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Re: Usernames?

Post by SterlingRed »

I've sort of maintained several usernames in the past and I'd like to transition just to one. Minecraft is probably the last account I'll use this one on. I almost bought another mc account just to replace this username but this one is alpha so I couldn't let go of it.

Sterling Red is the name of a serial killer in one of my favorite authors novels. "Skin" by Ted Dekker.

I used to use 'onewhisper' as my universal username but my friends in rs decided I talked too much and the unique name of "Twoloud" was born from a play on the words of my previous name. Twoloud is what I'd like to transition to, but I keep sterlingred here as I want to keep forums and ign the same.
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Re: Usernames?

Post by M!C »

My username has several sources.

1. It's the first three letters of my first name Michael with an upside down "i".

2. I used it first when playing a flight combat sim with friends. I tended to use a MiG-29 and so M!C's MiG was born. ;)

3. M!C looks like MC! ---> Minecraft! (that's more of a recent addition though)
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Re: Usernames?

Post by morvelaira »

I've used this particular user name for years, myself, and in many places if you see Morvelaira, it's probably me. Lord knows the first few Google hits are, at any rate.

It originally came from the World of Warcraft random name generator of all things (*shamed*) when I made my first of many Undead Priestesses. To follow along with Gil's example, since at least most of the livestreamers can't pronounce my name, it goes like this:

MOR - like 'give me more'.
VEL - like velociraptor.
LIE - like a falsehood.
RAH - like the words scary cheerleaders chant (rah rah!)

I also haven't made a point of this, but for shorthand I tend to prefer Laira over Morv or Morvy. I know the second two are what people go for first because it's the front end of the name and gender is indeterminate on the internet. But for those paying attention... just sayin'. >.>
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Re: Usernames?

Post by rhacer »

morvelaira wrote:
I also haven't made a point of this, but for shorthand I tend to prefer Laira over Morv or Morvy. I know the second two are what people go for first because it's the front end of the name and gender is indeterminate on the internet. But for those paying attention... just sayin'. >.>
This is a wonderful point. Thank you. I'm TimOTHY. I resent Resent RESENT being called Tim.
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Re: Usernames?

Post by Robilar »

Mine comes from a premade D&D character from 3.5e whose (semi-suicidal) fighting style was absolutely perfect for my playstyle on a lot of games. I use the prefix "Lord" if plain Robilar is taken.

I played a few too many medieval combat sims in a row and ended up with the name sticking.

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Re: Usernames?

Post by Yamboyz1 »

Ungerbla wrote:a friend and i were playing Runescape several years back and i needed a nickname so i just mashed all keys on the keyboard.
Ungerbla is the result
Well done sir, you made me laugh out loud.
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Re: Usernames?

Post by bmanfoley »

My uncle gave me the nickname "Bman" (pronounced bee-man) a while ago. My last name is Foley. This is the first and only username I've ever used. If there's a bmanfoley on another site, it's probably me :P
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Re: Usernames?

Post by duartemad »

duarte is my real life and mad is the inicials form my living island madeira (Alright I was 5 and I wanted mad on my name because duarte was too simple and it looked cool, I was 13)
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Re: Usernames?

Post by Ethinolicbob »

I was drinking and playing Runescape back in the day. I needed to decide a name so I used Ethinolic(misspell of Ethanol) and I have no idea where the bob came from.
It somehow stuck.
The Ethinolic turned out to be a blessing in disguise as I almost never had my screen-name taken by anyone else (except by me when I have forgotten I had used it somewhere before)
Usually I go by the shortened Eth and will use this as a character name in any multiplayer game if I can.
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Re: Usernames?

Post by walker_boh_65 »

I got my name from a character in the Shannara Series, written by Terry Brooks. I can't remember where I first needed the username, all those years ago, but for whatever reason, plain old walker boh was taken, as was walker_boh. I don't like that whole giving away my age thing on the internet, so I took my dad's birth year instead (I sure hope he doesn't mind :p ). If theres a walker_boh_65 somewhere, its me, thats my name everywhere. (except SWTOR which don't allow numbers, so I am walker_boh_ )
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Re: Usernames?

Post by TaterBoy »

I started working as a printer at a small Screen Printing shop and one of the guys who had been there for a few years took to calling me Tater Boy (mostly due to the fact that I had no experience, made noobish mistakes, and often asked really stupid questions...)
I won't lie, I actually liked the name immediately, I owned it rather than feeling scorned when he basically called me a moron in a more creative way...And after a while it was just sort of my alter ego.
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Re: Usernames?

Post by DreamsofFury »

I started off WAY back on some internet game room thingy as KnightoffFire, that carried over to various other games mostly Shattered Galaxy where the name to this day after not playing for 7 years is still famous LONG LIVE KoF!! lol, Eventually less games actually let me use the name, so I started using random names that I had used for D&D be it Cashart, Linden Rathan or something else fantasyish, I gradually hit world of warcraft...once again I could not use the name, I decided it was time for a brand new one, I had taken a liking to casters and healers so I went priest named Anticancer, as I moved through the levels I noticed mages always being frost spec, but as a fire person see where this is going, I found out it was cause of the raids all being resistant to fire, ok I rolled up a mage and BOOM Dreamsoffire was born, gradually I played more and more classes ran my own guild and even one day I made the leap, I rolled a troll sham, loved it, got to level 40 to get Windfury weapon, things went insane from there, but I didnt like horde...TBC came out and there were alliance shamans, Dreamsofwindfury didnt fit so you can guess what I went with.

As for my minecraft name Alexioon it should be Alexion but it was taken by some random, the story behind it is I would always build something epic or even just a simple base with a huge mine, whenever I was done I decided I didnt like it and just blew it all up, my friend called me a destroyer (this was while I spent a lot of time at his house just playing SSP at the same time on two diff comps in offline mode before I got my own) I said "No I am the Herald of the Destroyer" and the appropriate title for that in Atlantian happens to be Alexion.

And to this day I use both the sub name Dreams and Alexion in almost every game I play. I wonder if FC will add his story to this, I'm sure it would be interesting.
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Re: Usernames?

Post by lostone1993 »

Mine comes a gamplay story a basic outline below

me and a few friends were playing a game modded for extreme realisem, we were playing against an enemy team, I was elected as a sniper. I saw a great mountain I would just have to go though this forest anyway I get turn around and start heading toward my team. I team killed the lot of them so we lost the game
afterward I was Nicknamed The Lost One. since I was the only on that server to get lost and kill my team instead of the enemy. Hence I added a year important to me and my user name became Lostone1993
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Re: Usernames?

Post by morvelaira »

walker_boh_65 wrote:I got my name from a character in the Shannara Series, written by Terry Brooks. I can't remember where I first needed the username, all those years ago, but for whatever reason, plain old walker boh was taken, as was walker_boh. I don't like that whole giving away my age thing on the internet, so I took my dad's birth year instead (I sure hope he doesn't mind :p ). If theres a walker_boh_65 somewhere, its me, thats my name everywhere. (except SWTOR which don't allow numbers, so I am walker_boh_ )
Someone on my server in LOTRO has the same name. Before I remembere about Shannara, I totally thought you were stalking me ;)
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Re: Usernames?

Post by walker_boh_65 »

morvelaira wrote:Someone on my server in LOTRO has the same name. Before I remembere about Shannara, I totally thought you were stalking me ;)
Right. . . . not me ;)
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Re: Usernames?

Post by Derzuel »

I'm not actually quite sure where my current username came from, I've just been kinda running with it as of recently. I think it cropped up when I was trying to create a name for a character that started with letter D. Other usernames I've been known to go by are Talvu, Briggz, Borus, and Thuma.

Thuma and Borus are my oldest, Briggz emerged shortly after I started playing TF2, and Talvu comes from my main in EVE. Thuma came from a rough reversal of my first name, so Matthew became Thuma. Borus comes from the shortening of one of my character's name for the sake of communication,as the original full name was Borus Ironheart, which he lived up to quite well.

As for how I pronounce my current name it goes like this.

DER like dirt but without the T
ZUEL like pool with a Z in the place of the P.

And wow, now that I think about it feels kinda weird that my name sounds eerily close to dirtpool.
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Re: Usernames?

Post by Poppycocks »

I used to go for "Vile" for ages. Comes from a simple philosophy. Everyone has basic self-preservation instincts, and the easiest way to preserve one self is to strive for abundance. This is selfishness. Thus everyone is selfish, therefore evil, and so am I.

Too many teens on the internet seem to like the word though. So I'm usually going for something completely out there. Different nick everywhere.

Horsefeathers(Bullshit, when you get too deep down into META, everything is), Poppycocks(Bullshit), Sommer_Glau(Use this for über sarcastic comments - summer glow from german ), Hanook(Tyrant), this one is hilariously pretentious: angelodelamorte(mostly everyone knows, for those who don't: angel of death).

I'm a silly, silly man.
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Re: Usernames?

Post by TheAnarchitect »

I'm an architect.

I'm an anarchist.

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Re: Usernames?

Post by Poppycocks »

TheAnarchitect wrote:I'm an architect.

I'm an anarchist.

Truth in advertizing.
The architect of anarchy, that has got a ring to it, if you ask me.
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Re: Usernames?

Post by Xekrom337 »

Xekrom - Zekrom (pokemon)
337 - eet - leet. i somehow forgot the 1.

eh, basic.
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Re: Usernames?

Post by Biohazard91X »

No idea where Biohazard started, the first thing I remember with it is playing the original Monster Hunter online with the name "biohazard", and having LOADS of people ask me if I played Resident Evil :P Since the I've kept the name, and just added things when it's been taken :)
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Re: Usernames?

Post by Gainspipr »

Mine came from my first spelling of my complete name when i was young
Twas a failed attempt so this happened and no one seems to claim it too. :D
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Re: Usernames?

Post by Schmitty »

I usually use anything with 'Schmitty' in it because my last name is Schmitt, and my irl nickname is Schmitty.
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Re: Usernames?

Post by Horizon »

I like 1/0. A special material in 1/0 is mined from the space below the horizon, but not on teddy weddy. Hence, Horizon. A bit of a stretch, but my train of thought is more like a gargantuan housefly of though, annoying and refusing to leaveerratic.
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Re: Usernames?

Post by Joeyjoebob »

Back a few years ago when I was big into WoW, I was trying to come up with a new character name, and so I was going through a bunch of typical names to see what wasn't taken. Bob, being a very simple and dull name, was one I was drawn to. I try lots of different variations of the name bob and eventually came up with Joejoebob.

Now the Joey came when I was joining Minecraft a year ago. Someone had already taken my name, so I made that tiny variation you see there. Somehow it stuck and that's my main username now.
TheAnarchitect wrote:
TaterBoy wrote:Well, now I know. And as GI-Joe says, knowing is half the battle. :)
The other half is violence...
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