The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME ONLY

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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by FlowerChild »

DiamondArms wrote:The ability to rename things, like in a vMC dead weight.
Why? Seriously. I've never understood that feature or the desire for it.
ion wrote:ex: by the time i get a blacksmith i kill him outright as i'll have access to all that he is selling from my mob trap as i value emeralds higher.
Odd. I view the blacksmith as one of the more useful villagers, as he's essentially the source of renewable diamond ingots. Before SFS, I make very heavy use of him.
dawnraider wrote:I remember a long time ago when FC did that interview with Battosay, shortly after leaving Forge, he had some issues with that. Namely the sheer amount of janky base class edits that it took for Red Power to have that, which was a contributing factor to why FC left Forge, from how bloated it became.
That's not at all accurate. No need to answer suggestions for me as that'll inevitably just cause confusion... especially when I already explained it before you did :)
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by abculatter_2 »

FlowerChild wrote:I think I got the gist of most of it (maybe?), but if you feel strongly about any of them I'd really suggest bullet pointing them and avoiding the explanations of why you're suggesting each, or the pros and cons involved.
Hokay, attempt #2;
EDIT: Apparently, the forum doesn't like using spaces for indents... I'll try using tildes instead.

= Villager Slavery
- Put a breeding harness on a villager to 'enslave' it, probably requiring weakness potion first.
- Enslaved villagers will, if a crafting table or anvil is adjacent to them, look for items nearby to craft with.
~> You could also add a 'whip' item that could be used in a dispenser to force the villager to search for items, instead of it being passive.
~> Recipes craftable using villagers would generally be themed towards 'processing' recipes, such as hemp fiber => rope, canes => wicker, wool + wicker block => wool blocks, etc.
~> Possibly, the recipe set available to a particular slave would be dependant on its previous villager type and level. Example; Peasants could mix non-meat foods together, (like cake batter) blacksmiths could make tool/armor intermediaries like plating and hafts, butchers could use shears to cut leather and mix meat-based foods, etc.
~> Also possibly, slaves would need either significant rest or feeding with vegetarian foods, otherwise they will die of exhaustion.
- A spin-off idea I had for this feature was to make peasant villagers pick up empty buckets in their vicinity, then look for cows to milk in the nearby area. Because they love tossing the milk so much. They'd also still try to toss the milk at slaves, though said slaves would be unable to toss it back, to make it easier for you to take their milk from them.

= Statues
- Statues would replace mob spawners, and there would be one statue for every mob type in the game.
- Statues would have certain effects in a large area around them when activated.
~> The 'default' behaviour for a statue would be to bias mob spawning in the affected area towards the statue's mob type. Mobs spawned from this bias would also use a separate mob cap then the normal hostile mob cap, if the hostile mob cap is full.
~> Most statues would spawn activated.
~> When broken, a statue will become deactivated/'Inert', causing it to be purely aesthetic until activated again.
~> Specific statue ideas;
~~+ Bat statues would cause hostile mob spawns in the area to sometimes spawn as 'Vampire Bats'
~~~^ Vampire Bats would be neutral to the player unless attacked, which causes all vampire bats in the area to become hostile ala pigmen. They will also occasionally bite passive mobs. Can also be possessed, causing them to transfer their possession to animals they bite. Also, normal bats that are possessed will turn into possessed Vampire Bats.
~~+ Player statues would spawn inert and, when activated by a player, would bind the statue to that player.
~~~^ Binding the statue to the player would remove previous bindings that the player has had, such as the SFS beacon and other Player statues
~~~^ The statue would keep an area around it chunkloaded as if the player that activated it were standing at its location, for one hour or a specific number of MC days after activation.
~~~^ Possibly, nearby mobs would also try to attack activated player statues, causing damage to themselves and the player the statue is bound to if they successfully manage it.
~~~^ Player statues would only spawn in world gen Burial Mounds, which spawn in Taiga and Tundra, and player statues would spawn in them rarely. These Burial Mounds could also spawn other special statues, as well as normal loot for a desert/jungle temple (though less of it)

I'll just skip the Railways section, since that was discussed IRC enough that I don't think I really need to bullet point it.
FlowerChild wrote:
DiamondArms wrote:The ability to rename things, like in a vMC dead weight.
Why? Seriously. I've never understood that feature or the desire for it.
Personally, I've always wanted to make a factory that automatically renames my Hearty Stew to Soylent Green. Probably using ink sacs to do so. It's really just an aesthetics thing, though.
Maybe could be interesting if you could set detector blocks to a mode that only activates on a named item of a specific name, maybe? That would be neat. Probably not worth adding, but still neat.
Last edited by abculatter_2 on Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:53 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by FlowerChild »

the_fodder wrote:me resources gathering. After a mob trap mining iron ore is neer pointless.
[*]Revisit how the string & stake work. With the current mechanics i end up placing the string 3 or 4 times and might as well count out spaces with torches.
  • Imagining something like the hot bar system the bow and arrow uses. The number by the string is reduced by the distance you are from the first stake but not placed in world until a second stake is used or you run out of string. Then it goes everywhere like when you break it now.
That's not bad actually. Just to be sure, you're aware you can right click on a stake with a non-string item to retract the attached string to your current position, right?

I actually forgot that one on my last play-through. Had the idea to implement it again, then was surprised to find it was already in the code when I went to add it :)

But yeah, there's something to what you're saying. I'll think on it.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by kazerima »

Hi, Keiku on the Discord here, just wanted to formalize my requests from earlier, possibly drop in an extra couple older ideas I've refrained from voicing in the past.
• Bone/Flesh slabs to finish constructing my castle of meat and throne forged from the bones of my enemies.
• Smoothstone stairs would be really nice for that "carved my stairs out of the cliffs" look, plus adds some consistency.
• Soul Forged Steel bars? I know I asked for this years ago, but some kind of transparent explosion resistant material would be really nice to have and set up arenas/prisons.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by FlowerChild »

kazerima wrote: • Bone/Flesh slabs to finish constructing my castle of meat and throne forged from the bones of my enemies.
• Smoothstone stairs would be really nice for that "carved my stairs out of the cliffs" look, plus adds some consistency.
• Soul Forged Steel bars? I know I asked for this years ago, but some kind of transparent explosion resistant material would be really nice to have and set up arenas/prisons.
I like all three of those man. Thanks for posting them.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by DiamondArms »

FlowerChild wrote:
DiamondArms wrote:The ability to rename things, like in a vMC dead weight.
Why? Seriously. I've never understood that feature or the desire for it.
1) Naming things is fun
2) Flavor Text
3) in an SMP setting, named items make it easier to differentiate between individual player's possessions/mark certain tools as public facilities with specific uses
4) PvP with named weapons makes for amusing death messages
5) Making joke items to hand out to other players
6) Brewing stands, chests, dispensers, enchantment tables, furnaces, and trapped chests will display their new name in their GUI where the normal name used to appear (in 1.5.2 vMC).
7) I want to turn Pumpkin pie into Pizza

Its an additional cosmetic function that adds arbitrary value to items. the framework already exists inside MC, so I feel that adding it would be inconsequential and bring some personalisation to BTW.

I understand if you don't feel it should be in BTW, but its something I would like to have.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by dawnraider »

FlowerChild wrote:That's not at all accurate. No need to answer suggestions for me as that'll inevitably just cause confusion... especially when I already explained it before you did :)
I had posted that without realizing that there was another page and so I hadn't seen your post until after I made mine, and my bad on inaccurate information. So in other words, I'm an idiot :)

And I like renaming weapons in video games to have cool names and such. If I have a battleaxe that I put sharpness 5 and fire aspect 2 on, I want to be unique, not just "battleaxe".
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by FlowerChild »

dawnraider wrote:And I like renaming weapons in video games to have cool names and such. If I have a battleaxe that I put sharpness 5 and fire aspect 2 on, I want to be unique, not just "battleaxe".
Yeah, I just don't get it, but then again, I consider stuff like descriptions of custom engravings on the walls in Dwarf Fortress to be useless fluff while others seem to trip balls on it :)

I can see the SMP argument that Diamond makes a little bit more. But the whole name thing in vanilla never did anything for me personally.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by ko_teknik »

- New texture for blood wood leaves
- New block type for Blood wood
- bow will show the correct arrow when fired
- Thunder / fire spread more dangerous
- Lightning Rod required Iron instead of sfs
- a lot more capacity for cistern !!! Actually only 3 potions !?!?!?!
- hardcore spawn radius for pumpkins and witch hute
- Compass & clock will work only in hand and in a item frame
- we cant feed chicken with hemp seeds
- why we find hemp seeds with a hoe ? Maybe we will found hemp rarely in jungle or idk
- we get baby chicken only if there are a chicken male
- cow and sheep need to eat grass each day or they will die
- a wheat block
- cow/sheep can eat wheat block like we eat a cake
- if we eat the same food each time, we will get fat more faster
- Nether portal need emerald block in each corner. Or we can get only 3 obsidian block with Diamond pickaxe :)
- Wood block will burn more longer so we can use it under cauldron
- The Wither need to see the sky to be invoked
- tunneling nerf in strata 3 exept with sfs tools
- more stuff with lapis lazuli and Slimeball
- armor need to be a lot more valuable
- if we get all arcane scroll we will be able to Invoke the devil Terrible final boss FlowerChild. Because When i try to get all arcane scroll, after a long time i'm wondering : for what ?!? Nothing
- Sign don't stop lava / watter
- like in other dimension, if we get out of bounds from nether we will die
- disable zombie burn in the sun ... Why they burn ?!?
- we can eat squid . Not too much because they are easy to farm.
- reduce beef stack Or maybe tweak stack quantity from some item's
- tree will need a lot more times before growing up

- fix boat bug where we die if an entity is under it
- fix seated baby wolfs / cats teleporting to the player when they grow up

That it.

And of course if a powered cake explode all players in a certain radius will get fat.
Last edited by ko_teknik on Tue Feb 06, 2018 9:57 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by Niyu »

I just had a wild idea about nerfing pumpkins/melons. What if they require bonemeal in the farmland/planter for the pumpkin or melon to grow. The plant itself would grow normally, but need fertilising for the actual fruit to grow.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by rockoutwill »

ko_teknik wrote: - Compass will work only in hand
- we cant feed chicken with hemp seeds
- Nether portal need emerald block in each corner
- The Wither need to see the sky to invoke
- disable zombie burn in the sun ... Why they burn ?!
Obviously I'm not FC, so I can't speak for FC. And this is ideas Haha, but I don't know if these serve any real purpose. Compasses don't magically stop because I'm not looking at them.
Hemp seeds are very edible and very healthy for you
Emerald blocks would just serve to be a useless time wasting gate
The wither would fly away really quick and be an impossible fight
Whilst I can't answer as to why zombies burn, I also personally don't want a "They are Billions" situation in my world

I do like some of your other ideas tho. I just think these ones serve no purpose other than to make the game needlessly hard
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by rockoutwill »

Hopefully my last post here....

Walking between windmill blades.
I can't believe I forgot about this!
It pains me every time I try and walk out of a windmill I built, only to learn I have to extend it upwards.
Idk how difficult this would be, but it's a quality of life kind of thing. And if a block is placed between the blades rotation, the windmill breaks

Anyway bad rocky! Bad!
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by TheGatesofLogic »

I mulled it over the past few days and the only suggestion I have is lowering the chance of finding gold in desert temples. For reference, in my SSP world where I based at spawn and did no nomadic travelling I have 98 gold ingots, and 99% of that gold is from temples. That was all from searching for villagers to start trading and finding temples in the process. I could easily build a pigman farm, but I feel absolutely no incentive to
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by ko_teknik »

rockoutwill wrote:
ko_teknik wrote: - Compass will work only in hand
- we cant feed chicken with hemp seeds
- Nether portal need emerald block in each corner
- The Wither need to see the sky to invoke
- disable zombie burn in the sun ... Why they burn ?!
Obviously I'm not FC, so I can't speak for FC. And this is ideas Haha, but I don't know if these serve any real purpose. Compasses don't magically stop because I'm not looking at them.
Hemp seeds are very edible and very healthy for you
Emerald blocks would just serve to be a useless time wasting gate
The wither would fly away really quick and be an impossible fight
Whilst I can't answer as to why zombies burn, I also personally don't want a "They are Billions" situation in my world

I do like some of your other ideas tho. I just think these ones serve no purpose other than to make the game needlessly hard
-If I have my compass in my pocket I cant see it :)
-if we cant feed chicken with hemp seeds it would make pumpkins/melons more valuable
-Emerald block for nether portal to make nether a more important part of progression and encourage mountain cave exploration / trade. And finally discourage people making a lot of portal everywhere .... Players will also use woodblock with cauldron instead of free netherrack ! Hardcore spawn will be more durable and we must make path in overworld.
- yeah maybe the wither would by a bit harder to kill
- Creeper and spider dont despawn... I see no reason why zombie burn.

I do like some of your other ideas tho. I just think these ones serve no purpose other than to make the game needlessly hard

Yes maybe need some difference if you chose easy / normal or hardcore option difficulty.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by jackatthekilns »

ko_teknik wrote: - fix seated baby wolfs / cats teleporting to the player when they grow up
I was thinking about this one this morning. The number of times that my dog teleports to me (usually when its raining it seems) drives me nuts. Sometimes it comes to me when I'm down a ladder.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by Mesh »

Just a small quality of life texture alteration I thought of just now...

Change the blood wood leaves so they aren't hard coded to red and instead are coloured with a red texture. This way I can make them blossom trees in the overworld! It's a minor change that would just give more freedom to do texturing for them
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by Charley_P »

I can't believe it. FC has opened up a suggestion thread?!

I haven't played BTW's since the last bunch of recent updates, so anyone please correct me if I'm wrong. But I always found it annoying about having to constantly turn down sound volume whenever doing loud tasks, grinding nether-rack mostly. I've always thought that a sound muffler like block would be useful in these cases. Got an automated slaughter house that keeps you up at night with the cries of animals? Not any more!

In fact you have a candidate block to use already. The Block of Padding is quite fitting. Although anyone building with the padding for aesthetic choice would have to deal with the sound dampening effects. Up to you how you might think of implementing it, I just like the idea of soundproofing areas without having to rely on the menu settings. Plus think of the trap potential, nobody will here the TNT ignite or the trap door system start to operate!

Although, this suggestion may not be in line with the direction your looking for I hope it gives you some ideas. If this has already been suggested in the past please forgive my noobyness.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by Palisight »

The only thing I constantly wish was in BTW is

Zombies can dig through dirt/sand/gravel (and the zombie digging speed with shovels increases)
Zombies with Axes can break non tech wood blocks (we obviously don't want zombies destroying gear boxes etc)
Zombies with Picks can break non tech stone blocks and glass

I don't know if any of you have played any hardcore survival mods that have this, but it makes the early game so much more fun (but those games don't last past the early game since they don't have the BTW tech/building progression)

It makes you want to build wooden/stone structures rather than living in dirt bases

It makes you think how to design buildings to keep your animals safe

It creates more value for coal (you are more concerned with keeping the perimeter of you bases lit to prevent zombies from spawning)

And so many fun nerve racking moments
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by Sarudak »

Flowerchild has talked about adding block destroying mobs before but he's always stopped out of concern for destroying people's existing worlds.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by Frantiq »

Other random ideas:
  • Increase bare-handed breaking speed of Companion Cube and make it directly enter the inventory of the breaker. This gives it a use as a way to renewably scale 2 block high ledges. It also means I can subject it to a lifetime of scuffing my boots on its head.
  • Make ice more slippery when wearing metal boots.
  • Add an FPS limit config.
  • Make riding minecarts into nether portals possible and viable for a more seamless trans-dimensional railway system.
  • Caevin's MapsOnGrids and Six's Better Item Frame Maps seem like they belong in the base game.
  • Pouring lava into a Cistern permanently changes it into a safe lava item disposal. Allow it to be picked up and retain the lava, and don't allow player to remove lava with a bucket. That way we can make earlier item disposals. Make it easy to toss items in by just colliding with any part of the block, so we don't have to snipe the Cistern's normal narrow opening on the top. Could also be a light source.
Edit: one more. I also made my earlier post on page 2 a lot more succinct.
Last edited by Frantiq on Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by ion »

Palisight wrote:The only thing I constantly wish was in BTW is

Zombies can dig through dirt/sand/gravel (and the zombie digging speed with shovels increases)
Zombies with Axes can break non tech wood blocks (we obviously don't want zombies destroying gear boxes etc)
Zombies with Picks can break non tech stone blocks and glass

I don't know if any of you have played any hardcore survival mods that have this, but it makes the early game so much more fun (but those games don't last past the early game since they don't have the BTW tech/building progression)

It makes you want to build wooden/stone structures rather than living in dirt bases

It makes you think how to design buildings to keep your animals safe

It creates more value for coal (you are more concerned with keeping the perimeter of you bases lit to prevent zombies from spawning)

And so many fun nerve racking moments
i'll just build everything floating in the air.
Last edited by ion on Sat Feb 03, 2018 11:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by SterlingRed »

I second a revisit to stake / string. I want to be able to measure something without having to establish my endpoints first.

New aesthetic ideas:
-Some way of creating markers in the ocean.
-Glass Half Slab
-Log sidings with bark textures on one side.
-Colored 'hard' blocks. Wool walls just seem weird to me.
-Translucent blocks.
-Coal storage block. I know this has been suggested a million times and it does impact inventory management while mining. Maybe it could only be made by hardcore packing. I just want a 'hard' black / gray block that looks textured (not smooth like quartz) and isn't purple & difficult to move (like obsidian).
-Smooth stone slabs look nothing like their parent which is inconsistent with everything else.

New functional block:
-I'd like a way to cast vertical walls with concrete without having to setup entire rows of pistons or manually blindly break blocks underneath wet concrete to get it to flow down after I've let it flow to the sides. Some kind of single use decaying block or something.
-I feel like concrete is too cheap.

Early Game Balance:
-The transition from stone axe to iron axe in terms of mob combat is pretty minimal. I feel as if the iron axe damage is about right. Which means, the stone axe is op.

-Add dirt blocks to sinkholes (unsupported dirt falls & breaks into piles). I think this has been discussed before, but with pronged poking implemented, it may warrant a little thought. Of course it has a huge gameplay impact. I can't decide if this feature would add value to my gameplay or just be an annoyance.

Edit: Reduced wordiness.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by AddyBaha »

cistern + bucket of water + bone = cauldron?

Would make looting sitchhuts early in the game a worthwhile adventure...
MagikEh wrote:Placent Placenta Placenta! It's like beetle juice right?
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by DesLien »


SNIP -Flower (will discuss spoiler idea with you over in the spoiler thread to avoid mishaps)

Also I will throw out about having a shillelagh to complete my dreams of being a sheep herder.

Edit: Which reminds me, I would like to hear your thoughts on the balance between wheat and chocolate for pigs. For me chocolate seems like as much risk to get as wheat with the fix to jungle spiders spawns. Yes, I am a big baby who will avoid jungles until I can burn them all down.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by Destinu »

New types of trees, and change that some items of the tech-tree are made with specific woods;

I really liked the idea of ​​the statues, as long as they are very rare, and not craftable. (temples after 10000 blocks, something like that);