Hardcore Spawn is finished

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Re: Hardcore Spawn is finished

Post by PatriotBob »

Let me preface this: I'm not trying to brag, so if it comes across that way, sorry I suck a verbalizing what I mean.

I guess half of my confusion is all the talk about time apart from other in coop and your main base in single player... I've played BTW in both cases. Now I also understand that my sense of direction is not the norm. But the most time I've ever wasted getting back to base has been less that 2 minecraft days. I don't build landmarks or anything. So I have a hard time seeing how it's that much of a waste of time... but again, I don't really get lost...

That and it always comes back to if you're not really in it for the survival aspect messing with server commands isn't a bad thing. Making it a non-optional setting really just serves to get the majority of the player base using HCS.

I love building in Minecraft as much as the next guy. But I can't see a way other than this to get the player base on a unified rule set.
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Re: Hardcore Spawn is finished

Post by DaveYanakov »

Usually when HCS is applied people spawn in an area completely unfamiliar so they lack a direction to start out in. Without a reference point, most of us are hosed.
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Re: Hardcore Spawn is finished

Post by TheAnarchitect »

As probably an extreme example of a builder, I too was not initially a huge fan of hardcore spawn. I played with it on because I hate "cheating," but since I chose a seed with a beautiful spawn location, If I died I'd just start a new world. This last time I've finally survived long enough to build a decent base, where rebuilding would take longer than finding it again.

Here's the thing, though. Like everything else in MC, this too is an engineering problem. The spawn area is still limited to a certain distance from your base. If you have a mature enough base at spawn that getting back it worth it, and you're worried about death, then your best bet is to start building a highway system as soon as possible. Build a road out to the edge of the HCspawn limit. Build a roadhouse every so often, and stock it with the essentials. Do this in all 4 cardinal directions. Then build a perimeter road around the HCspawn zone. Bam. Now whenever you die, you can pick an arbitrary direction and start walking. You'll hit one of your roads eventually, and will be able to take it back to spawn. When you're higher up the tech tree, you can make it nicer than dirt paths. This could be an especially awesome server project.

In the mean time, don't die. I'm as newb at combat as it comes, so don't take this as HC bragging. But you don't need to get in combat yet. You don't need iron and redstone. You can complete this project without spending too much time underground, or outside at dark. You don't need light your paths, or be out at night. Going up the tech tree takes risk, but you don't need more than stone shovels to get started on this project.

The point is, HC spawn encourages a design solution just as much as the iron shortage does. If dying is a big concern for you, then you have your first megascale project cut out for you. I'm looking forward to it.
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Re: Hardcore Spawn is finished

Post by myrkana »

Battosay's post about sums it up for me, I enjoy the building part of this mod. Me and my other half put up with the survival being difficult because it still made it fun but at the same time we were able to tweak it to a difficulty level we found fun and both of us could play together even though we both have very different styles (he will rarely die and builds more of the machines, where as I do a lot of the aesthetic stuff, die a lot, and am still learning how to do some of the more complicated machinery).

Permanent hardcore spawn has actually made us quit this mod, I like being able to come home and build for that 2 hours I have between jobs or that one hour before I pass out at night. If I die I can't really do that now, I don't want to play unless Im 100% awake and I'm finding that HCS is making me leave this mod even though I LOVE the tech tree that this mod adds.

edit: also I have the directional finding ability of a rock >....> I can wander for days and not find my way home....

Also want to point out something- every time someone disagrees with anything their often called names on these forums and told to suck it up >...> makes me wonder how many people have said nothing and just dropped this mod, leaving it for the forge mods instead..... This is why I rarely post too much outside of my server forums or the offtopic, I know I won't get harassed for having a different opinion....

edit: to the poster above me (architect?) I think the spawn radius is from where you died, not your base so you can get pretty boned very easily :-p
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Re: Hardcore Spawn is finished

Post by FlowerChild »

TheAnarchitect wrote:The point is, HC spawn encourages a design solution just as much as the iron shortage does. If dying is a big concern for you, then you have your first megascale project cut out for you. I'm looking forward to it.
Thanks. I was reaching for the lock button once again before hitting this post :)

As it has been from the beginning guys: this mod isn't designed for everyone. If you happen to now be in the subset of people it is *not* designed for, as has been the case for many in the past, that's unfortunate, but it doesn't change my policy on such things.

EDIT: Oh, nm, someone ninja'd me with another whining rant. Locked it is.
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Re: Hardcore Spawn is finished

Post by FlowerChild »

Oh, and BTW guys: I temp banned Sarudak for a weak for derailing the release thread and contributing to turning it into a rant fest, so yes, I think it's entirely reasonable to label his behavior as an inappropriate response to me putting out a new release. If it had been anyone else, it likely would have been permanent.

I don't mind well reasoned objections to features or what have you, but I won't tolerate people trashing new features in a release thread without even trying them, killing any satisfaction I may gain through a release and thus sapping my motivation in the process. Have some fucking manners please.

Also, for those of you whining here: you were also making a lot of inaccurate statements in your posts indicating you don't actually understand the features in question. Battosay for example talking about the time involved to find villages to start on the BTW tech tree when he never had to, and him also going about it the long slow way to boot instead of using nether access. Or the other guy above talking about respawning based on death location instead of original spawn, when that's obviously not the case.

If you're going to complain, at least make sure to get your facts straight. Otherwise you really just come across as making shit up to try and support your point, when that actually has the opposite effect in serving to further discredit it.