BTW and IndustrialCraft

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BTW and IndustrialCraft

Post by Zhil »

IndustrialCraft is another mod with the same design behind it. It has a tech tree, progression, etc. So much so, that IC would make for a nice endgame age for a mod like BTW. As far as I can tell, a merger mod would even be pretty easy. Almost all recipes in IC require refined iron, which is just resmelted iron. Instead of that, making the creation of refined iron reliant on higher tier BTW items (something like a forge for example) would ensure you can only start building IC stuff after going through BTW's tech tree.

With the two mods both pledging MC Forge support, it will actually be a really simple install too.

Just a silly idea I had after chatting on IRC today, thought I'd share for a little conversation.
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Re: BTW and IndustrialCraft

Post by FlowerChild »

Moving to suggestions and ideas.
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Re: BTW and IndustrialCraft

Post by FlowerChild »

The two mods have very different design ideologies man. It's not just a matter of tech level. I don't see BTW ever fitting with nano-suits or nuclear weapons.
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Re: BTW and IndustrialCraft

Post by walker_boh_65 »

FlowerChild wrote:The two mods have very different design ideologies man. It's not just a matter of tech level. I don't see BTW ever fitting with nano-suits or nuclear weapons.
so wait, dung isnt going to be radioactive!!!!
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Re: BTW and IndustrialCraft

Post by PringleMan »

Yea BTW is a much much different feel than IC. It has been suggested before I think.

At any rate with the move over to MinecraftForge, the two mods will play very nicely together compatibility wise, so while there will never (and should not be really) an integration of the two, they will be playable together.

edit: And yea I did see you were suggesting it as a sort of end-game continuation of BTW. But while the idea of having a tech tree and so forth is a shared idea, the implementation and style of it are completely different. BTW meshes in with Minecraft as a sort of expansion for the game, and shares all of the same things that minecraft has in the base game just vastly improved and made more useful and entertaining.

IC on the other hand feels more like it is a content pack of cool stuff. In my mind, though it may not make much sense on paper, BTW is an improvement and expansion of Minecraft, while IC is a mod that a bunch of dudes dicking around on a server would play. Not to say that is not entertaining, but it is not the same feel or goal either.
Last edited by PringleMan on Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: BTW and IndustrialCraft

Post by Zhil »

FlowerChild wrote:The two mods have very different design ideologies man. It's not just a matter of tech level. I don't see BTW ever fitting with nano-suits or nuclear weapons.
Yeah, I can't see you adding a lot of stuff that mod does. I just found it interesting to talk about, since the similarities in mission statement are there.

I think the one big difference is actually the ores. BTW doesn't seem to be the kind of mod to disturb the vanilla mining, while IC explicitly does so by design choice, opening up another world of items. Another smaller difference is that BTW favors increasingly complex machinery, while IC is a mod of increasingly smaller machinery as you go up the tree.

Still, since I never see BTW going as far up the tech tree as IC, these two mods will probably always go nice together (if you want both experiences). I can foresee myself doing a small patch in the future for the people who want the full tech tree progression (once BTW gets closer to the required tech level).

As for me, I think IC is just a little too bloated with random stuff, but as it also a mod that keeps progressing, maybe it'll make more sense later on.
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Re: BTW and IndustrialCraft

Post by Haidaes »

I enjoy both of them to be honest, but there is a certain gap that wont be filled too soon when it comes to the "age" they are settled in. BTW is more along the lines of a medival setting, maybe early industrial age (when you automate all your stuff at least - even though some key components are missing like steam, basic electricity, .. ) while industrial craft is somewhere between yesterday and some scifi (not syfy! Damn them!) parallel universe.

Which doesn't mean I wouldn't use them togehter. They are both fun in their own way. BTW fascinates me with the mechanical power and the logical steps steve takes in the beginning, which mesh great with the start of a minecraft game after you begin a new map.
Industrial craft though, has a lot of neat toys to play around with -lets hope he joins as well and eloraam tells him how to make proper cables indstead of these chunks he calls cables, the only thing that annoys me to no end :P - as is messing around with buildcraft pipes and i would totally choose to run a single map with all of them but in diffrent places. It would just save me alot of hassle when I knew they would keep working together w/o me reinstalling the game over and over again as I don't want to risk messing up my individual buildings just because one update changed everything.

So a no to the idea I guess. We are by no means even close yet and probably never will. Not to mention the completly diffrent design philosophy.

Btw: In response to what you said in the forge thread, I'm pretty sure IC uses more block ID's than BTW. Aorund 67 in total, according to my last count :P.
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Re: BTW and IndustrialCraft

Post by Zhil »

Haidaes wrote:Btw: In response to what you said in the forge thread, I'm pretty sure IC uses more block ID's than BTW. Aorund 67 in total, according to my last count :P.
The new IC version will probably have like half of that though :). He's doing a total rewrite.
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Re: BTW and IndustrialCraft

Post by Xecaquan »

I enjoy both BTW and IC as well, however, I maintain two entirely different .minecraft folders/worlds as I don't feel they belong together. Sure some of the automation of each would be nice together, but BTW is more like Camelot and IC is more like Roadwarrior in style and feeling when you are playing singleplayer.

Industrailcraft's best feature though is the ability to play in multiplayer giving you even more to do with your friends and family. When BTW becomes mutliplayer, it'll be my go to mod for my servers.
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Re: BTW and IndustrialCraft

Post by the_fodder »

PringleMan wrote:Yea BTW is a much much different feel than IC. It has been suggested before I think.

At any rate with the move over to MinecraftForge, the two mods will play very nicely together compatibility wise, so while there will never (and should not be really) an integration of the two, they will be playable together.
Only thing I would add to this is it would be nice if they used the same recipes & item/blockID for basic building materials(gears/rope*). Even if they diverge right after that I think the community would benefit so much if there was a standard. I don't know if they are going that far with the MCForge as I am just reading up on it.

* Rope is made from hemp in BTW and other mods make rope out of strings but they could still create the same base item that would then be recognized by all the mods.
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Re: BTW and IndustrialCraft

Post by unufnfu »

these mods should merge
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Re: BTW and IndustrialCraft

Post by FlowerChild »

Can't believe you managed to get this one in before your ban for the other necro.

Thanks for validating the reasons for it though.