Happy BTW day everyone!

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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by Battlecat »

Here's to two amazing years of watching an incredible mod grow and evolve. Who would have thought that the addition of wolves to minecraft would have provided such gameplay value. ;-)

Thank you for all your hard work over the years FC! Here's to many more!
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by Xeo »

Here come the terrible two's... I have a feeling BTW will have some harsh times with forge and even vanilla minecraft but don't let that get you down. For BTW will rise again as RTH!

<sacrifices a goat for the future of BTW and RTH>

EDIT: Thanks for everything you've done. I've gotten more enjoyment out of BTW than any commercial game and this is just a mod, I can't imagine what RTH will be like. If not for BTW I would have stopped playing minecraft a year ago and to think this all started as a simple mod without the ambition of becoming "the next big thing" every mod seems to start out with, you've managed to create a truly amazing experience.
Last edited by Xeo on Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by RezDev »

Happy Birthday BTW.

To this mod, its Creator, and the community that surrounds it, I raise this glass of West Coast IPA.

May your hoes ever be hardcore, and your gimpsuit never chafe.
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by SterlingRed »

Happy birthday btw! I've been with the mod a year and a half? I was among the yogaboo invasion, however upon finding btw, I'd finally found the gameplay style I was looking for in Minecraft and I could not hit that unsubscribe button to the yogs fast enough.

Unfortunately I probably won't be able to join in on any shananagins tonight.
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by BobSlingblade679 »

Cheers! *raises coffee mug*

(I just woke up)
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by Kezza »

You did something beautiful!
Thank you for all you did, I played this game so many hours, I think there wasn´t an other game I spent so much time on!
I raise my little glass with spirit in it. The tinier the glass, the higher the percentage of alcohol!

Thank you!
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by wirer »

Happy birthday Better Than Wolves!

I hope to still be around for the next one. Torturing and exploiting souls has never been so much fun!

I raise this non-alcoholic drink to FC and his vilely satisfying brainchild!
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by FlowerChild »

Thanks for all the well wishes guys! Both BTW and I appreciate it greatly :)

As some of you know, I was hoping to get a release out today, but this 1.5 thing has turned into quite the slog, and it felt a tad wrong to put out an anniversary release for an outdated version of MC. I'm still busily working on it, but might need an extra day or two to get it all wrapped up, so if we could extend the festivities into "BTW week" this year, everything will work out splendidly and I'll be right on time ;)
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by Wafflewaffle »

Make it a month man. You and this community deserve it.
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by Ulfengaard »

Two years already?

Well, here's to you, FC. Thanks for the longest running gaming experience I've ever enjoyed.
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by lifeiwater »

Better then Wolves sure has come a long way in such a short period of time. Congratulations on two very successful years Flowerchild :)
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by darahalian »

Heh. It seems like such a short time ago that we were all getting excited about the Anniversary Release of BTW. It's hard to believe it's been a whole year since then. That release may have been pushed all the way to an entirely new game, but the things we've gotten in the mean time have more than made up for the wait. I mean, with all the recent fundamental changes to Minecraft gameplay that FC has made, we've pretty much gotten an entirely new game already.

Anyway, thanks for all the amazing work you've done with this mod, and with making Minecraft into a solid and enjoyable game. It's very much appreciated. Happy BTW day!
FlowerChild wrote:Remain ever vigilant against the groth menace my friends. Early detection is crucial in avoiding a full-blown groth epidemic.
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by FlowerChild »

darahalian wrote:Heh. It seems like such a short time ago that we were all getting excited about the Anniversary Release of BTW.
Hehe...indeed. Notice how I learned my lesson about raising expectations and avoided last year's "fuck it...I'm putting in a gimp suit and doing a 'big balls' video" this time around :)
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by Zhil »

FlowerChild wrote:Hehe...indeed. Notice how I learned my lesson about raising expectations and avoided last year's "fuck it...I'm putting in a gimp suit and doing a 'big balls' video" this time around :)
That was my favorite BTW moment, don't diss the "big balls" video man :)
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by Kazuya Mishima »

Remember the post that started it all ?

http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/234 ... -bad-idea/
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by FlowerChild »

Gilberreke wrote: That was my favorite BTW moment, don't diss the "big balls" video man :)
Hehe...I still remember our conversation on Edolas where I said to you "fuck it man...I'm going to put in a Gimp suit instead", and you were all over that idea :)
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by FlowerChild »

Kazuya Mishima wrote:Remember the post that started it all ?

http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/234 ... -bad-idea/
And it amuses me to no end that just over 10 days after I first posted that, I released the first version of BTW ;)
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by Mason11987 »

My favorite quote from there:

"Keep in mind the game is still in beta, always time to improve! "

Two years later, wolves seem exactly as terrible in vMC.

Still Beta though right!? Right guys? Right!?
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by FlowerChild »

Hehe...yeah. And I think even then I had the foresight to mention that beta in an already released game like MC was an irrelevant designation.
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by agentwiggles »

Congrats, FC, and thanks for both a source of inspiration in my own life and one of the most addicting and obsession-inducing games I've ever played.
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by ExpHP »

Looks like I picked the right day to visit!

Congratulations on two full years of, against all odds, making Minecraft awesome.
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by Rianaru »

I'd join in the festivities, but it's a weekday, so I'll just have to postpone the consumption of my rum until friday night...but happy birthday to Better than Wolves!

Also, just saw the modders independence sig on FCs account. Normally I don't approve of John Galt references because of stuff that I won't get into because of rule #4, but I feel like this is one of the situations where it is warranted, so thanks for not using it improperly :)
(this is subjective of course, but I still appreciate it)
FlowerChild wrote: -----

A short while later:

FlowerChild: What is this pussy shit?
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by FlowerChild »

Rianaru wrote: Also, just saw the modders independence sig on FCs account. Normally I don't approve of John Galt references because of stuff that I won't get into because of rule #4, but I feel like this is one of the situations where it is warranted, so thanks for not using it improperly :)
(this is subjective of course, but I still appreciate it)
It's probably one of the best references I've ever seen to it actually, but I suspect that's lost on many ;)

Collectivist action applied to an individual for the sake of the good of the masses, in which the individual's right to ownership of their own creation is supposedly superseded by the desires (portrayed as "needs") of the common man, all the while claiming moral superiority in that theft by saying that they're doing it for the benefit of others, therefore driving that creator to no longer be willing to provide anything more for those people and to move onto greener pastures?

Yeah...damn straight..."Who is John Galt?" ;)

I certainly don't consider myself an Objectivist (I don't subscribe entirely to any one philosophy or another), but I do have a great deal of respect for Rand's writing, especially given the context her life provides for it, and the similarities were so spot on that I couldn't help but make the reference :)

You may have noticed I've also taken to referring to some of the perpetrators as "looters" as of late over twitter, which I think is another Rand reference that is lost on many.

And yeah, I agree with you about how most people use those references in the modern day. My one hesitation in posting that banner was potentially being associated with some of the modern usages, but as you said, this is not the place to get into that.
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by PureZaros »

This mod is the best present ever. Just sayin'. :P
FlowerChild wrote:
Panda wrote:Edit: Thanks for the sticky good sir. <3
I really wish more women said things like this.
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Re: Happy BTW day everyone!

Post by The Phoenixian »

Happy second anniversary.

Were it not for this mod I would probably have abandoned Minecraft long ago and were it not for the community around it, I would not have downloaded the mod.

You've provided me with many hours of enjoyment, frustration, discovery, creation and the occasional facepalm. Thanks FC I do appreciate them.
Mason11987 wrote:My favorite quote from there:

"Keep in mind the game is still in beta, always time to improve! "

Two years later, wolves seem exactly as terrible in vMC.

Still Beta though right!? Right guys? Right!?
Additional amusing note there: Even though VMC hasn't done much to make them useful, BTW has done so both through the dung factory and as a side effect of hardcore metal and hunger.
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