OLD Release! Super Better Than Wolves V1.0 [overhaul/expansion/modpack]

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OLD Release! Super Better Than Wolves V1.0 [overhaul/expansion/modpack]

Post by EpicAaron »

The SBTW 2.0 Beta, with Hardcore Sleeping and lighting fix, is available! See here:
https://www.sargunster.com/btwforum/vie ... hp?t=10164


Do you get tired of punching trees all the time?

Does it feel like you do the same thing over and over again on every Hardcore Spawn?

Do ever wish you could actually use all that leather in your inventory?

Do you miss being able to mine at night?

Do you hate losing all your items on death?

Do you sometimes find yourself with no string and nothing to do?

Do you wish your pumpkin patches were massive and beautiful and sprawling?

Do you enjoy stabbing things?

I am excited to present an addon that tackles all of these questions and more:

Super Better Than Wolves!


SBTW is a community made extension, overhaul, and modpack all in one. It is a grand old project that targets various stages of the game to invigorate and smooth out the experience. Some of its features patch holes in the early game so that the player can spend less time waiting around and more time actually playing and building. Other changes add depth to later parts of the game, like making mining charges more accessible or overhauling pumpkins and melons to grow in glorious, vining patches. Other features fundamentally change core mechanics of the game in sublime ways. Torches now live up to their name, emitting light when held in the hand. Items that are dropped on death no longer despawn. The player instead has five chances, five lives, to get their stuff back. Simple tweaks like slightly increased animal drops tie the package together.

All of these features work to create a version of Better Than Wolves that is more accessible and highly replayable. Lose yourself in the blocky simulation once again! Play Super Better Than Wolves today!

Better Than Wolves CE 1.0.1:
https://github.com/BTW-Community/BTW-Pu ... tag/v1.0.1

SBTW Client zip:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/c2uocyjm ... t.zip/file

SBTW Server zip:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/pgrwdu2e ... r.zip/file

MIRROR Github release page:
https://github.com/Spicy-Boy/Super-Bett ... /Minecraft

MultiMC Instance:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/0lj1up2h ... e.zip/file
The instance comes preinstalled with the texture packs linked below. Craftguide is also included.

Sockthing's Extra Animations CIT texturepack:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/wl926nec ... k.zip/file
This texture pack adds new animated textures to certain crafting recipes like cutting and carving.

Extra Animations CIT texturepack w/ Old Cobblestone:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/362s128t ... E.zip/file
This changes the loose cobblestone texture to the Minecraft Beta cobblestone texture.


~The Bone Pickaxe~


Super Better Than Wolves puts the MINE back in Minecraft with this crude new mining tool. The bone pickaxe allows the player to make headway once again against the dauntless fortitude of stone. Expanding your dwarven hallways and digging mining wells is an option once again.


Less durable than its stone brother, the bone pick is nonetheless capable of mining ore and breaking tough stone blocks into useful cobbles. It does not require iron to produce, meaning survivors can craft their own bone pick with nothing but a cow rib and some string. Especially skilled players can possibly craft one of these as early as the first night, though even a fourth, fifth, or sixth night pickaxe is a major speed boost over the multi-hour project of making a stone pick.


In base BTW, the player needs to craft a chisel before having access to a pickaxe. This means that a basic mining tool is not available until four pieces of iron have been smelted, and this is a process that takes even the most skilled players over an hour to accomplish. The bone pick fills this gap, unlocking an enjoyable and productive activity for the night. Hollowing out rooms, digging staircases, and mining are all nighttime activities that were core to the BTW gameplay loop in versions pre-4.9, but recent updates threw that balance off. Try it yourself; I think you will agree that having access to a pickaxe early on makes those long nights in the hole a lot more engaging, and the simple introduction of a new objective (cow hunting) enriches the earlygame and introduces variance to each respawn. And ultimately, this digging leads to the player having more blocks to build with, which is a major win in a block building game.

~Beef Ribs and Cheaper Leather Armor~

O, bountiful hoofsies!


Cows are these awesome, dangerous creatures loaded with food and crafting materials. In SBTW, they are even more valuable. Cows now drop a new item, the beef rib, that can be carved into the aforementioned bone pickaxe.


This delicious hunk of meat can also be seared and devoured. There is so much meat on those bones that a single seared beef rib contains multiple servings. This is ideal in cooperative survival situations when scarce food stores must be shared between multiple players.


Leather armor has also been tweaked to make it more accessible during the early game. Leather can be cut by hand into two pieces of cut leather (no shears required), and this cut leather can be used to craft leather armor inside the 2x2 grid. Leather is no longer a dead material in your inventory, every shred of it is useful right away. This increased accessibility of real armor (AHEM wool!) right when the player needs to take the most risk is a monumental boon to survivability.

Both of these changes seek to incorporate cow hunting into the early progression of BTW itself. The promise of loads of food, leather armor, and a new pickaxe make taking down a cow an extremely meaningful activity. The hard part, of course, is actually killing one, and those strategies are something I leave for players to discover themselves. In future updates, I may even make cows more difficult to cheese.

~Hardcore Stabbing and Cutting~


So, how are players supposed to cut up all this leather and rib meat in the first place? Well, with a knife of course!


The flint knife can carve logs and slice webbing better than a sharp rock. It is also the instrument by which leather and ribs are processed. It is a stabby tool, so the player can defend himself with it in a pinch. Players can also use the knife as a pair of shears-lite to harvest hemp and vines. Say hello to vine traps!


Gravel pits are suddenly a whole lot more desirable. Mixing a piece of flint with a stone allows the player to create a new kind of progressive crafting item called flint knapping. It works sort of like knitting, but the player has to time each stone hit properly or else the flint will eventually shatter. It is a crafting mini-game that takes a little technique to master! Leather cutting and rib carving are basically knitting recipes, but they do not take quite as long.


Can you hear that satisfying click?

I was hesitant at first to add a brand new tool to Minecraft. I did not want to over-saturate a mod that already adds somewhat unintuitive tools like sharp sticks and stones. The more I thought about it, however, the more I realized that BTW players desperately need something to fill in the gap when string isn't available within the first few days. Have you ever experienced that? Sometimes a forest or taiga inhibits spider spawns, sometimes you are in a tundra, a biome without any chickens to bait spiders with in the first place. Either way, going on multiple days without finding string is a major downward spiral, not to mention boring and grindy. In situations where string cannot be found, the player can opt to seek out a knife to harvest branches, protect himself, and eventually harvest string with. In fact, players can abandon the usual day 1 path in favor of flint hunting! See the next section for more details...

It also comes in iron. Stabbing power is more potent.


~Foraging for Branches~

SBTW adds a new combustible item, the branch. Branches act like sticks, although they can't be used as shafts in tool recipes or clubs. Campfires, plows, and torches are fair game, however. Branches generate as harvestable blocks beneath trees in forested biomes.


Punching trees gets old. It takes up a lot of the day and leaves little time for finding a shelter or exploring. I have long theorized that players might dread respawns less if the first day were less focused on fuel gathering and allowed more time to explore and devise a proper shelter, players might have an easier time returning to the game after a death. So far, I am having a lot of fun mixing up my first day strategies. All of these options allow me to better adapt to the environment at hand.

~Hiracho's Dynamic Lighting: Torches act like torches!~

SBTW comes prepackaged with Hiracho's fundamental torch addon, Dynamic Lighting. It feels so natural to carry a lit torch around while exploring caverns and mineshafts that you will be hard pressed to play the clunky old way ever again.


~Yany's Death Item Despawn Mechanics~

Better Than Wolves is so intense that, in most cases, dying means losing your items forever. Losing an inventory of enchanted tools turns an already frustrating death experience into a soul crushing defeat. Despair can set in, leaving a depressed husk of a player to wander aimlessly in the wilderness in search of an easy path home...

Yany's Stuff and Things addon introduces a novel means of shifting this dynamic, and he was kind enough to help me implement this feature into SBTW. Rather than despawning after a fixed twenty minutes, items dropped on death will remain indefinitely until the player dies five more times. That's right: players have five chances to return to their point of death and recover any dropped items. This change not only takes a massive weight off each death, it also empowers the player to take each respawn seriously so they can return safely home. It is ingenious!

This feature is not currently optional. If you still want to play the punishing old way, let me know and I can make a config.

~Hardcore Respawn Timer Reduction~

The cooldown time between receiving fresh respawns on death is now roughly five minutes (previously twenty minutes, or an entire day/night cycle). This should make certain unfortunate spawns, like jungle and ocean spawns, less frustrating to deal with.

~Animal Drops and Feeding Tweaks~

Killing a pig to recieve only a single piece of pork feels like a slap in the face. Thankfully, the drop values have been tweaked in SBTW to make animal hunting a little more rewarding. Pigs will always drop at least two pieces of pork, and sheep will always drop two pieces of mutton unless starving. The change to pork quantity is valuable to later game automation and should allow items that rely on tallow (like mining charges and candles) more accessible. In that vein, pork now renders into three pieces of tallow and leather can be melted into two pieces of glue.

Chickens will now also always drop at least two feathers. Given that feathers are demanded by multiple villager trades and the player's own arrows, this drop seriously needed a boost.

Grass has been changed to reflect recent CE versions. It will now grow at night, so animals can be kept alive even when unloaded during the day (if you don't understand what that means, don't worry about it, the point is for you to never have to notice).

The biggest change is to food values. Animal feed (seeds, straw, etc.) now fills up animals way more than before (in some cases, 4 or 8 times more). This change still needs a good deal of playtesting, but I suspect the new values should be enough to make automating animals the old fashioned way possible once again. Breeding items are unchanged at this time, but those need to be looked at as well. Expect more attention given to animal automation in the next update.

One final change in this area: pigs will now feed on rotten flesh directly.. >:) Do with that information what you will...

~Bow Stringing and Efficient Arrows~

Have too much string on your hands? Need a bow, but don't have a crafting table? SBTW has you covered.


Arrow crafting is also a lot less obnoxious now. If you don't know, the original crafting recipe only creates a single arrow.


~Lay waste to your enemies with the DEATH CLUB~


Crush their skulls beneath your boot and devour their newly tenderized flesh raw.

~Return of the Workbench~

Speaks for itself. Mainly, I missed having access to this block for decorative purposes. I also find it strange that players are expected to grow trees in their workshops in order to have a bench. If a player can spare the ingot, this might just be worth crafting.


~We all love the Meat Cube!~
~Rails and Carts Tweak~

Powered rails have been prohibitively expensive for far too long. I made the gold cost cheaper in order to allow players to actually use them before building an automated nether trap (which, for most players, could be one of the last things they ever build, far after rails are desired).


Minecarts with chests now drop their chest. :) Use it wisely!

~Endgame Love: Enchantable Steel Tools and Mining Charges~

Few players these days even get to hold a Soulforged Steel Tool, let alone try to enchant one. Well, guess what? In base BTW, steel tools cannot be enchanted in the standard enchanting table. This makes them strictly worse than diamond tools, which is a shame because the mattock and battle axe are so awesome. In SBTW, you are free to enchant away! Use as many mattocks as you want, you've certainly earned it.

Steel tools can now accept up to five enchantments from the infernal enchanter (I bet you didn't even know that was limited!), so players have more space to make truly ridiculous enchantment combos.


Mining charges have been updated to work with the post-AAAHHH system of loose cobblestone and ore chunks. Ore blocks will now drop their proper item when blasted with a charge, and all cobblestone will also be preserved (dropped as a block of loose cobble).

~SocksCrops presents: GOURD OVERHAUL~


I saved the very best new feature for last. Sockthing, esteemed developer of various addons, has worked with me to incorporate his yet unreleased gourd addon into SBTW. I will leave the writeup to him;

Pumpkin and Melon Crops have been completely reworked, inspired by Vintage Story's Pumpkin Plants (https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php?title=Pumpkin)

To grow Pumpkins or Melons find the seeds as you would normally. I.e. Pumpkin seeds can be crafted from pumpkins found outside the HCSpawn radius, while Melon seeds are found in Mineshafts. Plant these seeds to grow a stem crop.


While the stem is growing, it has a chance to grow vines next to it in any cardinal direction, if there is space for it.

Vines have 4 growth stages and can grow further vines adjacent to it. Once mature Vines will try to flower.

A flowering Vine will try to grow fruit 3 times to a free adjacent spot.


A growing Pumpkin or Melon can be recognized by the vine attached to the top of the fruit. It has 4 growth stages, but can be harvested at any stage. Only mature fruit can be used to turn into seeds or slices, while the unripe ones can be used for decoration.

Once a plant has grown fruit and the player has harvested these it will not grow any more fruit. The player needs to remove the stem and vines and plant a new seed to grow more.

Pumpkins are now edible. This makes them a sustainable source of foods like melons, though pumpkin slices must be baked or boiled to eat. Have you ever tried to eat raw pumpkin? It's like eating a rock.


To make farming more accessible, I have reintroduced the stone hoe.


Hemp seeds can indeed be gathered with the stone hoe. Waiting for hemp to grow is a slog of a bottleneck, especially without chunkloading capabilities at HC spawns. The power to start growing weed ASAP should alleviate this drag slightly or massively.

With all these new sources for seeds, perhaps keeping a pet chicken in your home is viable once again?

For more information about features and development, check out my Dev Diary!

**Crafting Recipes**
Bone Pickaxe

Flint Knife / Flint Knapping

Iron Knife

Leather Armor / Leather Cutting

Rib Carving / Rib Cutting

Vine Traps

Workbench / Crafting Table

Powered Rails

Pumpkin Slices / Pumpkin Cutting

Branch Recipes
(There are way more, you can craft most basic shaft/stick recipes with branches, including torches)

Stone Hoe
The full SBTW 1.0 changelog can be found in the spoiler below.
-Added new tool type: blades/knives
>effective against webs
>can harvest hemp & vines
>deals extra damage
-Added new tool: Flint knife
-Added new tool: Iron knife
-Added new progress crafting recipe: flint knapping (to produce flint knife)
>animated, must land hit at right moment or flint can break
-Added recipe for crafting vine traps with two vines

-Added new item: Branch
>Harvested from leaves with knife, random chance drop without knife
>Harvested from dead bushes
>generates as a block on the floor of forests (hardcore fuel gathering)

-Added new progress crafting recipe: leather cutting (to make cut leather)
-Added new crafting recipes for leather armor using cut leather (for use in 2x2 grid!)

-Added new cow drop: Beef rib
-Added new food: Seared Beef Rib (by cooking a beef rib)
-Added new progress crafting recipe: rib cutting
-Added new item: Rib Bone (made from beef rib)

-Added new tool: Bone Pickaxe (made from rib)

-Added tombstone block (currently no way to craft/find it)
-Added sunflower block (currently no way to craft it)

-Added the meat cube

-Added recipe for the original workbench, crafted with 8 planks and an iron ingot

-Added Hiracho's Dynamic Lighting mod, which allows torches to illuminate space even when held in hand!

-Added recipe for stone hoe
>can be used to find hemp seeds in grass

-Added new progress crafting recipe: bow stringing (to produce a bow without crafting table)

-Added Sockthings's Sock's Crops mod (specifically, his gourds), which changes pumpkin and melon farming
>gourds now grow on large vines, like those in a pumpkin patch
>added four new pumpkin types and four new melon types
-Added new item: pumpkin slices
>by using a knife on a pumpkin in the crafting grid, the player can get pumpkin slices
>this recipe also gives the player 4 pumpkin seeds
>not edible
-Added new items: roasted and boiled pumpkin slices

-Added the Death Club

-Changed cows to drop at least 1 leather every time
-Changed chickens to drop at least 2 feathers every time
-Changed pigs to always drop 2-3 pork when killed
-Changed sheep to always drop 2 mutton
-Changed grass to also grow at night, fixing an issue where feeding animals with grass did not work beyond spawn chunks

-Changed animal feed values to make it easier to keep animals fed
>Testing required!

-Changed leather to render into 2 glue instead of 1 (and 1 cut leather = 1 glue)
-Changed pork to render into 3 tallow (instead of 1 tallow)
-Changed a single beef to render into 1 tallow (instead of 4 beef)

-Changed steel tools to be enchantable in the standard table ;P
-Changed steel tools to now accept up to five enchantments in the infernal enchanter (go nuts!)
-Changed diamond tools to now accept up to three enchantments in the infernal enchanter
-Tweaked diamond tool enchanting to increase the rate of level 3 enchantments
-Tweaked steel tool enchanting to make level 3 enchantments standard
>Efficiency IV is now a possibility... too OP?
-Changed Bottles O' Enchanting to drop a lot more EXP...

-Changed minecart chests to drop a chest when broken

-Added Hardcore Bible Murder
-Changed pointy sticks and sharp stone to deal small amount of damage for pretty much no reason

-Changed (reduced) the HC Respawn timer to 1/4th its original value.

-Changed mortared cobblestone to break into a loose cobblestone block when broken with improper tool

-Added a new recipe for powered rails that only costs 2 ingots of gold

-Changed items dropped on death to no longer despawn after 20 minutes
>instead, items dropped on death will disappear after 5 deaths

-Changed mining charges to drop the proper chunks (and diamonds) when blasting ore
-Changed mining charges to blast stone blocks into cobblestone

-Changed starvation to take a little longer
-Removed immediate nausea effect on starvation

**How to Install**

Refer to the installation instruction for BTW that can be found here: http://www.sargunster.com/btwforum/view ... =9&t=10172

Start by creating a new Minecraft 1.5.2 instance in MultiMC. This can be done by right clicking an empty part of the window and selecting "Create Instance." Then, edit this instance by clicking the "Edit Instance" button in the menu to the right of the application window. Click "Add to Minecraft.jar" and select your BTW CE 1.0.1 client zip. Then, click "Add to Minecraft.jar" again and select your SBTW 1.0 client zip. That's it! Run the game and load into a world to see if the addon installed properly.

If you want an even easier installation, use the MultiMC instance. Installing a MultiMC instance is a simple two-click process. Just look for "Add Instance" in the upper left corner of the MultiMC window and then click "Import from Zip." Select the instance zip and it will automatically install everything for you. The instance even comes with Craftguide and compatible texture packs.

The older version of craftguide that can be found [HERE] is compatible with SBTW. I have included it with the MultiMC instance for your convenience.

Super Better Than Wolves was programmed on Community Edition version 1.0.1, and as such it is unfortunately not currently compatible with Deco Addon or Better Terrain Addon. The same is likely true for various other addons created on newer versions of CE. It is possible that I will update SBTW to the latest version of CE sometime in the future, but for now this version is all I have to offer.

Certain small Fabric mods are likely to be compatible with SBTW. For example, Arminias's bed mod has already been tested to work alongside SBTW!

Here is a list of base class edits for those interested:
Base Class Edits:
FCBlockGrass (fix lighting bug)
EntityPlayer (ported from Hiracho mod)
FCBlockHempCrop (knife harvesting)
BlockVine (knife harvesting)
ItemBow (for animating flint knapping...)
EntityPlayerMP (change hunger confusion effect)
Item (change animal food values)
SlotArmor (pumpkin hats fix)
GuiIngame (Im not actually sure if I remembered to include this file in V1.0...)

As you can see, I took the FC approach to compatibility.
Super Better Than Wolves represents the contributions of over half a dozen members of the BTW community. The extreme helpfulness and generosity of these people is something I have never seen before online, and I admit with the utmost gratitude that this project would never have survived to release without the constant attention and care of these individuals.

First, I would like to thank Sockthing, who routinely sat with me in long calls to work out bugs and features and eventually went so far as to program parts of SBTW himself. The serverside code was completely salvaged by his efforts. He is also the creator of SocksCrops, the gourds of which feature prominently in this addon. His patience and dedication is a sight to behold--literally spoonfeeding me code at various points to keep me going. Truly, I am so thankful to be able to call you my friend and milkbucket brother. UwU

Oh, Sock also did pretty much all of the textures and animations.

Of course, I cannot go further without thanking Dawnraider, the champion of Better Than Wolves herself. She has literally reworked vast portions of this mod from the ground up in the months since FC's vanishing, and her deep knowledge of the mod and its history shine in everything she says. She was always lightning fast in answering my vague questions. On a greater scale, she has provided the rock upon which the BTW community now flourishes. The current modding scene literally would not exist without her ceaseless work, and for that I am forever grateful. Thank you Dawn for carrying the torch of BTW ever onward into the future!

Zhil is our hero behind the scenes, and the person that personally started me on the path to creating this addon. He went so far as to program a custom workspace for me and painstakingly walk me through troubleshooting and setup in order to allow me to start programming in the first place. His knack for logistics form the backbone of CE, and he has proved an effective community leader on Discord. Thank you for all that you have done and somehow continue to do!

Hiracho, ever busy, created Dynamic Lighting (http://www.sargunster.com/btwforum/view ... 12&t=10151), the manifestation of an idea that had always been a dream of mine to play. Moreover, Hiracho has been around since the beginning of my fascination with BTW post-AAAAHHH, always willing to talk design and innovate in ways that have defined how we play this game today. Thank you for being you!

Yany beat me to the punch with his own overhaul addon, http://www.sargunster.com/btwforum/view ... =12&t=9873. His change to item despawning was so brilliant that I simply had to steal it, and he went above and beyond and actually sat down with me in a stream to help me code the change! You have been fabulously helpful and engaging member of the Community.

Special thanks to Arminias for striving to incorporate Fabric into BTW and also creating a functional bed mod for BTW. The true weight of your contributions have yet to land, but the impact in a few months is sure to be gigantic.

Thanks to Exphp, Jakerman, GreenKnight, IssaMe, Andre, Rocky, Lanny, Aqua, IcyNewYear, Aradan, and countless other members of the BTW community, young and old, for enriching my engagement with this game and compelling me to push ever onward. Sorry if I forgot your name! So many servers over so many years, the memories start to stack up..

Big thanks to all the new and old players that come into the Discord to share their experiences with BTW. It has been so much fun discussing this mod!

Gigathanks, of course, go to Flowerchild for creating one of the greatest games of all time. I hope we someday get to play another amazing game from your exquisite vision. RIP

Finally, I would like to thank Whuppee, a pioneer of post-AAAAHHH BTW, for getting me on board with the new version of the game in the first place. I probably would have given up on this game a long time ago if I did not start watching his marathon streams. He inspired me to keep playing and start making content myself.
Better Than Wolves forever!
Last edited by EpicAaron on Sun Nov 12, 2023 2:40 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: New Release! Super Better Than Wolves V1.0 [overhaul/expansion/modpack]

Post by IssaMe »

Woah we finally get to see the fruits of your labour!
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Re: New Release! Super Better Than Wolves V1.0 [overhaul/expansion/modpack]

Post by PlasmaFox »

First of all thank you and well done! I truly think you are improving the game and progressing in the right direction, i will definitely recommend your mod for new players to try out and hopefully have a better game experience.
I will write out some suggestions for you to think about in the future.
1. Keeping this mod up-to date with CE is probably recommended.
2. We might want to give the anvil some new functionality now that you added back the crafting table but lets be real, anvils are in a weird spot right now.
3. You might wanna try adapting some changes that Abby has done in her addon as they are very similar to your goals and just very nice to have imo. Read through some of the issues on github which describe those changes in some detail.
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Re: New Release! Super Better Than Wolves V1.0 [overhaul/expansion/modpack]

Post by dawnraider »

\o/ New addon!

Congrats on release :)
Come join us on discord! https://discord.gg/fhMK5kx
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Re: New Release! Super Better Than Wolves V1.0 [overhaul/expansion/modpack]

Post by FerretFitz »

I am absolutely blown away with this addon i had to post a reply. There isn't a single thing i disagree with.
Good job!
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Re: New Release! Super Better Than Wolves V1.0 [overhaul/expansion/modpack]

Post by Moldiworp2 »

Good work dude, might drop in to the server to check things out. Haven't played in ages, might be the kick I need.
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Re: New Release! Super Better Than Wolves V1.0 [overhaul/expansion/modpack]

Post by rohanguard1 »

Hypothetically, is it possible for there to be a version of this without the melon changes? My friend and I want to play with the regular melons.
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Re: New Release! Super Better Than Wolves V1.0 [overhaul/expansion/modpack]

Post by EpicAaron »

rohanguard1 wrote: Thu Jul 06, 2023 12:18 pm Hypothetically, is it possible for there to be a version of this without the melon changes? My friend and I want to play with the regular melons.
That shouldn't be hard to do at all. The new gourds are totally separate from the old ones (they just share a seed). MSG me on Discord and I can fork you a special version.
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Re: New Release! Super Better Than Wolves V1.0 [overhaul/expansion/modpack]

Post by Pot_Tx »

Wow~ Exciting new addon!
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