Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

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Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by Xecaquan »

I have used Nature's Overhaul for a long time ... s-spreads/ Clint like Flower really tries to just improve what already exists within MC. This mod has always helped with mods like BTW that require a lot of wood resources as you don't have to worry about replanting your saplings and now with he has added that mossy cobble spreads. So figured I would toss this out there for anyone who like me never seem to find enough dungeons to satisfy my block dispenser needs :)
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by Case »

I love the idea of the lumberjack mode, making "felling" a tree actually possible, but other than that the huge amounts of tree's that would generate would be too much.
On one side of a hill alone it auto spawned a dozen tree's.
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by Xecaquan »

Case wrote:I love the idea of the lumberjack mode, making "felling" a tree actually possible, but other than that the huge amounts of tree's that would generate would be too much.
On one side of a hill alone it auto spawned a dozen tree's.
not exactly true, Since the mod is biomes based as well as having trees (all plants) have a death rate, you have a natural ecosystem going on in minecraft. I generally set my growth rates to slow, but yes rain forest and sometimes forest biomes do be come dense, which is no different than a real forest without control (fire lumber jacking)

edit: and with the amount of wood you can go through with mods like BTW you really do push the forest back away from your "home"
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by the_fodder »

Case wrote:I love the idea of the lumberjack mode, making "felling" a tree actually possible, but other than that the huge amounts of tree's that would generate would be too much.
On one side of a hill alone it auto spawned a dozen tree's.
Would that work with FC axe modifications or do you have to disable it?

Shelfs - self explanatory ... s-updates/

Zombe mod pack
-compass (aka Compass)<yes> lets you set a way-point
-craft (aka Craft All Key)<yes> shift+click = create 64 items
-growth (aka Plant Growth)<yes> saplings plant themselves & punkins / flowers spread on dirt
-ore (aka Ore Redistribution)<sure?> going to try on my next world.
-wield (aka Wield Key)<yes> jump to weapon in toolbar.
It's FC mod, he just lets us play it.
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by Xecaquan »

the_fodder wrote:
Case wrote:I love the idea of the lumberjack mode, making "felling" a tree actually possible, but other than that the huge amounts of tree's that would generate would be too much.
On one side of a hill alone it auto spawned a dozen tree's.
Would that work with FC axe modifications or do you have to disable it?

No they are not modifying the same class, so you don't have to disable anything. There are a lot of "lumberjacking" mods out there but nice thing about NO is that Clint actually damages your ax based on the amount of wood dropped. So you don't feel like your cheating, just saves you time and hassle.
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by the_fodder »

Xecaquan wrote:I love the idea of the lumberjack mode, making "felling" a tree actually possible, but other than that the huge amounts of


No they are not modifying the same class, so you don't have to disable anything. There are a lot of "lumberjacking" mods out there but nice thing about NO is that Clint actually damages your ax based on the amount of wood dropped. So you don't feel like your cheating, just saves you time and hassle.
ok, that convinced me to give this more then a once over. NICE everything is toggleable, adding to my list of mods to install.

Awe crap. error on launch. must be a problem with zombe grow settings. I will have to tinker with it when I reinstall 1.7.3.
It's FC mod, he just lets us play it.
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by christonian »

I just added it to mine now it does saving chunks then goes black screen and does nothing do you turn any options off to make it work with BTW

Edit nevermind seems I have got it up and running up installing older version that is 1.7.2 not 3 will post if anything goes wrong
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by Cur8r »

christonian wrote:nevermind seems I have got it up and running up installing older version that is 1.7.2 not 3 will post if anything goes wrong
Can you link to where to download the 1.7.2 version of NO? I've been really interested in it, but I'm a novice at modding (BTW is my first mod), and I've learned the hard way that you *must* use compatible versions of mods/minecraft. So if anyone knows where I can get 1.7.2 NO to run with BTW that would be great.

Also, on a semi-tangent, does anyone know if the Ruins Mod is still being maintained? I think the minecraft wiki said the most recent release for it was 1.6.6 or something like that, but I'm hoping the author is still working on it, because that seems like a really cool mod to use, especially to make finding mossy cobblestone less of a hassle, since MCS is so important in BTW.
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by Xecaquan »

yes Clint like most good Modders maintains a list of prior versions right on the original post. ... s-spreads/ So you want the Version 1.1 of NO to go with the current BTW and MC 1.7.2.
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by Cur8r »

Xecaquan wrote:yes Clint like most good Modders maintains a list of prior versions right on the original post. ... s-spreads/ So you want the Version 1.1 of NO to go with the current BTW and MC 1.7.2.
Awesome, thanks for pointing that out. I feel like an idiot for not noticing that :/ But now that you've said that, I noticed the thread for ModOptions API does the same, so I *don't* have to ask where that is. Hooray for being able to actually figure some things out on my own, with some guiding in the right direction.
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by Shanaynay2u1 »

STEAM, yes the water vapor stuff.The technology being used in the game might just be relvent to include steam, power.I have not put any though though to what it can be used for...but anyways i was going to suggest a bellows macine in the medevil times when mechanical energy was being more and more used they used mechanical energy to pump bellows to smelt iron and ore at a fast and high quantity rate *Hint*Cauldron*Hint* it would be like it but instead would smelt ores.

Efficency of ore mining

around the 1800s They used steam to power giant crushers they would smash quartz and they would extract gold from them.It would be used to break up iron to maybe double the ore you get,or depening on the methods of you refining it would be how well and much you get.(I could go on forever about this)

Gun powder!

Well the way its made i nthe game still is not the same procces it is really done its more technical,but im going to muble for a while about this so you might get bored sorry..

OK, the main Ingredent in gunpowder is KNO3 or pottasium nitrate (the next paragraph will be on this)Tof mae KNO3 you need DIRT that has been heavily peed and pooped on DUNG,it will have a White frost aperance on the top,it might look a bit like snow but more crystaly.You need potash to filter the other non-desirable materials this can be done in minecraft by PUTING WOOD IN A FURNACE.You would need to make a mixing block you put a water bucket on the very top,The potash in the middle and the manurial soil on the bottom,It will yeild a bucket of disolved KNO3 place the KNO3 Solution in a furnace to evporate the water.Ta-Dah! you have KNO3

Charcoal (Thankxfuly already in the game!)

I do not have to explain this one.

Sulphur (Its not needed but is added for a slowr boom)

This is no manufacturable so you would need to find it it comonly forms near volcanic piles but gunpowder will works without it.

Last step to makeing gun powder.

You need to put the charcoal and the KNO3 in a mill grinder to make them into a powder,Then simple mix them 3/4:KNO3 1/4:Charcoal
And this is how Gunpowder sir really made!

I would greatly apreciate it you take this into consideration :D

I posted this on the wrong form at first lol but i think i found the right place.

Mod edit: User warned for spamming this in multiple places. There's a suggestion thread. Use it.
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by Fracture »

Erm... tried installing NO along with BTW, and it kept crashing-- went into the files and figured out why. Both of them modify the yq.class, and there might be a couple other conflicts. Install order doesn't change anything, and yes, using MC, BTW and NO all for 1.7.2.

On the upside, this forces me to get some sleep instead of trying to continue my current project, as for some reason my computer decided to wipe all the previous versions of my minecraft.jar and my bin folder, so I can't do much until I either have the time to manually re-acquire MC.jar 1.7.2 and install just BTW, or figure out how to make it and NO work together properly.

Night all!
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by Urian »

Fracture wrote:Erm... tried installing NO along with BTW, and it kept crashing-- went into the files and figured out why. Both of them modify the yq.class, and there might be a couple other conflicts. Install order doesn't change anything, and yes, using MC, BTW and NO all for 1.7.2.

On the upside, this forces me to get some sleep instead of trying to continue my current project, as for some reason my computer decided to wipe all the previous versions of my minecraft.jar and my bin folder, so I can't do much until I either have the time to manually re-acquire MC.jar 1.7.2 and install just BTW, or figure out how to make it and NO work together properly.

Night all!
I suspect that might be because they both modify axe behaviour. Try disabling the changes to the axe and see if that works.
FlowerChild: Ice in deserts is a good idea
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by Fracture »

Urian wrote:
Fracture wrote:Erm... tried installing NO along with BTW, and it kept crashing-- went into the files and figured out why. Both of them modify the yq.class, and there might be a couple other conflicts. Install order doesn't change anything, and yes, using MC, BTW and NO all for 1.7.2.

On the upside, this forces me to get some sleep instead of trying to continue my current project, as for some reason my computer decided to wipe all the previous versions of my minecraft.jar and my bin folder, so I can't do much until I either have the time to manually re-acquire MC.jar 1.7.2 and install just BTW, or figure out how to make it and NO work together properly.

Night all!
I suspect that might be because they both modify axe behaviour. Try disabling the changes to the axe and see if that works.
On a related note, I'm a dumbass. Investigating that route, I realized I need modoptionsAPI. GG Fracture.
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by Xecaquan »

Fracture wrote:Erm... tried installing NO along with BTW, and it kept crashing-- went into the files and figured out why. Both of them modify the yq.class, and there might be a couple other conflicts. Install order doesn't change anything, and yes, using MC, BTW and NO all for 1.7.2.

On the upside, this forces me to get some sleep instead of trying to continue my current project, as for some reason my computer decided to wipe all the previous versions of my minecraft.jar and my bin folder, so I can't do much until I either have the time to manually re-acquire MC.jar 1.7.2 and install just BTW, or figure out how to make it and NO work together properly.

Night all!
Yea if you noticed towards the end of the thread for NO I inquired with Clint about the two conflicting classes with BTWs: ru.class and yq.class. Like most good modders if the class is not there or overwritten it will not cause an issue. as far as I know:

ru.class - adds hemp seed drops in grass blocks, hoe'ing (not needed once you have a hemp farm going)
yq.class - this is the BlockFire class, still not exactly sure what Flower is doing with it.

ru.class - allows control over the spreading rate of grassblocks.
yq.class - an GUI toggle to get back the old behavior of fire.

I just used both classes from BTW and hasn't caused any issues with either mod, as expected.
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by mht03110 »

for some reason i cant craft a millstone, did i screw up instaling the mod or is someone else having problems 2, im using no
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by gftweek »

Not really the right topic mht03110, but check you are using the new recipe as per the MC forum page, it has changed, and perhaps not been updated in all guides yet?

Edit: to clarify, it is now all smoothstone, no cobble at the bottom.

On topic, since everything is now updated to 1.7.3, I'm going to try Nature Overhaul tonight, I like the idea of dynamic forests, for the same reason that Millenaire is good, as it adds things to the world that change without the players input, giving life to what can seem to be a static game at times.
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by mht03110 »

gftweek wrote:Not really the right topic mht03110, but check you are using the new recipe as per the MC forum page, it has changed, and perhaps not been updated in all guides yet?
im asking because i want to know if its has anything to do with the mod suggested in the op, and has the recipea changed from the cleanstone ontop with the 2 cobble and one gear on bottom
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by Dorian »

Right now I'm just using a the piston patch so pistons launch entities and the recipe book mod. That and TMI and singleplayer commands.

But, even with all that silly bad blood between Flowerchild and the Yogscast, I'm still eagerly awaiting for someone, somewhere, to alter the Yogbox so that it's compatible with Better than Wolves.

But, until then, Better than Wolves alone is more than good enough.
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by BigShinyToys » ... the-skies/
This is a mod that adds a helicopter to minecraft.
The helicopter can ride the lifts and workes in a Fully packed mod so easy instlation it is 1.7.3 Compatible.

This mod is still [WIP] so to make the helicopter The recipy is un balanced concidring that the Helicopter is wikked .

Recipy is the same as the boat with one more wood block on the top line center . i use it insted of flying player mods i like the helicopter's controlls very simple and easy to use. also you can fly at night if you have a map . Trust me flying almost blind with only a map + compus for guidence is a thrilling experence.
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by Thieme »

Do you think making companion cubes out of wolves for decorational purposes is to nice towards them? Rather want to keep them locked away producing dung?
Well you can put up a companioncube wallpaper now with this new mod from Kaevator (Note: to do this see spoiler below) ... try6238381

Even if you dont want companion cube faces staring at you all the time just still get this mod because it can breathe a lot more life in your house/farm or where ever you want.
In the mod files go to Kaevator folder and open wallpapers.png with some sort of picture editor (i use as windows user wich is a downloadable version not the standard paint that comes with windows). For me the wallpapers.png stuff is 32×32 so you also need a 32×32 "companion cube face" wich you can get from the faithfull pack (see wiki)
You then just copy the wolf face [\Faithful32_BTW\btwmodtex\fccompcube.png] with the editor and paste it over any of the other images in the wallpapers.png file. putting it in a empty slot doesn't work (yet) so you have to override one of the others!

Edit: Apperently you can add new textures i asked in the thread and i got this reply
You can add extra textures but it's not "very simple":
- You have to extract the file "wallpapers.png" from the zip -> /kaevator folder.
- You can then add/modify the textures as you wish: textures will be read from upper-left vertically.
- Place the file back in the zip.
- To tell that you changed the number of textures, open the "mod_Wallpaper.props" file in the .minecraft folder and edit the "nb_motives" value (default is 24).
- You can add up to 64 different textures.
- Default textures are 32*32, If you want to change this, just replace the file with one with different definition, it should be working as well. ... p__6238776
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by Quesoman »

I personally would suggest as complementary things to BTW Mods like the beekeeping by Nandonalt, that add further things to do in the end-game, after you are finished with collecting, building and exploring. Other mods that add some challenge or thrill to the game like the battletowers mod. (I would also say the millenaire mod, but I have never given it a try).
Of course mo'creatures is always a most ;)
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Re: Suggested additional mod to use with BTW

Post by magikeh »

Well Reading this has brought me to tell you all about my favorate mods out there
They Include:

Better Than Wolves
Comon seriously? You Just Had to open the spoiler?
Speaker Block Mod
This mod adds a new block that can play sounds (or music) from a file specified by the Minecraft launcher, it comes complete with a GUI and several options for easy and effective configuring! ... s-updated/
Spikes Mod
this is a great block addition that allows a new block type (spikes) they can be retracted with redstone and they will damage entities when they are all out there... good mod overall!! ... s-updated/
Magical Shit
Syruse|Work: i like magic shit
MagikEh: ...
MagikEh: >.>
MagikEh: <.<
»» MagikEh walks to the bathroom
Syruse|Work: hahaaaaaaaaa
Syruse|Work: wait
MagikEh: xD
Syruse|Work: fuck
Syruse|Work: NO
Syruse|Work: DONT
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