Detritus' Fan-Fiction

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Detritus' Fan-Fiction

Post by Detritus »

I wrote a little fan-fiction in Grau's thread, but I wanted to make my own thread, so here it is.

This story continues from where I left off, so I'll quote that story here:
-Date Unknown
Three hooded figures surrounded me, leering menacingly as they strapped me onto the stool. I struggled, but there were three of them, and they were much stronger than I. After strapping me tightly to the seat, they stood back and began to hum under their breath. The one standing in the middle approached me, and placed a strange metal device on my head. It had a shadowy crystal embedded in the top, which pulsed as the figures hummed. He stepped back again, and as he did so the tempo of the humming dramatically increased. My vision blurred, and a rushing sound began in my ears. I passed out.

-Day 1
I woke lying on the ground, trapped under a canopy of vegetation. I began trying to free myself, and immediately noticed that even the simplest action on this plane drastically burnt my energy. Quickly concluding that I would need to carefully limit my movements, I began trying to break the outer surface of the world, trying to see if I could smash it in half with my hands, so I didn't have to jump to go up the ledges that seem to be everywhere in this world. Successfully fashioning a step out of dirt, I proceed to lay these down as I walk. This is far less taxing than jumping all around the place would have been, and I make a mental note that these will be crucial to my survival in this world.
I try to break the trunk of a nearby tree with my fist, and, though it takes me a while, I eventually knock it all down. As I do so, I notice that even when there is nothing beneath it, parts of it remain floating in the air. It appears that even the physical laws are different on this plane.
I explore some more, looking around for something to sustain myself, when I notice a rift in the ground. Curious, I walk down into it, laying slabs down as I go. I notice a slight variation in the surrounding material, a brown speckling, and decide to try and pick it up. I take the logs I collected from the trees and make a rudimentary workbench, which I decide will be a better surface than the dusty floor of the cave for the construction of tools. After a while of random fiddling with the planks of wood, I manage to fashion a shaft with a sharpened end on it, and poke the brown rock with it. Nothing seems to happen, and so, in a fit of rage I smash the sharpened shaft against the rock wall. To my enormous surprise, I manage to knock a piece of the stone from it, which I pick up and gaze at.
I try again, whacking the crude tool against the stone again and again, until I have three such fragments. Without quite knowing why, I attempt to make another tool, this time out of the stone. Sure enough, I'm able to create a pick axe, and before I can question the impossibility of this tool, I've used it on the brown rock, securing two pieces of it. I get a faintly ominous feeling from the darkness, and so I back my way out of the cave, into the light.
Wandering around the forest, my stomach rumbling, I notice several more rifts in the ground. Wondering whether I might find some sustenance inside, I go back down into the depths. I don't go far, when I hear a hissing sound behind me. Before I can turn around, an explosion rocks the ground around me, and my feeble body is destroyed utterly.

So now you're up to speed, let us begin.

I lie on my back, eyes screwed tightly closed, awaiting my death. When it does not come, I open my eyes, and instead of the dark cave that I was in moments ago, I see the sun shining down on me, a blue sky above. As I lie, I watch a cloud move slowly across it, carried by some mysterious force. It truly is quite beautiful.

I come to my senses, and spring to my feet. I walk over to the nearest "tree", and begin smacking it down. I notice that this time, it seems to be much more difficult to break. After some time, the tree finally comes down, providing me with some material to build tools with. I turn my attention to the rest of the world around me, looking for anything of note in my surroundings. After turning 180 degrees, I see a large mountain, casting an enormous shadow over the ground nearby. I also see a large lake next to it.

After chopping down a few more trees with my fists, I begin digging a small hole in the side of the mountain with a wooden "pickaxe" that I made, next to a large waterfall that I saw from afar. I fashion myself some stone tools, and kill some of the white, fluffy creatures that surround the mountain. They drop a small piece of meat, and I was able to salvage some of their wool.

I look up at the sky, and see that the sun has begun to set. After barricading myself in the hole with a torch I made, I set to excavation. Trying to build a symmetrical room, I go through several pickaxes, and don't even get halfway. These tools aren't great quality, and I decide I need something better. It begins to rain.

Some Images:
Where I arrived.

A tree I chopped down.

The mountain, complete with interesting waterfall.
All parts should go together without forcing. You must remember that the parts you are reassembling were disassembled by you. Therefore, if you can't get them together again, there must be a reason. By all means, do not use a hammer.
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