Unofficial Suggestions List

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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by the_fodder »

redrew89 wrote:
empath wrote:I think to stop the annoying pot references, it might be a good idea to change hemp to flax:

It's used for fiber and cloth, and also is useful for making oil.

I don't think that would be necessary, historically, hemp was used for centuries as rope and fabric, especially in the western parts of the world, where climate made flax impractical. Besides, my suggestion was strictly for entertainment-value, I don't see how it could be considered "annoying", but I guess I just differ on that matter. :P

I agree that it should stay as hemp. I do think that if FC changes the harvested icon a little we would get less '420 LOL' comments as I think its the visual leaf that the knuckle-draggers are picking up on not the name.
It's FC mod, he just lets us play it.
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by finite8 »

Battosay wrote:
walker_boh_65 wrote:If you want to do it the complicated way then i guess you could....
I've never loved the easy way :)
The complicated way is the best thing about Minecraft. There's no room for Player innovation and improvement if you are handed a block that picks up a wheat block, spits out loose wheat out the other end, and hoes and plants the seed via a redstone signal. I mean, where is the fun in that?

It's fun figuring out the balance between Form and Function.

Although, i do wish Wheat grew to 2 blocks high.
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by finite8 »

Hippie125 wrote:I thing this is a good idea.
Horizontal Platforms
Simply platforms with horizontal ropes and rails that the platforms ride on.
For this you would need a few thing a tweaks
1. If a redstone current is applied anchors will disengage from current platform
2. Platforms will fall if unsupported, thus the need for rails
3. Pulleys can be orientated anyway but up, for obvious reasons
Some rules
1. If two pulleys are pulling at the same time against each other, both pulley will break (V1)
2. If two pulleys are pulling at the same time against each other, the platform will disintegrate
3. If a horizontal setup is going to be pulled up then a vertical rail piece will be needed for a guide
P A R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Pulley

P, Platform
A, Anchor
R, Rope
-, Rails
|, Vertical rail piece
It is an interesting idea however, i don't think it is likely to happen. This requires some kind of Ragdoll/Rope Physics which is simply not a part of Minecraft or BTW. FC has already stated that a piston pushing a pulley with a rope attached to a platform is not going to work, so i think having Platforms work in 3 Dimensions is a no-go zone.
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by cheechako »

Hemp is an incredibly useful plant in the real world. While the term can refer to all varieties of Cannabis, it is more commonly used to describe the "industrial" low-THC subspecies. One of the many benefits of hemp is that it grows like a weed, which might be where the slang for marijuana came from. Industrial hemp is naturally low in THC. Marijuana is the stuff that has been engineered for a different level of THC. Industrial hemp is illegal to grow in the USA - the laws apply to all Cannabis - yet the USA is one of the leading importers of industrial hemp.

If people don't get that (and so many don't - not just regarding this mod), it is a shame. That is no reason to change anything in this mod regarding hemp. Maybe people will even learn something.

Of course, I've seen a lot of misinformation about hemp and marijuana in the discussions, so it is hard to say. And as far as the BTW definition of hemp: it is only the low-THC industrial variety. So remember, kids, just say NO to smoking rope.
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by Gdnite »

Now this would have to be balanced correctly but, what about a rudimentary drill. The drill could dig like a 4x4 mineshaft/ minecart tunnel or what ever. it would be powered via water wheel wind mill, or a combination. But make it so it can only dig cobble, dirt, gravel, sand soft stuff. And if it hits iron or rare ores it breaks or stops. I know that FC doesn't want to add anything to the game that is OP, but in the future "ages" the requires materials will most likely be harder and harder to get, and if you think about it the wind mill made farming better, hemp can make rope, why not make something that helps mining?
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by mikello324 »

Title: Powered Furnace
Use: Basically, If you give mechanical power to an ordinary furnace, it will empty it's finished contents into a chest below it if you have placed a chest there (so giving a furnace mechanical power makes it do the exact same thing as giving a hopper mechanical power, empty contents into a chest below it). This feature combined with feeding resouces to be cooked into the furnace from a hopper (another feature that I think is in there already, but if it isn't, it should be added) will let you have a funace that has a large space to put resouces into and a large space to recieve resources from. So you can fill the hopper with ores and sand, fill the furnace with nethercoal, and come back much later to a chest full of ingots and glass.

Title: Millstones turn cobblestone into gravel and sandstone into sand.
Use: Currently, putting cobblestone/sandstone into a millstone does nothing, and those two items are as useless as dirt (except for cobble, which has some uses, but you end up with just so much cobble). This feature would allow you to turn those two useless materials into useful materials (because gravel can be turned into flint/cement and sand can be turned into glass).

Title: Put light blocks later in the tech tree
Use: it just seems to me that a light block is basically a lightbulb, and lightbulbs seem way to advanced for the dung and hemp based technology that BTW is at right now.
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by Vonstapler »

So, I've been messing around with btw for a little bit, and I've come up with three ideas that (I think) are genuinely good. The first would be a threshing machine that allows you to turn wheat into 2-3 seeds (could also work with hemp, though it would make less sense due to the fact that fiber rarely contains seeds). This would quickly allow you to grow your farm without having to muck around with breaking grass. The second idea would be to implement a catapult powered by a mechanical power source. It could be used as a mob trap (fling a creeper off a cliff and into an ocean of lava), or as a means of rapid, albeit rather dangerous, travel. My final idea involves hooking up multiple waterwheels/ windmills to the same gear block, thus allowing whatever device they are hooked to work faster. This effect would have to show decreasing gains in order to avoid being too easy, but I think it could really add to the overall usefulness of the mod.
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by finite8 »

mikello324 wrote:Title: Powered Furnace
Use: Basically, If you give mechanical power to an ordinary furnace, it will empty it's finished contents into a chest below it if you have placed a chest there (so giving a furnace mechanical power makes it do the exact same thing as giving a hopper mechanical power, empty contents into a chest below it). This feature combined with feeding resouces to be cooked into the furnace from a hopper (another feature that I think is in there already, but if it isn't, it should be added) will let you have a funace that has a large space to put resouces into and a large space to recieve resources from. So you can fill the hopper with ores and sand, fill the furnace with nethercoal, and come back much later to a chest full of ingots and glass.
Use a block dispenser to pick it up. That will empty its contents. As far as filling it up... that would get confusing. i.e. If trying to inject Wood into it, how will it know if it is being added as Fuel or the item to smelt?

Other than that... it is a pretty good idea.

mikello324 wrote: Title: Millstones turn cobblestone into gravel and sandstone into sand.
Use: Currently, putting cobblestone/sandstone into a millstone does nothing, and those two items are as useless as dirt (except for cobble, which has some uses, but you end up with just so much cobble). This feature would allow you to turn those two useless materials into useful materials (because gravel can be turned into flint/cement and sand can be turned into glass).
I'm not a fan of it, but other people may like it.

mikello324 wrote: Title: Put light blocks later in the tech tree
Use: it just seems to me that a light block is basically a lightbulb, and lightbulbs seem way to advanced for the dung and hemp based technology that BTW is at right now.
You need glowstone dust in order to make this. You need to make a dangerous journey into the nether in order to obtain it. Personally, i think it is fine where it is. I don't think it is any more advanced than the detector or the block dispenser.
Flowerchild (IRC) wrote:I'm not trying to stop you BTW ..., I'm saying that I think you're a piece of shit...not the same thing
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by finite8 »

Vonstapler wrote:So, I've been messing around with btw for a little bit, and I've come up with three ideas that (I think) are genuinely good. The first would be a threshing machine that allows you to turn wheat into 2-3 seeds (could also work with hemp, though it would make less sense due to the fact that fiber rarely contains seeds). This would quickly allow you to grow your farm without having to muck around with breaking grass. The second idea would be to implement a catapult powered by a mechanical power source. It could be used as a mob trap (fling a creeper off a cliff and into an ocean of lava), or as a means of rapid, albeit rather dangerous, travel. My final idea involves hooking up multiple waterwheels/ windmills to the same gear block, thus allowing whatever device they are hooked to work faster. This effect would have to show decreasing gains in order to avoid being too easy, but I think it could really add to the overall usefulness of the mod.
Okay, breaking your ideas up into their individual ones:

Threshing Machine
Seems pointless to me. Wheat is damn easy to get and seeds more so. The difficulty in setting up your Hemp farm is kind of the fun as well. Effort x Results = Warm Fuzzy Feeling. 0-Effort X Results = Boring very quickly.

I think we need to see where FC is going to go with the Mod first and again, just having a solution handed to you isn't as much fun. Building a Catapult out of two pistons and well timed redstone to fling something into the air and launch it is kind of what Minecraft is all about.

Quantitive Mechanical Energy
I think this sounds really hard to implement, potentially breaking the excellent balance BTW has already established. While i can see its uses, i would be concerned with the added complexity involved.
Flowerchild (IRC) wrote:I'm not trying to stop you BTW ..., I'm saying that I think you're a piece of shit...not the same thing
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by RegularX »

RegularX wrote:I think my only suggestion so far (and apologies if already posted around) is to allow dung production from other animals like pigs and cows. I get the joke, but some seeds are just less wolf friendly than others.
Bumping as I saw it pop up on the Turtles forum, but can't post there.

One argument against was that it would make it too common. But, it's dung. Which is nearly the definition of common. Plus, in a wolf rare biome, it might be easier to hit a dungeon and find rare ores than hunting down a wolf, making dung more rare than ores? In my last world, I have diamonds, gold and obsidian ... but no dung.

Second was that it would override too many animals. Don't know, haven't tried at any code ... but overriding three instead of one is suddenly too complicated? Is it because wolves are the only ones the game tracks differently?
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by James_Past »

Hippie125 wrote:I thing this is a good idea.
Horizontal Platforms
Simply platforms with horizontal ropes and rails that the platforms ride on.
For this you would need a few thing a tweaks
1. If a redstone current is applied anchors will disengage from current platform
2. Platforms will fall if unsupported, thus the need for rails
3. Pulleys can be orientated anyway but up, for obvious reasons
Some rules
1. If two pulleys are pulling at the same time against each other, both pulley will break (V1)
2. If two pulleys are pulling at the same time against each other, the platform will disintegrate
3. If a horizontal setup is going to be pulled up then a vertical rail piece will be needed for a guide
P A R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Pulley

P, Platform
A, Anchor
R, Rope
-, Rails
|, Vertical rail piece

I had a similar idea but instead of using rails have the platforms be connected to a boat and the ropes would still function but would be invisible and be replaced with a thicker version of the fishing line just so it doesn't look so weird.

Also what would be neat is when you made the Boat platform you could place a sail on the boat and you now have a raft that goes forward fairly fast, only problem is you can't really turn unless you take down the sail and replace it from a different direction. Prone to slowly stop randomly due to changing wind conditions. Would also work well if storage boats were made but that might over do it.
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by Sky_Som »

My idea is to take the pistons and allow that to be mech powered. I understand that it is redstone powered but it would fit with BTW!
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by Zenofire »

I suppose I didn't lurk long enough to find this forum before posting my own. *applies proper amount of shame*

Anyway, I've always wanted a block/ item that will change its output when redstone is applied.

Title: Redstone Lever
Use: Changes output when a 'On' redstone signal is applied and stays that way until an 'On' redstone signal is applied a second time.
Recipe: ?
Purpose: It is basically a lever that changes 'on' or 'off' when you apply an 'on' redstone signal to it. This would be particularly useful with blocks that require 'visual stimulation' instead of physical (Detector Rails, Detector Block).
Using Detector Blocks connected to hidden Redstone Levers will allow you to control the break and the on/off of the mechanics by simply walking onto the platform. Creating a neat and tidy elevator, button/ lever free.

Connecting a Detector rail to a Redstone lever, that then connects to a T section will allow you to alternate directions each time you pass that track. This could be used for sorting or travel purposes.

There are probably more implications but I am not a very creative person. Feel free to shout at me if this is rubbish.
*Edited for clarification
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by Thieme »

Flower will not add this as he and several others find fiddling with just redstone very enjoyable.

I must say that i like the complexity of redstone as well but most of the time i am to stupid to leave enough room for circuits
and i end up using something you suggested here. It has been done by several mods already look on minecraftforum for either MoreAI's logical gates or integrated redstone.

But if you do want to go ahead and fiddle with redstone look here ... _Flip-Flop
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by AgentPaper »

Someone already put my grappling hook suggestion in here, but I've got a few others:

First, is a sort of Clock hand device. Not anything that produces a redstone current, mind, but instead something more like the windmill, but with only 1 arm instead of 4, and no sail on it. When placed on an axle, the clock hand doesn't move at all, until it receives power, at which point it will move around at a fixed rate of 1/60th of a revolution every 1/10th of a second. (the length of a redstone "tick")

The idea behind this is to allow for the construction of clock towers, without making it too easy to construct or adding a dozen new items. To make a clock, you would simply have to power the hand, and then have a redstone circuit going to the gearbox that shuts it down for most of the time. Then, you have a redstone clock to count out every second or every minute or whatever amount of time, and have it re-engage the clock for a single tick, allowing it to move forwards a controlled amount.

As for crafting, it would probably just require 3 moulding blocks in a line. (Thus making the saw a requirement in it's construction)

My second idea is a very slight increase in functionality to the pulley system. Basically, it would be that if the block under the anchor at the bottom of a lift isn't a platform, then it will lift and lower that single block. This could either be something that the normal system just does, or it could be something that a new version of the anchor does, for example a "sticky" anchor that's crafted with a ball of slime and a normal anchor. For balance's sake, this would probably fall under all the same restrictions that pistons have when moving objects, being unable to move chests or extended pistons and so on.
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by cheechako »

Zenofire wrote:Anyway, I've always wanted a block/ item that will change its output when redstone is applied.
Such a circuit can be built using redstone - check the MC wiki. There are other mods that compact circuits into single blocks, such as MoareAI. AFAIK, FlowerChild has no plans to add compact logic blocks to BTW. He's a fan of doing redstone the vanilla way.
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by darahalian »

This should really be made into a sticky.
FlowerChild wrote:Remain ever vigilant against the groth menace my friends. Early detection is crucial in avoiding a full-blown groth epidemic.
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by KriiEiter »

I've always had a large gripe about there being no vertical efficient means of transporting items. There's always been water to transport items on a downward slope and we have the hopper to ease the collection of said items.

I propose there be some way of automating vertical transport of items.

One way this could be accomplished (which I've seen someone suggest) would be through the use of conveyor belts. I don't really like this idea so much but I see how it could fit with the mechanical powered tech we already have.

The way I think it could be done though would be through the use of water pumps and piping. A water pump would need to be connected to mechanical power to operate. This is easily feasible as there are hand-powered water pumps all over the world and there have been for a looooong time.

Secondly, these water pumps would need to be over a water source that they can draw from (not too hard to do, but a stipulation nonetheless) and be next to or connected to a chest or hopper from which they can draw the items in from. Actually, it may be best if they had to be connected to a hopper since I always picture a small amount of water flowing into the hopper anyways (it makes sense if the items are on a continuous flow instead of being magically drawn from a chest.)

Third, a water pipe can only transport pressure for 3-4 vertical blocks without needing another pump to boost the pressure. This would mean that you need to have several water pumps, all powered by mechanical power, to achieve any great distance in pumping water vertically.

I like how Buildcraft does pipes, but they just seem too easy to obtain and too easy to set up for almost no resource cost. I'm not sure if we would follow anything similar to that if pipes were to be implemented, but I'm definitely against pipes themselves automatically sorting items, sucking up items, or boosting speed transfer of items inside them without any other devices involved.
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by Urian »

KriiEiter wrote:I've always had a large gripe about there being no vertical efficient means of transporting items. There's always been water to transport items on a downward slope and we have the hopper to ease the collection of said items.
Um, pistons? :)

Take a look at this video to see an example what can be done for vertical transportation of items in vanilla Minecraft:
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by sargunv »

Or this one:
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by ToonYoshi »

I dont know if theres already a mod for this. Just tell me if there is.

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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by KriiEiter »

Urian wrote:
KriiEiter wrote:I've always had a large gripe about there being no vertical efficient means of transporting items. There's always been water to transport items on a downward slope and we have the hopper to ease the collection of said items.
Um, pistons? :)

Take a look at this video to see an example what can be done for vertical transportation of items in vanilla Minecraft:

Key word "efficient"

And I don't like how pistons are not mechanically powered...Pistons kind of just bug me in general.
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by AgentPaper »

KriiEiter wrote:Key word "efficient"

And I don't like how pistons are not mechanically powered...Pistons kind of just bug me in general.

"efficient' is a dirty word in modding, though. If you mod in more efficient systems, then that takes out all the fun of players working to make existing systems more efficient!
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by the_fodder »

ToonYoshi wrote:I dont know if theres already a mod for this. Just tell me if there is.

Really? No really? How the hell does this fit into BTW?
It's FC mod, he just lets us play it.
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by empath »

This mod seems to have a lot of good ideas.

Ziplines and rope bridges. How hard do you think it would be to get these two working together? All you'd have to do is change the rope item to use BTWs instead, I think.