Question: localization

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Question: localization

Post by demerzeliv »

I am trying to figure out how I might be able to change the displayed language of the BTW items from English to Spanish, since simply changing the language setting in the main menu only affects vanilla items. The .lang files in the minecraft.jar only appear to list vanilla items, so I was wondering how BTW handles localization. I am willing to make the changes myself, I have no experience modding Minecraft but if someone could let me know which files need to be modified I could probably figure it out.

Apologies if this is posted in the wrong section, I decided to post here because my question is BTW-specific and a quick search didn't turn anything up. I am asking for personal use only and do not intend to distribute a language pack of any kind, I am not sure what the rules are for modifying mods but I hope this would be ok.
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Re: Question: localization

Post by FlowerChild »

Sorry man, I don't support localization, and don't intend to.
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Re: Question: localization

Post by demerzeliv »

Thanks for the quick reply. Of course I wouldn't expect you to support other languages, I'd imagine that's way too much work (especially with all the work you already do adding so much new content). I was willing to do all the work myself, even going into the individual class files to change the display name permanently on my .jar if that's what it took (I don't really need to change back and forth with the language option), but if that is out of the question then I understand.

I really do love the mod though, it's the only one I use and I'm afraid it ruined the vanilla game for me. So many cool things to make!
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