Unofficial Suggestions List

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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by TayRae »

Okay, so I read everything about what suggestion would be ignored and such. And that you really want to add new features to the mod which I totally understand. But I had a pretty simple idea I think. You have already added elevators, and the platforms for them, which is one of my favorite features of the mod. But I got to thinking, it would be neat to be able to make elevators our of wood, or even stone. Or even be able to place box along the edge of your platform to make it so you can decoate the elevator to have walls or cages. Such as being able to place fencing around the edge do you don't walk off.

But, it's just an idea, I have no idea how long, or complex the coding would be for such a task; but I thought I'd put it out there. :3
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by xenoneo »

I think evolving industrial hemp is definitely the way to go, and there's many historical advances using hemp to use as inspiration.
The most obvious of these is using it for clothing and shelter, but there's plenty of other little things that could be done as well.
Hemp seeds for example are used for food (which is rather uninteresting).
Hemp seed oil is used to make paint (which would lend itself to the creative aspect of minecraft) as well as plastic such as cellophane. (Cellophane is already being used to wrap food in plasticraft)

There's one more thing which hemp could become which I'm hesitant to elaborate on, but I will anyway. :)
What if hemp plants became either male or female when they became one block high?
When any plant in the vicinity of a male plant became 2 blocks high it would become industrial hemp, with all of it's current and future uses.
If however, all plants in an area are female, then they would grow up to be cannabis when they became 2 blocks high.

Minecraft is far from real life so, there are some creative things I think could be made from this.
Now the first thing you might ask is, "what is sitting around getting high minecraft good for?"
Well that would obviously be silly, but some humorous things could be done with it.
As a 'drug' it could be thrown, shot, or fed to enemies.
The enemy would respond by saying something deep to the other mobs so they stop chasing you, by running around confused so you can get away, or by paying you with their loot in return.
Maybe you give some to a pigman and he thinks of a way to make a bong out of something else you hand him, which would be something you need to 'reinvent the wheel'.
Hmm, perhaps pigmen use a barter system, so you could get an ingredient that exists nowhere else through this transaction.
I think barter with the pigmen would probably be the least absurd idea on what to do with it. :)

When I think of what FC wants from this mod, I think of it in a similar way to how man has advanced up to the year 1900, as that is when dynamite and TNT were first created. This is also around the time that we started making serious advances in mechanical devices.
Here's a list of all the things made in the 19th century. ... teenth.htm

I'm trying to inspire you to come up with the appropriate additions to this mod as my ideas may be unconventional. :)

So far all I have is.
Paint- I imagine it as like a paintgun, so rather than block sized paint you could get with wool, you can literally paint a side of a block many colors.
Plastic- what can plastic not do really?
Cannabis- barter with the pigmen, they're real stoners. ;)

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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by KriiEiter »

Actually I'd like to expand on a concept I mentioned a post back about steam being able to be "bottled."

I think if we are advancing into the steam age, it would be a neat idea to have a steam generating block (a boiler?) that you could attach a canister of some sort to.

This "boiler" would then take mechanical power and whatever else (a hibachi heat source underneath?) and charge the canister full of steam.

These canisters could then be placed in conjunction with other machines to power them for a predetermined amount of time. Perhaps you could even chain multiple canisters together for a longer charge.
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by xenoneo »

"The development of the stationary steam engine was an essential early element of the Industrial Revolution, however it should be remembered that for most of the period of the Industrial Revolution the majority of industries still relied on wind and water power as well as horse and man-power for driving small machines." -wiki steam power.

I like where this is going. :)
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by Vankras »

not sure if this should go here or not,

I was curious to know if FC had any plans on revamping the way the 'enemy' is handled, atm it's random spawning in the dark with no direction and simple range of sight of the mobs, that 'philosophy' in mobs is all well and good in the beginning stages of Wood Age, but after you make your initial lodgings and mine a little, it becomes trivial to keep them at bay and stops being a problem ever.
Perhaps if FC had any intentions of messing with the mob AI at all (if he is, Shweet) he could possibly make the mobs become an increasing threat.
for example, if there was a master mob that wanders the terrain randomly, then if the player is seen or detected, the mob digs in and starts to build a lair to both hide and protect itself, now as the days progress, the master gets older and more powerful, after the master gets to a certain age (or and Age bottleneck achieved by the player) the master starts creating workers, the workers improve the lair and eventually start spawning easy mobs that will head in the direction of where the player was seen last, as milestones are reached the master ups the anti so to speak and either upgrades a minion type or amount spawned and then improves the lair and so on, so as you make life easier for yourself the mobs try to make it harder :P and depending on triggers for the milestones you can shape the speed of difficulty increase.
so you would now actually have a reason to design your little/giant home away from home to be a defensible location.
this way you could start out and depending on your attitude you could a: kill the master early and get grapes or b: let him ferment and reap the more satisfying Vintage Wine while adapting steeves dwelling to combat the increasing threat.

its kinda like evil millenair now that i think about it :/ (ok its only 1 dwelling but the upgrading and social structure is there)

the lairs could also contain chests that upgrade the loot the higher the level of the lair, and possibly rarely contain a static mob spawner that only spawns that type of mob
and each type of vM mob has a master type (lich as the skelly master, undead necromancer as zombie, matriarch as the spider one, and creeper....sssSSSS!!!!! you get the picture :P)

this might be a good topic of discussion on the philosophy thread also, but ill leave it up to the mods :)
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by Craftmatic »

This may be somewhat of a repetition of what I've already posted elsewhere, but I'll try to restate it more clearly here. I'd like to see the usefulness of panels/moulding/corners expanded. I assumed they would (could) work similarly to eighth-blocks from the Microcubes mod, but apparently they don't. I realize they have an intended function, but I don't feel it's particularly "Minecrafty" to be able to create blocks that you don't then have the freedom to do with as you see fit. While it would largely add aesthetic possibilities to the mod, I believe good Minecraftiness dictates a certain duality to the usability of resources and items. It is a sandbox game, after all.
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by Razzle »

After reading viewtopic.php?f=3&t=16 I realised that someone had already thought of a fishing net :( but getting up to there I thought what if you put a fish into you crafting table and it created a needle? (From the bones) then the idea was to use that to create the fishing net... but yeah, needles were created from fish bones and it could have a use for something else... no idea what and it's pretty pointless as it would just count as a block, not placeable block or anything but if someone could find a use for a needle (apart from nets) it seems an ok idea.
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by Devutrix »


Make the mod SMP compatible - I would love to be able to run this mod on a server as my mates are redstone genius' and i'm sure they would have a field day with the additional things that this mod brings to minecraft. They tend to be very suspicious of mods so I cant persuade them to try it out :(.

Solar Power - Would be great to be able to make stuff that only works during the day. I would hope its not too much of a stretch from the detector block.

Electricity through Solar Power, Wind and Water wheels. It would be great if you could covert power from these into something that could power redstone circuits. Electric Fences and powering lights. I think the current system of just flicking a switch or button is false and needs to be updated.

There are probably more but I cant think of any immediately.

I dont want to see guns or a means of getting gunpowder easily because its just not minecraft.
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by Fracture »

Devutrix wrote:Suggestions:-
Make the mod SMP compatible - I would love to be able to run this mod on a server as my mates are redstone genius' and i'm sure they would have a field day with the additional things that this mod brings to minecraft. They tend to be very suspicious of mods so I cant persuade them to try it out :(.

He's been asked repeatedly-- it's not going to happen until at LEAST 1.8, and even thereafter it's on FC's to-do list in the "Whenever I feel like doing it" category.

Solar Power - Would be great to be able to make stuff that only works during the day. I would hope its not too much of a stretch from the detector block.

Dunno if FC wants to get into this or not, but if you really want this you can use Risagumi's Lightblock. Provides redstone power when in a light level 12 or higher.
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Re: Unofficial Suggestions List

Post by Rugaard »

I would like to see something like a mountable crossbow or Batista similar to this, I would use that mod but it looks like its been abandoned.

if possible it can also be mechanically powered to increase rate of fire and range
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Re: Unofficial Suggestions List

Post by RoloCookie »

I think you should make a giant hamster wheel as a new source of mechanical power.

Although, obviously, it would be powered by wolves.
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Re: Unofficial Suggestions List

Post by SterlingRed »

5 people created accounts just to post their suggestions on page 8 alone.
Just thought I'd point that out.

Good luck turtles finding something worthwhile in here.
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Re: Unofficial Suggestions List

Post by ddily »

well i have an idea... a switch box. instead of endless redstone wireing to make one gear box shut off and the other one to turn on have a switch box. were one single line of red stone can power two lifts. one goes up wile the other one goes down.


the circle is the pulley and the box is the switch box. when a red stone single is sent the right side of the switch box will activate the pully to pull it up were it will do the opposite on the left. when the red stone single is off it will do the same visa versa

sorry about the crude spelling i have dyslexia....
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Re: Unofficial Suggestions List

Post by presl »

I know "steam" is not THE new idea... but what I miss is a good usage for it, because just to convert to mechanical power

i think on page 5 or so was the suggestion of pipes to transport items (water pipes with pumps) and therefore would fit steam very well! You need the hitatchi a layer iron, above water in a closed cube and out of this comes the iron pipe like the axis with gearboxes for a bend...

--> you can expend this with pressure displays and bursting cubes( the ones with water in it :) )
therefore the hitachi to turn off

ok but back to the pipes...

so maybe you have extra pipes for transport or i think its better to use the same, not so complicated...
and than make something like a pneumatic post system!

---> that only one steamsource for a hole system won't be enough is obvious and that you haven't
count every for example 50 blocks to build a new one, maybe say after every crossing the
(at least two) directions at which the steam expand need all a new connection with a

with a pipebox (same like gearbox) which acts like a filler hole, possible combination with the hopper, where you can put in cans with items in it.

but why cans???

if you want to create just a point A to point B system everything will be okay...
But if you have also a point C how you could be sure that the item get to the right place?

My suggestion to this problem: make a can with a dye and than you can sort them at crossings, somehow. (solution is coming hold on ;) )
ok just realised my sentence is over...
solution: option 1: take a dye, right-click on a site of the pipebox or on the, from the pipebox,
out-coming pipe and colour them in the same colour as the can which should go
in this direction.
option 2: pipebox have a gui-window where you can select a colour or put one in...

I prefer option 1...

IF you really don't like cans, just FORGET them...
but note, a letter/map would be really wet in the steam-pipe...

and after the can/item is on the right place, you can put them in a chest, hopper, mailbox ect.

OK put together:

* steam made out of water
* steam-pipes to transport-steam and maybe cans/items
* cans for a clear transport-system
* IF the mod goes SMP you have a great mail-system
* can be also used as a sort of redstone transmitter, if you put a detector-block a the end of a
* not to neglect minecarts with the transport of items, note that cans should hold just a small amount of items and need the steam system
* connection to the point before: positive aspects: faster than minecarts, can go vertical, usable as
mail-system, don't have the problem with unload the minecart

* and I think STEAM is a feature from which FlowerChild can make some nice things
--> easy steampistons (self-made with blocks (huge!) and axis going forward and back to power a flywheel or something --> usage for belts to power rotating things like...ok I think FlowerChild should also do some brainwork ;) ,
-->steam-driven horizontal slide doors (why no?))

OK I think I have everything mentioned what I want to say...
I hope you understand everything...or just ask!!

lg presl
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Re: Unofficial Suggestions List

Post by presl »

ddily wrote:
the circle is the pulley and the box is the switch box. when a red stone single is sent the right side of the switch box will activate the pully to pull it up were it will do the opposite on the left. when the red stone single is off it will do the same visa versa

sorry about the crude spelling i have dyslexia....

Wouldn't it better, if the cube in the middle is more a winding or something?
if you rotate it you have the same result!

But the implention of return pulleys would be must and they would be really nice :)

keyword "rotate": this you can achieve with a steam-piston which power a belt for rotating energy!
--> see my post above ;)
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Re: Unofficial Suggestions List

Post by ddily »

i did c ur post. if u wanted to go steam yes.. but more on the lines of being connected to an axle. heck if u wanted to go steam just add the River Boats aka paddle boats if u wanted to go all out. the switch box is more on the line of a box that can be made from 1 gear box and a redstone dust. bascilally u wont have the hassle of endless wireing where u would have 1 platform go up and another go down.
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Re: Unofficial Suggestions List

Post by KriiEiter »

I was the one who posted the water pump/pipes idea actually, but I like your steam pipe idea better, with the exception that pipes should not transport items (as they would be incinerated by the steam). I've come to realize that it's fully possible to have efficient vertical and horizontal item transport without too much water, and pipes would be a bit too easy.

Transporting steam to power other things I like. This way, you have a continuation of the axles but as steam power. I do think that steam should travel much longer than mechanical power through axles does (the benefit of advanced power).
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by VonGod »

the_fodder wrote:
AgentPaper wrote:-snip- 4x4 "advanced workbench" -snip-
I support the advanced workbench.

Combine the two ideas have the advanced toolbench get an area to add tools, depending on which tools are in the workbench it acts differently (use the idea behind shelf mod to show which items are on the advanced work bench). This way users can create multiple workstations or just reuse the same workbench and BTW is going through block IDs like they are going out of style.

Using the chest factor. Put a workbench next to another workbench to create a larger work area.
I'm unsure if the double chest has a seperate block ID, or not, so that might work.

Even if it does have a separate ID, the two workbenches don't necessarily have to be fused together, the interface might just change once a workbench is next to the first. Thus implementing a new interface.

Then things like the suggested adv. boat could be made in a different manner, rather than in the 3x3.
Or even a reinforcing of weapons, put diamond around a steel pick to create a diamond tipped pick.

If/when FC does want to implement more advanced building/crafting techniques, this could be of plausible usage.

[Note: The two above ideas, diamond tipped pick and boat, are not ideas I'm trying to suggest, just examples]
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Re: Unofficial Suggestions List

Post by the_fodder »

thank god I was up with you going "yes! that's perfect"until you mentioned the boat. I really like how the advanced workbench is evolving.
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Re: Unofficial Suggestions List

Post by Craftmatic »

SterlingRed wrote:5 people created accounts just to post their suggestions on page 8 alone.
Just thought I'd point that out.

Good luck turtles finding something worthwhile in here.
A first post does not necessarily capture one's overall intent as to participation on a forum. This thread has a pretty clear purpose, and you're already crapping on it. It's not "Unofficial Suggestions That Better Be Good Or The Thought Police Will Descend On You." What went down with this mod has created an amazing amount of animosity between people, and a notable measure of mob mentality on both sides, as well. Let's try to allow the new forum to be a fresh start.
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Re: Unofficial Suggestions List

Post by the_fodder »

Craftmatic wrote: A first post does not necessarily capture one's overall intent as to participation on a forum. This thread has a pretty clear purpose, and you're already crapping on it. It's not "Unofficial Suggestions That Better Be Good Or The Thought Police Will Descend On You." What went down with this mod has created an amazing amount of animosity between people. Let's try to allow the new forum to be a fresh start.

I think we should rename this thread now, but you are right firstpost doesn't mean dumbpost, but in reality it sometimes does.
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Re: Unofficial Suggestions List

Post by magikeh »

the_fodder wrote: I think we should rename this thread now
Annd what should it be called now?? I made this thread as a place to make suggestions, (with no guarantee that it would be looked over) so people could voice what they thought and this would (at least in my mind) limit the amount of posts in the general disscussion that simply are one liners demanding FlowerChild to add thier idea because it is "OMFG BEST IDEA EVAH!!!"

BUUUT on a side note i am interested in what you have to say about renaming this thread to?!?
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Re: Unofficial Suggestions List

Post by Craftmatic »

the_fodder wrote:I think we should rename this thread now, but you are right firstpost doesn't mean dumbpost, but in reality it sometimes does.
This is true. Perhaps there should be two suggestion threads, one for serious ideas for which the suggester has a well-reasoned explanation as to why his suggestion fits into the scope of the mod, and another for jokes, personal requests, and any suggestion that one might feel is of questionable validity within the scope of the mod. I think one of the difficulties in making a suggestion for a mod that had 500+ pages on its official thread is that it's tough to parse just what it is the author has said no to. The truth is it might be a little presumptuous to make any suggestions at all... the author probably has a pretty clear, if loose, idea as to how he wants to shape the mod as it develops. Perhaps if the intended scope were to be made a little more clear, people would be more judicious with their suggestions.

Personally I don't feel my earlier request was unreasonable. I wasn't asking for anything new, just slightly expanded functionality of existing items in the mod. I do realize that while the expanded functionality may be slight, coding it might not be.

To illustrate my point above, I had another suggestion that I was hesitant to post. I've always felt that the ability to pack up and move was sorely lacking in vanilla. Yes, there's no shortage of transportation options with tracks and carts, but it doesn't make a lot of sense to have to build a rail line to a new destination if you're intent is simply to migrate completely. My specific suggestion would be a pack animal of some kind--say a mule (or just train a cow)--that could either be packed with gear (chests) or pull a cart, or even a barge. I genuinely feel that this idea is sound, but I think it's dubious as to whether it fits into the scope of the mod. Part of it is that I don't really know what the scope of the mod is--is it filling in the gaps that exist in vanilla, or is it more about creating a chain of specific industrial options that vanilla lacks?
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Re: Unofficial Suggestions List

Post by Fracture »

Craftmatic wrote: To illustrate my point above, I had another suggestion that I was hesitant to post. I've always felt that the ability to pack up and move was sorely lacking in vanilla. Yes, there's no shortage of transportation options with tracks and carts, but it doesn't make a lot of sense to have to build a rail line to a new destination if you're intent is simply to migrate completely. My specific suggestion would be a pack animal of some kind--say a mule (or just train a cow)--that could either be packed with gear (chests) or pull a cart, or even a barge. I genuinely feel that this idea is sound, but I think it's dubious as to whether it fits into the scope of the mod. Part of it is that I don't really know what the scope of the mod is--is it filling in the gaps that exist in vanilla, or is it more about creating a chain of specific industrial options that vanilla lacks?
Just throwing it out here: Quintessential Creatures' Turtle. Exactly what you ask for. Whether it's updated or not may be another matter...
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Re: Unofficial Suggestions List

Post by the_fodder »

jamestully22 wrote:
the_fodder wrote: I think we should rename this thread now
Annd what should it be called now??
umm.. "Unofficial Suggestions That Better Be Good Or we will make fun of you." thread.
Craftmatic wrote: Perhaps there should be two suggestion threads, one for serious ideas for which the suggester has a well-reasoned explanation as to why his suggestion fits into the scope of the mod, and another for jokes, personal requests, and any suggestion that one might feel is of questionable validity within the scope of the mod. I think one of the difficulties in making a suggestion for a mod that had 500+ pages on its official thread is that it's tough to parse just what it is the author has said no to.
umm... we already do. Check out the lounge for the Golden suggestions list those that the flying turtles think are worthy to bring to FC feet.
It's FC mod, he just lets us play it.