanakov wrote: We still use asterisks to indicate that we're joking, right?
Just be happy I decided to say I was joking at all. Normally I don't, but in this case I thought folks misinterpreting me would be far too punishing :)

Re: Dwarf Fortress: Noob(ish) observations

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:36 pm
by DaveYanakov
Curse the inability of plain text to convey sarcasm! Confusion leads to excellent discussions at least 20% of the time.

On topic, I've picked this up and will be giving it a shot for awhile since it doesn't heat up my video card.