Dear architecture and creative geniuses out there. Help.

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Herr Derp
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Dear architecture and creative geniuses out there. Help.

Post by Herr Derp »

Hi there fellas. Admittedly, I haven't been lurking for long and I've been playing BTW on and off for some time now, so I don't know too awful much about the mod or community. However, I do know enough that I want to be a part of it. There's a lot of super duper creative stuff laying around and I love that I have yet to see a single troll or fight, just encouragement. But enough foreplay.

Hello, I'm Herp and I tend to Derp...I mean...You know what I mean. I have New World ADD, I'm never satisfied with my creations, I'm always at a loss as to where to start or what to do. There's just so much. I've always had this problem in Minecraft, but it's gotten worse recently since I've been playing since about late alpha. I think I'm...running out of ideas. Dun dun dun. And it really sucks, especially after seeing all of these amazing builds on here. So, I guess the best thing to do is ask questions and advice...And if anyone has the same problem, jump in.
Typically, when you start a new world, what do you do? Where do you go and know what to build? How do you know you like the place to settle in to?

Does role playing help, or do you just get this vision of a bow bridge between two plating mountains?

Where do you go for inspiration? Real world or not?

Do you get ideas before you build or just kinda stack blocks until it forms something?

Do you have a common theme or just go with the feel of a texture pack?

Do you build structures with purpose or just make something pretty and trow a kiln in it?

How much of what you build is original and what do you take from others?

Do you like one big structure with each room having a reason or building a little fortress or town with each a building? ie, windmill over here, kitchen on that mountain, etc.

How exactly does one use the Golden Ratio? ... lden_Ratio

Materials: What compliments what? When do you use netherrack vs jungle planks? Do you use exotic materials or ones you would find in the area?

Do you have a favorite architect or movement you usually use?

How do you stop yourself from scrapping everything and moving on, when do you know when to stop or just modify something?

How often do you build test models in creative mode and when do you think it's just fun to experiment in survival?

Do you like to build large or small and why?

Is this like asking asking an artist how they draw so well and am I just hopeless?
Okay, for instance, I dug this big circular hole, thinking I could use it for something...About half way through I forgot. I finished digging but then i left for the jungle. I got there, cut a bunch of leaves up, built a really bad dockside house on a lake, destroyed it, cut more leaves on a mountain and figured I'd turn it into Minas Tirith. You know, that mountain city in the third Lord of The Rings?
How silly of me. I looked up at it after about 5 minutes of work and thought "How in the hell can I do this?" and drew a blank. That's where I'm at right now.

I apologize for the long first post and topic but this has been on my mind for some time now. And I'm not even sure if anyone can help. I realize art is art and inspiration comes from nowhere but I'm not sure what to do. I'm sick of seeing everyone using their alpha worlds with gorgeous builds every six blocks and I continue to delete saves because "oh, this is a bad seed. I'll start fresh here." I always start fresh. And end fresh. I can't think of a single build I was ever happy with.

Also, due to my poor internet connection I have only played SMP with 2 other friends who started a server a while ago and due to lives...well none of us have been able to keep up with each other on it. So I stick with SSP. Whoops, keep forgetting this is SSP only. But I clearly have this problem in vanilla as well.

And I ask all this in the BTW forum because I do plan on playing Minecraft with BTW for now on (so I'd like to build my worlds around the mod) and I really like what everyone's done here...Compared to the actual minecraft community. I guess what I'm asking is not to be banned...Please?
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Re: Dear architecture and creative geniuses out there. Help.

Post by Rawny »

Hello and welcome to the forums. They are quite nice. I too suffer from something similar that I had dubed "OCsoD, Obsessive Compulsive Start Over Disorder" and I currently wanting to start over my world even though I have many hours inverted an a small series of videos. I alwy tend to start in or on the side of a mountain when what I always end up wanting is flattish terrain. I can't say why I do the things I do but what I know I need to keep going in a world are goals. The instan I start building without knowing why, I soon after get bored cus I'll end up liking it and avng no use for it, or nothing fits in right. Plans! Print graph paper and draw some stuff. That's my next attempt, a sketchy map then off to find a location.

Shameless plug.
Here I have a series of videos Of my latest buils in my world and an almost complete tutorial on automated soul urns.
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Re: Dear architecture and creative geniuses out there. Help.

Post by BinoAl »

Spoiler'd for being gigantic
Typically, when you start a new world, what do you do? Where do you go and know what to build? How do you know you like the place to settle in to?
I tend to just find the prettiest spot. When I play with HCB enabled, I generally place a high water/lava source to utilize, so I can just look for the spot I find the best looking

Where do you go for inspiration? Real world or not?
Most of my buildings tend to be things that make sense given the context of minecraft, rather than real life. For example, I always put new factories and things in their own building, and attempt to make it look as it should, like a saw mill being mainly enclosed in fence with wooden machinery all around, or a SFS factory looking industrial and dark.

How exactly does one use the Golden Ratio? ... lden_Ratio
That's actually something I looked into a while back. The link you provided is actually where I got most of my knowledge on it, I'd recommend just trying a few basic builds based on what's shown to get a hang of using the dimensions of the golden ratio

Materials: What compliments what? When do you use netherrack vs jungle planks? Do you use exotic materials or ones you would find in the area?
What I use is generally pretty area dependent, at least in the beginning. One of my favorite builds, in terms of materials was a tall, circular house made of jungle wood, with sandstone trim. THe colors complemented each other pretty well, and it looked perfect in a desert

How do you stop yourself from scrapping everything and moving on, when do you know when to stop or just modify something?
A big part of it for me is just setting goals for myself. IE, "I'm going to get this hemp farm automated, so that I can get enough hemp fibers to start mass producing fabric". I used to go through worlds pretty quickly, and it was always when I didnt have a goal in mind that I got bored

How often do you build test models in creative mode and when do you think it's just fun to experiment in survival?
I almost always toy around with new features in creative to get a feel for them, then actually work on using it for automation and other devices in survival

Do you like to build large or small and why?
It's not the size of the build, it's the machinery within ;D
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Re: Dear architecture and creative geniuses out there. Help.

Post by ExpHP »

Welcome to the forums! I'm not exactly the master architect you're looking for, so I can't really answer your questions, but I know I had to make monumental efforts in my latest world in an attempt to overcome my own case of New World ADD. And it's not easy. But I'll try to help how I can.
Reading your story, it sounds to me like you don't really plan well. What's important to understand is that some of the beautiful and big builds you see have immense forethought. Some of the builds may have taken on the order of weeks or months of planning, during which resources were gathered. After this, a comparatively short time was spent building. Even some smaller projects take a lot of planning; you can't expect to enjoy your first house/base.

I have a similar issue, too. I might pick a spot in my base where I want to make something, tunnel about 20 or so blocks into a wall and pop out into a previously explored cave. And since this is unexpected, OCD takes over and I start straightening out walls and turning what I dug into a long, wide tunnel, thinking that "I can use this for something." Then I get discouraged as I come to grips with the fact that, no, I won't ever use it for anything, and I just spent a large amount of time digging a tunnel that leads to a place I never go. I'm still trying to combat this behavior myself.

But even if you still have trouble, what's important is not to be discouraged.
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Re: Dear architecture and creative geniuses out there. Help.

Post by SterlingRed »

Welcome to the community! The issues you have are actually fairly common, all of us struggle with at least one of those things at some point and most of us struggle with more than a few, especially when we first were getting started. You are not alone! Spoilered for length of comments. I am far from an expert, but I have learned what I like to build, what my own personal playstyle and architecture style is.
First lets start with spawn location, I sort of derped around with a few different btw worlds until I finally decided to stop starting over right after jungles were added. I generated over 20 worlds before I found one that had a spawn I liked. My spawn, and hence my base, sits at the intersection of a jungle, forest, desert, and ocean biomes with an extreme hills and some flat plains a stones throw away. This gave me access to basically anything I could want as well as the aesthetic variety in the environment so that almost any building style I choose would look like it would fit in. I've been playing this world exclusively for about 2 months (i think) and I'm still very happy with it.

Creative? I do have a test creative, I have used it occasionally to figure out how to layout something particularly large, or to figure out how to fit a huge redstone mess into a smaller space. But most of my actual designing and planning and figuring out wiring and stuff, I do in my survival world.

"I'm not happy with my build so now what? This actually happens all the time! I spend a decent amount of time building something, look at the finished project and either it looks terrible, or isn't the right size for what I want to put in it, or I'd rather have it in a different location, or etc. Usually the thought of tearing it down right away and starting over is so depressing (I hate redoing stuff), that I just go to another project until I get the inspiration to either fix, or replace my latest building disaster. With btw this works quite well since theres always so much to do, (as long as its not a tech tree critical step), you can easily move onto a different project and do something else for a while. For example, I built my starter home/storage/shelter/crafting building in the first week in my world. I realized I hated it, hated the design, hated the location, everything. But I lacked inspiration to figure out what else to do. So I used it sort of temporarily, and actually just started replacing it today. Two months later. In the meantime, I had plenty of other things to do. About three weeks ago I got bored with the overworld. I still had plenty to work on, I just was lacking inspiration for it. So I moved into the nether and other than making supply runs, lived there for 2 weeks. I loved the new challenge of building in the nether and all the different aesthetics the place had! So basicly my advice is, when you don't like something, don't start over. Do something else until you find the motivation to fix/replace what you previously did.

Building stylesI do build a new building for each major process, usually early on in the game I have a 'test' building everything is crammed into until I have the resources to expand each resource into its own space. Some things share until I get around to designing more buildings (my soul urn bottler, kilns, and pottery machine are all in the same place right now). As far as how things look, I generally have two styles, 'rustic' and 'industrial'. I use both depending on what the building is for. Rustic I often use either wood or stone frames, generally primarily mixing logs, planks, smooth stone, and cobble together. Stairs for roofs of course, and the windows will either be glass panes or grates, depending on whichever I feel looks better. Industrial uses a lot of smooth stone, stone bricks, bricks, cobble/slab roofs, iron bars, glass, any 'harder' material. Usually there won't be any wood at all except for interior floors. I try to vary the building shapes as well, I build round sections as well as build in the diagonal space. It adds a bit of a challenge and adds in that little diversity needed to make each building unique, rather than them being all square. I also recommend looking at some stuff theanarchitect has done, he has a talent for simple, yet amazing aesthetic designs.

I try to be original, but sometimes when I'm stuck I'll look at what someone else has done, and try to adjust it for myself. Every building I add has an intended use. I design the buildings for what will go in them, most often having to move a wall or two because I underestimated the space I needed. (always seems to happen). One last thing, nearly everything I've built, has yet to be finished. I think I've actually only completely finished two or three buildings. All the rest are still works in progress waiting for me to get back to them, or get the resources I need, or figure out how to get item "a" from point "x" to point "y" and how I finish the building depends on the automation of that process. I guess my advice with this point is, its okay if its not finished.
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Re: Dear architecture and creative geniuses out there. Help.

Post by Poppycocks »

Typically, when you start a new world, what do you do? Where do you go and know what to build? How do you know you like the place to settle in to?
I simply select what feels nice, although having a water source high up is a consideration as I play.. in a self-enforced HCB.

Does role playing help, or do you just get this vision of a bow bridge between two plating mountains?
I just build things where I think they make sense - both aesthetic and function wise. To be honest, there is a tiny little bit of roleplay always involved, it's like what you did when you were a kid - the floor is lava. Or something. Doesn't have to be a full blown I-am-a-frikin-elf kinda thing.

Where do you go for inspiration? Real world or not?
Mostly nowhere, things already know their place in the world, I just build them there. You know what I mean if you read Terry Pratchet. (The way he writes about HEX)

Do you get ideas before you build or just kinda stack blocks until it forms something?
A combination of both, I start off with an idea of what I want somewhere, then I build and re-build till it looks good.

Do you have a common theme or just go with the feel of a texture pack?
I prefer texture packs which are fairly neutral - like vanilla, and allow me to build things with different feels to them. Lack of detailing on the TP often helps greatly. The theme tends to - once again - go with the use of said build.

Do you build structures with purpose or just make something pretty and trow a kiln in it?

How much of what you build is original and what do you take from others?
Only very little, it's the reason why I... avoid LP's. Although some great things tend to seep to me trough the internet. The local "show us your builds" thread is a very good example. Even then though, I mostly just get a new feel/theme/idea and then build something of my own.

Do you like one big structure with each room having a reason or building a little fortress or town with each a building? ie, windmill over here, kitchen on that mountain, etc.

How exactly does one use the Golden Ratio? ... lden_Ratio
Used it for a bridge recently. 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21. Makes it look nice.

Materials: What compliments what? When do you use netherrack vs jungle planks? Do you use exotic materials or ones you would find in the area? Depends on the build. Netherrack looks great (if overtly creepy) in a slaughterhouse. Dark planks mix well with smoothstone, netherbricks mix well with stone bricks, bricks look good when the interior is built with white wool or sand - although I still wish there was whitewash in minecraft. Jungle planks look fantastic with paper walls. But honestly, that's all just "eye of the beholder" stuff. See what works for you.

Do you have a favorite architect or movement you usually use?
Many. But that just goes in the assorted "themes" folder.

How do you stop yourself from scrapping everything and moving on, when do you know when to stop or just modify something?It is hard, but always, always keep stuff, or stay on the world at least. No, honestly, I got sick and tired of building my first windmill over and over again. I'm keeping this world no matter what. And some things about it tick me off already, but so far so good. In case of all cases I'll just move bases. It all stems from that stupid feeling that "In this world I am broken and nothing, in my world, I want to be perfect, I want to have IT perfect." But you know what? I never will, that's just life, that's just how it goes. The thing is, you always get lemons, always. It's just up to you t decide whether to despair, make lemonade or combustible lemons.

How often do you build test models in creative mode and when do you think it's just fun to experiment in survival?
As of late? Never. Always do it in survival as that gives the whole process more worth somehow.

Do you like to build large or small and why?
Both, I usually go for small, lots of tiny, nice things that go well together and then a few monuments to vanity. They stand out better when surrounded by lots of smaller stuff.

Is this like asking asking an artist how they draw so well and am I just hopeless?
Yes and no.

Even though most of these won't let you DO things like any of us do it, they might give you an idea of what YOU want to do. And all that's left is to go for it.
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Re: Dear architecture and creative geniuses out there. Help.

Post by Itamarcu »

Super long post incoming...
Herr Derp wrote:Typically, when you start a new world, what do you do? Where do you go and know what to build? How do you know you like the place to settle in to?
Usually, I like to find a place which has mountains, because it is very fun to build into them. I also suggest building in valleys/next to mountains, because you have limited space so you have to consider how every thing you build takes place.

Does role playing help, or do you just get this vision of a bow bridge between two plating mountains?
I don't roleplay, but when I did a few years (wow!) ago it was pretty fun. I suggest not roleplaying but instead purposely adapting a theme or a style, such as building circular rooms, or using lots of buildings connected to each other.

Where do you go for inspiration? Real world or not?
I don't really look for inspiration - I just think about what would look the most cool, or what would fit with the other buildings. I really suggest taking a few blocks of every type of flooring/wall-ing and trying to find a good-looking combo of colors, such as cobble bricks+dark wooden planks.

Do you get ideas before you build or just kinda stack blocks until it forms something?
Usually, I get ideas while building other things, or when I feel like something's missing in the area.

Do you have a common theme or just go with the feel of a texture pack?
Usually, yeah. I like building many buildings, each with his specific purpose, and I really don't care if I don't use some of my builds as long as they add to the atmosphere.

Do you build structures with purpose or just make something pretty and trow a kiln in it?
I almost always build a building (A kiln, for instance) and once it's done I beautify it. When I build something purely for the sake of fun/prettiness I just build and forget, even though I have already found uses for places like that a few times, long after I built them.

How much of what you build is original and what do you take from others?
Umm...I usually build original things, but if I see a design I really like on the internet I won't hesitate to copy it - After all, you can't ban yourself from doing something just because others have done it before you.

Do you like one big structure with each room having a reason or building a little fortress or town with each a building? ie, windmill over here, kitchen on that mountain, etc.
Yeah, the second one.

How exactly does one use the Golden Ratio?
I don't, and I don't see any reason to. IMO it is not very beautiful as the artists think it is. Yeah, it makes for a nice rectangle, but its mathematical properties make these look lame.
If you want to build with it for any reason, just pick two adjacent Fibonacci numbers and use them as length and width, or width and height.

Materials: What compliments what? When do you use netherrack vs jungle planks? Do you use exotic materials or ones you would find in the area?
I like using simple materials (wood, cobblestone bricks, cobblestone, fences). Sometimes, if there is a building I use a lot, I try to switch materials and use more exotic COLORS (not necessarily exotic materials). Here is an example:

Do you have a favorite architect or movement you usually use?
Nope, I just go with what my heart tells me.

How do you stop yourself from scrapping everything and moving on, when do you know when to stop or just modify something?
I never scrap everything. Usually, I just start over in a new place, and do nothing with the old one. When I want to build another thing later, I can use this one as a base, which makes for nice ruin-like buildings.

How often do you build test models in creative mode and when do you think it's just fun to experiment in survival?
I don't like building things in Creative just to see if they're pretty. I only use it for technical tests, such as finding the compact ways to power hibachis, etc.

Do you like to build large or small and why?
I build both, but usually I like to separate them from one another. Having all of the small buildings in one cluster and a few big ones around them (or a big one in the middle of them) is nice.

Is this like asking asking an artist how they draw so well and am I just hopeless?
No, you're fine. I suggest looking at other people's builds a lot, so that you find inspiration or just have a better sense of architecture, so what you do is fine!

Okay, for instance, I dug this big circular hole, thinking I could use it for something...About half way through I forgot. I finished digging but then i left for the jungle. I got there, cut a bunch of leaves up, built a really bad dockside house on a lake, destroyed it, cut more leaves on a mountain and figured I'd turn it into Minas Tirith. You know, that mountain city in the third Lord of The Rings?
How silly of me. I looked up at it after about 5 minutes of work and thought "How in the hell can I do this?" and drew a blank. That's where I'm at right now.
Don't worry! you can build it. You'll just need to scale down some of the things. The best projects in Minecraft take weeks to build, and there is no reason for you not to do it.

I apologize for the long first post and topic but this has been on my mind for some time now. And I'm not even sure if anyone can help. I realize art is art and inspiration comes from nowhere but I'm not sure what to do. I'm sick of seeing everyone using their alpha worlds with gorgeous builds every six blocks and I continue to delete saves because "oh, this is a bad seed. I'll start fresh here." I always start fresh. And end fresh. I can't think of a single build I was ever happy with.
It's fine. I build lots of stuff I think is pretty, and I have no problem to delete the world. I think the best way to settle in a world is to always have something to do; I have reached Steel a few times before and then just started the game again, because I was bored. Now that I have bigger goals, I still enjoy playing in the same world. I suggest goals like building a mob farm, obtaining 32 blocks of Steel, or fully enchanting your tools and armor.

Also, due to my poor internet connection I have only played SMP with 2 other friends who started a server a while ago and due to lives...well none of us have been able to keep up with each other on it. So I stick with SSP. Whoops, keep forgetting this is SSP only. But I clearly have this problem in vanilla as well.
And I ask all this in the BTW forum because I do plan on playing Minecraft with BTW for now on (so I'd like to build my worlds around the mod) and I really like what everyone's done here...Compared to the actual minecraft community.
Don't worry, I'm sure you will find (and hopefully make) other great builds. Welcome to the community!

I guess what I'm asking is not to be banned...Please?
..And that was probably your big mistake. Why would anyone ban you? The only reason I can think of is your highly trollish name, "Herr Derp".
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Re: Dear architecture and creative geniuses out there. Help.

Post by th3m1ner »

Can,t answer them all, but i will do my best :)

Typically, when you start a new world, what do you do? Where do you go and know what to build? How do you know you like the place to settle in to?
-When i start a new world, i usually look for a large island to live on

Do you get ideas before you build or just kinda stack blocks until it forms something?
-Ya, i just stack stuff to gather until if forms something neat :P

Do you have a common theme or just go with the feel of a texture pack?
-I think the theme of a texture pack can change the way some thing is build, such as medieval or futuristic.
i always prefere to build everything in a medieval style.

Do you build structures with purpose or just make something pretty and trow a kiln in it?
-I try to build them with a purpose, but i always try to make them pretty as well :)

How much of what you build is original and what do you take from others?
-he, he, well i like to use other peoples designs and rebuild them into my world with my style

Do you like one big structure with each room having a reason or building a little fortress or town with each a building? ie, windmill over here, kitchen on that mountain, etc.
- I try to make a buildings all with a different usage

How exactly does one use the Golden Ratio? ... lden_Ratio
-maybe i should try to use it :D

Do you have a favorite architect or movement you usually use?

How do you stop yourself from scrapping everything and moving on, when do you know when to stop or just modify something?
-I modify, modify, modify until i like it

How often do you build test models in creative mode and when do you think it's just fun to experiment in survival?
-I only use it to test my complex machines/automations

Do you like to build large or small and why?
It varies

Is this like asking asking an artist how they draw so well and am I just hopeless?
- i think this i a great idea as it not only benefits you, but the rest of the community as well.
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Re: Dear architecture and creative geniuses out there. Help.

Post by Wgurgh »

Welcome. Not sure if I will be much help, but here goes.
Typically, when you start a new world, what do you do? Where do you go and know what to build? How do you know you like the place to settle in to?
Honestly I don't worry much about it, though a few experiences have made me hate small islands (they always seem to be in the middle of HUGE oceans, and I want some land around)

Where do you go for inspiration? Real world or not?
Rarely intentionally look for real world inspiration, though I am sure it creeps in

Do you get ideas before you build or just kinda stack blocks until it forms something?
Starting out, I build for utility. Later I try to plan out what I am building

Do you have a common theme or just go with the feel of a texture pack?
I like to build things so they will look good with the default TP, though I use Batto's mix for my BTW

Do you build structures with purpose or just make something pretty and trow a kiln in it?
Now here is my main problem, build something pretty and I get upset it is empty/useless. I actually started something that has worked pretty well for me, I build inside out. I make the machine/useful part of the building, then build a shell around it. (I NEVER allow enough space otherwise

How much of what you build is original and what do you take from others?
Utility stuff I get from others sometimes, but I won't build and use something redstone if I don't understand how it works. Granted, I may not understand when I build it, but I promised to tear it down if I couldn't "get" it. So far so good

Do you like one big structure with each room having a reason or building a little fortress or town with each a building? ie, windmill over here, kitchen on that mountain, etc.
Oh, I spread out like crazy, like when I have been in a world a while my bases won't fit on a single MC map. Drives me nuts when I can't remember where I put something, might take a LONG time to find it...

Materials: What compliments what? When do you use netherrack vs jungle planks? Do you use exotic materials or ones you would find in the area?
I love netherbrick, but I use lots of different building blocks. Rope blocks and wicker I really like, as well as dark blue wool (for carpets)

How do you stop yourself from scrapping everything and moving on, when do you know when to stop or just modify something?
I don't really scrap, still have test worlds and such, though I mostly play on 2 worlds, my original and one I share with my son.

How often do you build test models in creative mode and when do you think it's just fun to experiment in survival?
Don't think I have ever used creative for anything

Is this like asking asking an artist how they draw so well and am I just hopeless?
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Re: Dear architecture and creative geniuses out there. Help.

Post by Herr Derp »

Whoa, that's a lot of replies :D Thanks everyone! I guess what I took from this is that I can't let myself get discouraged and I seemed to have totally forgotten that Minecraft is all about self made quests. Not just building. So if I keep myself occupied, it'll eventually come to me. It's all a matter of energy, how I can expect myself to build something when I know I'll just hate it?

Thanks again everybody, this has been a HUGE help to me. But uh, how exactly is my name trollish? I thought troll names were noramlly "xXbalzz6951991Xx" or something.
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Re: Dear architecture and creative geniuses out there. Help.

Post by morvelaira »

It's a little hard to explain specifically, but troll names also tend to reference memes. Yours pretty clearly references the Herp Derp meme, even if for decent reasons.
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Re: Dear architecture and creative geniuses out there. Help.

Post by DaveYanakov »

Keep up the constructive posting and people will get over most any name. Welcome to the forums and I will edit thisfor the full answer once I have access to an actual keyboard again.
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Re: Dear architecture and creative geniuses out there. Help.

Post by duartemad »

Troll or not I like him for doing this post, i learned some stuff out of the replies for people.
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Herr Derp
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Re: Dear architecture and creative geniuses out there. Help.

Post by Herr Derp »

Ah, I'm not much of a poster online and I apologize for my lack of internet knowledge/etiquette. Should I just get another account or request a name change?

On topic, though, I just built my first house in ages and I'm very happy with it. I'm already planning on what to do once I finish early game errands and have planned out a few structures. I haven't gotten any further than the saw before (which I quickly abandoned after experimenting how durable cobblestone is on it) so I'm really looking forward to the challenge and life this will all breathe into my MC. Hell, one of my goals is to post something nice in a build thread. But that's a bit down the road. Never the less, something to look forward to.

A huge thanks to all of you for welcoming me and giving some amazing advice that I will read over again and again.
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Re: Dear architecture and creative geniuses out there. Help.

Post by morvelaira »

I think this thread has sufficiently proven your good intent :) As far as a name change goes, it's possible if it's something you would like, but I wouldn't say it's strictly necessary. If you do decide that's something you'd like to pursue, the Tech Support forum will be the appropriate place to ask.
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Re: Dear architecture and creative geniuses out there. Help.

Post by jorgebonafe »

Herr Derp wrote:Ah, I'm not much of a poster online and I apologize for my lack of internet knowledge/etiquette. Should I just get another account or request a name change?
No, I'm sure that's not a problem. Just make sure not to say stuff like "please don't ban me" or "I hope I won't be banned for this" or so... It makes people question why you would say that in the first place, like you are doing something you know you shouldn't anyway... Even if it is a joke, nothing good can come as a result
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