Regarding FlowerChild's Post

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Re: Regarding FlowerChild's Post

Post by Thieme »

Long time ago since i laughed so hard pokémon FTW
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Re: Regarding FlowerChild's Post

Post by magikeh »

Thieme wrote:Long time ago since i laughed so hard pokémon FTW
yeahhh i sig'd that stuff man, almost crapped myself when i saw it!
Magical Shit
Syruse|Work: i like magic shit
MagikEh: ...
MagikEh: >.>
MagikEh: <.<
»» MagikEh walks to the bathroom
Syruse|Work: hahaaaaaaaaa
Syruse|Work: wait
MagikEh: xD
Syruse|Work: fuck
Syruse|Work: NO
Syruse|Work: DONT
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Re: Regarding FlowerChild's Post

Post by Sky_Som »

I really cannot think of anything to say that hasn't been said already. You have created a wonderful mod and have actually inspired to start modding. Keep up the good work...
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Re: Regarding FlowerChild's Post

Post by PringleMan »

Sky_Som wrote:I really cannot think of anything to say that hasn't been said already. You have created a wonderful mod and have actually inspired to start modding. Keep up the good work...
What he said.

Also I feel that at least for me a lot of the suggestions are just brainstorming. It is not necessarily things that are earnestly suggested, and even if they are not the direction that you want to take the mod in they are still just ideas. As mod creator you have every right to totally ignore that sub-forum completely. If it is burning you out then I would concur with the Flying Turtles and say take a break from it. If even after trying to take a break from it, it still bugs you, then remove the cancer that is killing your fun. Push it back into a single thread and ban any new suggestion threads. I would not mind in the slightest, and I am confident that if people were faced with the choice of having a sub-forum or having you continue working on the mod, then the choice would be to support and comfort you without question.

Also I feel that things may become much more entertaining again once Notch merges the code. I feel that if you can stick with it long enough to get BTW to SMP, then a long and well deserved break from modding would be in order. Then you could play on a server with other people and that is where the creative juices really start to flow.
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Re: Regarding FlowerChild's Post

Post by Sajuuk »

I agree most things have been expressed above that I wanted to say myself, so I'll try to be as succinct as possible.
So, to FlowerChild himself,
I too believe you're doing great things. I've only recently made an account but in my time of lurking I've been right here with you. Watching things change and grow. Your mod reinforced the fleeting love I had for Minecraft. I crave to build, to design, and so in my mind I'll always be a thousand times more drawn to this mod than to something like Aether. Both have their own place and direction.

So when your desire to progress the mod lessens, I urge you to believe in the you who we believe in (to reference a phrase). The irreverent, skilled, creative mod maker who brought us to this board.

Beg your pardon on the fluff but I really do mean it.
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Re: Regarding FlowerChild's Post

Post by darahalian »

I guess there really isn't a whole lot left to say that hasn't already been said, but I wanted to add my thanks and reassurance here as well. You truly have made an epic mod, one that is unlike any other I've seen before. With such a great mod inevitably comes a large audience, and with such a large audience, there is bound to be more than a few people in it that either don't appreciate the hard work you've put into the mod or just don't understand it or its general aim. Or both. But you shouldn't let that get you down.

You don't have to read the suggestions thread at all if you don't want to, especially if it makes you feel this way. After all, it's your mod. But if there is actually something of worth posted there, a Turtle is likely to see it and pass it on to you. Isn't that what the Golden Feature Suggestions thread is for anyway?

But yeah, do whatever you need to make this fun for yourself. You're not getting paid, and so you have no obligation to work on this mod other than the obligations you have made for yourself. We owe you a lot, but you owe us nothing. If you're not enjoying yourself, don't be afraid to take a break, just like everyone else has said.

You have changed the way we play Minecraft, and you continue to do so (exploding our heads all the while), and for that, FC, I thank you most profusely.
FlowerChild wrote:Remain ever vigilant against the groth menace my friends. Early detection is crucial in avoiding a full-blown groth epidemic.
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Re: Regarding FlowerChild's Post

Post by BigShinyToys »

FC if you reading this THANKS

Thanks for the rapid updates
Thanks for the new and useful Items and blocks
( unlike wolves [EDIT] Now made useful by you [EDIT] )
Thanks for the many hours i have played this
Thanks for making Minecraft "fun" again

You Should Take that vacation
Go some where new have a party do anything but code for a couple of weeks .
then You can decide if you want to keep doing this . If you are that Drained form doing this mod I and all the people that Know you from the old forums will understand .

Sincerely ( no sarcasm used here )

Big Shiny Toys
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