map generating problems

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Aradanwen II
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map generating problems

Post by Aradanwen II »

does anyone have the problem that even after generating 30 worlds (no kidding) you still end up with ocean or just small isles and ocean?
its driving me crazy............
this makes me question: how do other people start a world or find a seed?
im searching for an continental sized world with much forests, wich seems impossible to find.
and the fact that im a perfectionist doesnt make it easier either...

any help would be appreciated
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Re: map generating problems

Post by DIG_down »

I have a nice medium sized isand spawn, may be a bit small for what you're looking for but I like it.
It was a 1.2.4 seed but will still work on 1.2.5
From your description of a continent sized world I'm not sure if you mean an island or not, so I apologise if this isn't what you meant.
Another easy way of getting nice seeds is just google a small discription of what your're looking for ie "minecraft huge mountains seed" things like that and you should be able to get some websites with pics and stuff.
FlowerChild wrote:
Sarudak wrote:Not to mention he posted an idea in the stop posting ideas thread right after he came back from a ban for posting ideas....
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Re: map generating problems

Post by duartemad »

If you are tired of that happening and you want more power to decide what your world should look like and dont mind some minor "new" biomes, here is a good mod for you: ... al-island/
FlowerChild wrote:
Ph1il93 wrote:and it seems 1.4.6 is comming.
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Re: map generating problems

Post by Derzuel »

Out of curiosity what effect does that mod have on the spawning of things like caves, dungeons, and strongholds? I'm asking because I'm looking for a mod that would allow me to hit them with the tree that nerf bats are made from. I mean, I seriously loath every time I dig into a cave or ravine.
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Re: map generating problems

Post by Elevatator »

it overwrites so many base classes, is it even compatible with Better than wolves?
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Re: map generating problems

Post by ExpHP »

The only conflict is xd.class (World). I don't know what modifications either mod makes to this class, but experiment and you may find a working setup.

Another choice if you're going the mod route is Generator Ports. I use this in my world to have Beta 1.7.3 terrain generation (before Oceans existed). This mod doesn't conflict with BTW, and it lets you selectively disable individual features such as ravines, strongholds, villages etc. when creating your world. You can also enable Jungles (to replace Rainforests).

There are a wealth of great seeds on the web for 1.7 (I believe seeds as old as beta 1.3 will work). Also, Clay is harder and more rewarding to find.
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Re: map generating problems

Post by BinoAl »

Last I checked, the modifications to world class fix a few detector bugs and tweak saplings, although that may have changed
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Re: map generating problems

Post by duartemad »

I play it with BTW and get no conflicts between mods.
Everything spawns normal like It would, mineshaft, caves, ravines, npc villages, you can turn them off individually and you can also change what kind of world generator you want (1.7.3, the 1.1.2, 1.8, indev)
FlowerChild wrote:
Ph1il93 wrote:and it seems 1.4.6 is comming.
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Re: map generating problems

Post by Thalarctia »

I think I recall at some point that the changes in the world.class in BTW has to do with trees being able to grow in front of detector blocks, but don't go quoting me on it.

In my latest BTW world, I have been using this little world gen mod: ... -78-biomes

What it does is add a bunch of "vanilla-feeling" biomes, like extreme hills version of all biomes. It gives some truly remarkable terrain, and from what I could see, it has absolutely no conflicts with BTW.
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Re: map generating problems

Post by DaveYanakov »

Thalarctia wrote: In my latest BTW world, I have been using this little world gen mod: ... -78-biomes

What it does is add a bunch of "vanilla-feeling" biomes, like extreme hills version of all biomes. It gives some truly remarkable terrain, and from what I could see, it has absolutely no conflicts with BTW.
Have you been able to build an automated tree farm? Which did you install first, this gen mod or BTW?
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Re: map generating problems

Post by Thalarctia »

Haven't actually gotten around to building an automated tree farm on the world where I use that mod, but I believe I compared the files before installing without finding anything being overwritten, so install order should not matter.
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