Proposed Challenge - Race to the End

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Proposed Challenge - Race to the End

Post by jackatthekilns »

Vioki and Charley's latest stream has given me an idea for a friendly challenge. Would anyone be interested in a race to the end, with a few rules
  • No creative mode or time adjustment, in other words - nothing that the BTW community would normally associate with cheating
  • Everyone use the same seed to make it even, I propose -9057352651117540831
  • When you reach the End, post a screenshot with the /time command shown
Obviously this would be on the honor system and the only prize would be friendly bragging rights. I think it would be great if some people streamed their efforts, maybe if you were considering streaming, this would give you a goal.

Anyway, what does everyone think?
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Re: Proposed Challenge - Race to the End

Post by Charley_P »

I do like the idea of this as friendly competition. Originally mine and Vioki's challenge was to check how long it would take to get to the end compared against Vanilla. But this suggestion adds a level of interaction for everyone who plays BTW.

Much like the old high-score slot on the arcade games this has the potential to be incredibly fun and competitive within the community.

It's worth considering as a fun way to play anyway! Vioki and I will have our End time up for our current world for all to see once we complete it, please don't call us 'ultra slow nub cakes' when it's up.
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Re: Proposed Challenge - Race to the End

Post by jackatthekilns »

I thought it might be good for people to post their times for certain milestones as well, first diamond, first iron pick, first nether portal, stuff like that. I like the leaderboard idea, and maybe with the addition of other milestones it could give people shorter term goals. I do think it would be best to all use the same seed although I guess this isn't strictly necessary. The one that I proposed has advantages that would make this challenge a little faster.
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Re: Proposed Challenge - Race to the End

Post by jackatthekilns »

Well, I made it, I killed the Dragon. Server time 12092078 just under 168 hrs. if I'm doing the math right, so a lot longer than Vioki and Charlie, but I did this solo on the seed given above.

I'm sure there are people that have done it faster. Please post your times.
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Re: Proposed Challenge - Race to the End

Post by MisterFister »

jackatthekilns wrote:Well, I made it, I killed the Dragon. Server time 12092078 just under 168 hrs. if I'm doing the math right, so a lot longer than Vioki and Charlie, but I did this solo on the seed given above.

I'm sure there are people that have done it faster. Please post your times.
Your own earlier suggestion was to include some sort of reference to milestone achievements. Do you have any info or recollection as to your milestones? I'm currently mindmapping the metagame strategies for SSP, and I'm pretty sure that I'm a slow and grindy player. Your own experiences, particularly on a publicly discussed seed, could act in lieu of a baseline for my own self-comparisons.
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Re: Proposed Challenge - Race to the End

Post by jackatthekilns »

The seed I played on has some natural advantages I got iron tools and diamonds very quickly, iron maybe 5 days in and diamonds no more than 10 days. The first bottle neck for me on this play through was hemp and getting a windmill going, by the time I had enough hemp for a windmill, the crucible and kilns were only a day or so off. The next grind was villager trading and getting the skulls to get to the wither. Finding the stronghold was also a very simple affair. I would say the vast majority of my time was spent in the village working towards those trades, along with the necessary exploration needed for the extra enchanting table and vessel.

Sorry I can't be more specific, I wish I had a timer mod or something that could keep a better track of these kinds of things.
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Re: Proposed Challenge - Race to the End

Post by ion »

whatever you do, the grinding mechanic implemented in the villager trading is a big setback. there is a quicker way to gain fast amount of emeralds from them all without leveling villagers up. you still need to level the priest.
punch, beat and enslave! they would never level up no matter how many trades
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