Pepsi vs Coke

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Pepsi vs Coke

Post by Peoplesnem »

Which is better Pepsi or coke? (this is opinion based i know)
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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by Sajuuk »

I've learned that, originally or in some facet, Coke has a lemon flavor base while Pepsi has a lime flavor. Somewhere in there anyway. So that's how I think of the two and I don't much favor one over the other. I like em both even though I don't really drink cola at all anymore.
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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by Miss_Kat »

I'd rather have Dr. Pepper than either, but if forced to choose, I always go with Pepsi (throwback, preferably.) Coke, while tolerable, feels kinda burn/stingy in my mouth. No idea why.
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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by whynocheese »

NO idea why probably force of habit but I go Coke where possible like in a grocery store but if it isn't available then Peps is just fine.
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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by morvelaira »

I come from a long family line out of Atlanta. Coke or nothing >.>
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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by kaos78414 »

I'm a Dr. Pepper person as well, but out of coke or pepsi, I'd go with pepsi, just because I like the taste just a smidge more than coke.
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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by FurkeyRefills »

My soft drink preference fluctuates depending on what the current price is at the shop up the road from my house ;)
Last week you could buy 6 cans of Pepsi for £1. (About $1.60)

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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by sargunv »

morvelaira wrote:Coke or nothing
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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by Peoplesnem »

Well guys this is helpful.i am planing a little thing based off the results of this little test, this will be asked for the next week. Answer is awesome thanks to you that have so far.
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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by Poppycocks »

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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by TaterBoy »

When people say Coke or Pepsi...I always say Root Beer. Smoother, no caffeine, and to me it's much sweeter than either of them.
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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by rmdashrrootsplat »

Neither... I stopped drinking soda. :)
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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by Peoplesnem »

Bad trolls are bad. If your going to troll at least be better about it... Coke or pepsi is the question, not other drinks. Thanks
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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by BinoAl »

Just call me scarface... I love coke.
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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by TaterBoy »

I wouldn't define what I said as trolling, and I doubt anyone else would. Not liking Pepsi or Coke as much as Root Beer is just a difference of opinion. And having a rational reason for disagreeing with something is miles away from what trolling is. (irrationally attacking something just to make a scene. Or as the Urban Dictionary defines it:

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.

My advice: think through your responses a little more carefully, try not to accuse people of bad behavior when they are clearly not behaving badly. Or assume you know the precise intentions of a person whom you have never met. The list goes on, but I won't.

Gun to my head though, I would choose Coke; my opinion of Pepsi is that it tastes a little bit like artificial sweetener, or coke that has gone flat and then re-chilled. It just doesn't sit well with my palette.
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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by FlowerChild »

TaterBoy wrote: My advice: think through your responses a little more carefully, try not to accuse people of bad behavior when they are clearly not behaving badly. Or assume you know the precise intentions of a person whom you have never met. The list goes on, but I won't.
I'd take my own advice on that one man. Your response here is rather disproportionate to what was said.

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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by rhacer »

I've got two answers to this one. I prefer Coke to Pepsi, but I prefer Diet Pepsi to Diet Coke.
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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by Derzuel »

Now that I think about it I would have to say pepsi, it just seems to have more flavor. How ever, I'd prefer DR Pepper or a strong ginger ale if I could get it. All in all though I'm not much a soda drinker, I'm more of a coffee and tea drinker.
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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by Peoplesnem »

Thanks you guys your all helping. And my message had the desired effect of sending the message i am only interested in coke or pepsi... I would do other but i only have time for two, the two most people normally consider the "main" soft drinks. I like Cream soda best my self. but really please remember to answer the question, feel free to add addition opinion if you like.
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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by Robilar »

Though I avoid both, I'd pick Pepsi, since it's further away from battery acid than coke is.

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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by TheAnarchitect »

Pepsi is the only companies to successfully Brand me. It was the soda of choice among my family growing up, and I imprinted on it. I will NOT drink any other Cola, be it Coke or generic brand or whatever.

Subjectively, when I drink Pepsi, I taste sugar and feel the caffeine. When I drink Coke I taste carbonation and feel my teeth being dissolved in acid.
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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by kaos78414 »

I already answered (pepsi), but I thought this might be of interest to anyone following this thread:

It's a map of the US showing where people refer to soft drinks as pop or soda or coke, etc. I find it's pretty accurate. I'm from South Texas and we call every soft drink coke. That often confuses people up north who refer to it as pop, because they'll think I'm literally talking about coca cola. Anyway, don't wanna derail the thread, just thought it was interesting.
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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by DaveYanakov »

Diet Pepsi is what I was raised on but for some reason regular Coke seems superior to regular Pepsi. It just hasn't been the same since they took the namesake out of the formula though.

I don't drink much in the way of carbonation anymore but when I do it's mostly a mix of Dr Pepper, root beer, brewed tea, ginger ale and a liberal dose of water.
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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by Itamarcu »

I hate both. But I hate lots of drinks and food, perhaps because I'm anosmic.
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Re: Pepsi vs Coke

Post by Urian »

I drink both but I'd say I slightly favor coke. Mostly I think it's because I like the light version of coke more even if I very seldom drink the light versions.
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