BTW 4.61 clean: crashing after a few seconds [seams solved]

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BTW 4.61 clean: crashing after a few seconds [seams solved]

Post by RedNoob »

so as BTW 4.61 came out I thought: I could update my server and enjoy the new content (server is still on 4.56).
therefore I did the folowing:
-all tests where done on singleplayer.
1. just put BTW 4.61 over my existing minecraft -> minecraft didn't even run... but I have no idea how updating works with an mcpatched minecraft file...
2. modded a clean minecraft 1.4.7 version along with some other mods (Rei's Minimap, Craftguide) -> all worked well untill i tried ti kill a pig: some strange textures apeared and 1 sec later my nvidia poped up ant toald me there where too many issues and therefore it stopped minecraft. Well i started minecraft again and tried to find some mobs to reproduce the error... while searching for mobs I destroied some tall grass and BAMM it broke again!
3. i did a btw 4.61 only install (with modloader and deleted METAINF... as known) and tried it out. the same thing: I killed a sheap; the game broak; I started it again (got the items) but some seconds later it broak again out of nowhere...

So I'm now back on BTW 4.56 and everything is fine... but I'm still waiting to try out the new stuff!!!

System information
-"Windows 7 Home Premium"
-"NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti" at version 306.97
-"Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz" Quadcore

4. tried it again with all clean... and it now worked for some time (could kill some piggs, eat food)... then it crashed again BUT thit time not with the NVIDIA crash report but with an Java crash report... (This sort of crash I'm used to; It happend some times before when it was raining...) so could not reproduce the crash report i wanted -.- ... will see if it wworks now

OK: now with further testing it seams to runn... so I will close this for now.. hoping it will not crash again!

5. managed to reproduce the error (with craftguide and Rei's minimap installed [imo i'ts reis causing the problem])
and here it is:
"Too many errors occured, which indicates a serious problem from which we cannot recover. The application must close.
Error code 1:"
there was more but it disapeared before i could write it down (coppy and paste did not work).
So knowing now It's not a BTW problem i leave this closed ;)
Last edited by RedNoob on Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: BTW 4.60 clean: crashing after a few seconds [seams solv

Post by Wibbles »

It sounds like you've installed MC with BTW correctly so it's probably the underlying hardware and/or drivers causing the problem.

If you haven't already done so, make sure you have the latest graphics card drivers from nvidia and the latest java updates. You haven't specified which java flavour you have installed (32 or 64 bit) so install both. See if that helps.

edit: didn't see you'd already solved it, but there it is in case it crashes again :-)
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