This is a continuation of Yhetti's Deco addon. Link to that thread
Download here
Source code here
Craftguide is recommended. Get it here
Deco 4.1.2 and higher require BTW CE 2.1.0 or higher.
Version 4.1.2 changes:
- Fixes for mobs spawning on deco leaves, as well as jungle spiders *not* spawning on deco leaves, have been incorporated through changes made in CE 2.1.0.
- Fixed an issue where work stumps made from deco trees had a missing texture and did not function.
- Fixed an issue where iron ladders dropped oak ladders.
- Fixed an issue where red sand piles combined into too many slabs.
- Fixed an issue where the crafting recipe for bone pillar blocks only produced one block instead of two.
PSA: This section is pretty out of date. Eventually I'll get around to updating it all, but for now craftguide will always have the current recipes.
See crafting for blocks and items.
- Nether portals can be a rectangle up to 21x21 interior space.
- Improved trap door placement.
- Climb trap doors on top of ladders.
- Thicker ladder hitbox to not get caught on trapdoors.
- Stick things to trap doors.
- Better fence, wall, and pane connections.
- Panes connect to walls.
- Improved wall rendering.
- Stone-based fences render as walls.
- Different textures for the tops of logs.
- Chewed logs for each log type.
- Apply mortar in a stoked cauldron.
- Edit signs by right clicking with an empty hand.
- Color sign text by right clicking with dye.
- Quartz spreads to adjacent magma blocks. Add more ore around the magma for better efficiency.
- Pack ender pearls into ender blocks.
- Cobble walls drop themselves.
- Mobs can't spawn on glass.
- Cleanse nether brick into normal brick.
- Climb climbable blocks by holding jump. Colliding with a block to climb no longer required.

Diorite loose cobblestone may be crafted from quartz and loose cobblestone.
Andesite loose cobblestone may be crafted from loose diorite cobblestone and stones.
Granite loose cobblestone may be crafted from andesite loose cobblestone and quartz.

Stone variant loose cobblestone or stone brick may be filled with lava then water in the same manner as normal loose cobblestone to form the stone variants, which drop themselves. These stone variants may be smelted in a crucible to form polished variants. Polished stone may be made from smooth stone in the same way.
Loose variants may be made into slabs and stairs, the rest may be made into all sub blocks.
Vanilla stone slabs are now made with polished stone, and smooth stone now has its own slab.

An iron or diamond chisel may be used on stone variants to form loose cobblestone again, or on polished stone variants to obtain loose stone brick variants.
Sandstone may be smelted in a crucible into polished sandstone.

Polished sandstone may then be combined to create sandstone bricks.

Smooth sandstone has been renamed to cut sandstone. Cut sandstone may be combined to make large sandstone bricks.

An iron or diamond chisel may be used on sandstone to make chiseled sandstone, replacing the old recipe.
Sandstone or large sandstone bricks will form mossy or cracked variants when water or lava is passed over them, just like stone bricks.
Sand piles and hellfire dust may be combined to form red sand. Red sandstone may be packed into red sandstone, which has all the same properties and variants as regular sandstone. Red sand may also be crafted into slabs.

Unfired terracotta may be crafted by combining sand piles with clay or nether sludge.

Unfired terracotta may then be fired in a kiln to make terracotta.

Terracotta may then be dyed in a cauldron.

Stained terracotta may be glazed by smelting it in a crucible.

Prismarine shards have been added as a new common drop from squids. Prismarine shards can be combined into prismarine, or combined with an ink sac to make dark prismarine.

Prismarine may be combined to make prismarine bricks.

Prismarine shards may also be combined with glowstone dust in a crucible to make prismarine crystals, which can be used to make prismarine lanterns. Prismarine lanterns give nightvision when included in a beacon, just like glowstone.

Concrete powder may be created by smelting sand, gravel, and dye together in a crucible. When concrete powder comes into contact with water it forms concrete.

Infused obsidian may be crafted by combining obsidian with soul flux. Infused obsidian is a valid block for making nether portals.

White stone brick
White stone may be combined into white stone bricks, which also have mossy and cracked variants obtained in the same way as stone bricks. Chiseled variants may be obtained by crafting white stone bricks with an iron or diamond chisel.

Magma blocks are formed by heating netherrack over a stoked fire for a time while in the nether. Magma blocks put off a small amount of light. Adjacent quartz blocks can spread ore to magma blocks, and magma coming into contact with water will form basalt. Basalt is a directional block which can be smelted into polished basalt in a crucible.

Basalt may also be combined with soul flux to make infused stone.

Infused stone may be smetled in a crucible to form polished infused stone.

Polished infused stone may be combined to make infused stone bricks, or crafted with an iron or diamond chisel to make chiseled infused stone.

Nether brick
Red nether brick may be crafted by combining nether brick items with hellfire dust.

Both normal and red nether brick may be chiseled by crafting them with an iron or diamond chisel.
Any variant of nether brick may be heated over a stoked fire then exposed to water, forming normal brick in its place. This allows brick to be accessed more readily without affecting the balance of clay for pottery.
Fertilizer may be crafted by combining dung and bonemeal in a crafting grid. Its primary purpose is to spawn tall grass and new addon flowers when used on grass, but it can also act like bonemeal for fertilizing crops.

Flowers added by the addon may be ground in a millstone for dye.
Cherry Trees
Cherry saplings may be created by combining and oak sapling, pink dye, and fertilizer in a cauldron. Cherry logs function exactly as other logs, as do cherry planks. Cherry leaves do not spawn jungle spiders.

Hedges may be crafted from any of the four vanilla leaf types simply by placing them in a crafting grid. They function exactly like leaves but cannot spawn jungle spiders, allowing for safely decorating within a jungle biome.
Hedges also have subblocks, crafted on an anvil. This also includes blood wood and cherry leaves, which do not have to be converted to hedges (since neither leaf type can spawn jungle spiders anyway).
New carved pumpkin patterns have been added, along with matching jack'o'lanterns. These may be obtained by repeatedly carving the pumpkin with any type of chisel (including a pointy stick or sharp stone). For consistency, carving a pumpkin from a fresh one has also been changed to require any type of chisel as well. This should not largely affect balance due to pointy sticks and sharp stones being usable here.

Fence gates, doors, and trap doors have been added for all 6 types of wood. The crafting recipe must now always use the same type of wood throughout.
Barrels have been added for each wood type, crafted in the same way as normal BTW barrels except now wood type specific. Old BTW barrels have been renamed to "old barrel" and may be converted into spruce barrels which share the same texture. New addon barrels are directional like logs.
Barrels may also be filled with some specific items by surrounding the barrel in a single type of item. These items can be retrieved by crafting the barrel, which will return the items, plus the barrel itself as a secondary output. Filled barrels stack to 16 and are not directional. Items which may currently be stored are hemp, wheat, carrots, potatos, and fish.

Crates may be made for each type of wood with glue and siding.

Chairs may be made for each wood type by combining siding and moulding in a chair shape.

A non-functional decorative workbench using the old crafting table texture may be crafted in the same way as the old crafting table.

Logs may be stripped by crafting them with an iron or diamond chisel. Regular logs or stripped logs may then be combined in a crafting grid to produce wood, which are logs with the side texture on all sides. Logs also now have unique top textures, and chewed logs have been added for each log type to match their inner wood texture.

Painted Planks
Planks may be painted in a cauldron with dye.

Hemp oil may be made by combining hemp seeds with a bottle. Hemp oil combined with bonemeal then creates wood bleach which can be used to turn painted planks back into regular planks.

Diamond ingots have been renamed to diamondium, along with all the equipment made from them. Diamondium ingots may also be combined into storage blocks, which function as a diamond beacon.

Coal Blocks
Coal and nethercoal may both be made into storage blocks. Coal blocks are extremely flammable, while nethercoal blocks burn forever, like concentrated hellfire.

Hay and Thatch
Hay and thatch may be created by packing 9 wheat or straw, respectively, in a piston packer. They may also be made into stairs. Hay and thatch are also directional blocks like logs.
Bone Pillar
Bone pillars are a directional block made from 2 bone blocks.

Carpets may be made by combining 2 matching wool items. They may also be dyed 16 at a time in the cauldron (matching the ratios for other wool item dying).

Glass may be crafted into pieces of glass, which may then be crafted into bottles.

Glass may also be stained in a cauldron with dye.

Paper lanterns may be crafted by combining candles, moulding, and paper.

Iron lanterns may be crafted by surrounding a torch in iron nuggests.

Chandeliers may be crafted by combining candles, gold nuggets, and stone.

Chains may be created by combining iron nuggets in a crafting grid. Items which require a block to stick to may attach to the top or bottom of chains.

Coarse dirt may be crafted from regular (non-loose) dirt and gravel. It resists gravity and drops itself like packed earth, but does not provide a speed boost. Coarse dirt may also be crafted into slabs.

Podzol may be crafted by combining coarse dirt and grass in a crafting grid. It drops coarse dirt when mined.

Paper Walls
Paper walls may be crafted by surrounding wood moulding with paper.

Wrought Iron Bars
Wrought iron bars may be crafted with iron ingots on a soulforge, and function like iron bars.

The diamondium chisel is a much faster, much more durable version of the iron chisel which does not take damage from crafting.

Any "chiseled" block is now created by combining the base block with an iron or diamond chisel in the crafting grid. This also allows the recombining of several slabs which were not available before due to old chiseled variant recipes.
Paintings are now crafted with the wool item instead of the block.

Flower Pots
Flower pots are now made by combining an urn with a dirt pile.

Wicker pieces may be crafted without having to weave them by using a soulforge.

Metal Reclaiming
All blocks and item created using metal may be melted down to reclaim 2/3 of their metal content, except the diamond chisel which returns its full value.
- Cobblestone
- Mossy cobblestone
- Cracked stone brick
- Mossy stone brick
- Hedges (including blood wood leaves and cherry leaves)
- White stone brick
- Terracotta and stained terracotta
- Concrete
- All sandstone variants except chiseled (normal and red)
- All stone, stone brick, and cobblestone variants (granite, andesite, diorite)
- All polished stone variants (normal, granite, andesite, diorite)
- All infused stone variants except chiseled
- Red nether brick
- All prismarine variants
- End stone brick
- Painted planks
- Cherry planks - cherry plank subblocks are interchangeable with other plank subblocks in crafting
- Fixed an issue where wooden sidings and corners placed moulding blocks.
- Fixed an issue where trying to craft mouldings together would crash the game.
- Fixed an issue where willow and redwood sidings and mouldings rendered as the wrong subblock type. Known issue that these still render incorrectly when held by the cursor.
- Fixed an issue where pergolas could not be crafted.
- Fixed an issue where the recipe for dark prismarine produced the wrong result.
- Fixed an issue where some deco blocks were not flammable (doors, workbench, hedge subblocks).
- Fixed an issue where deco doors attempted to drop the wrong item id, leading to a crash.
- Fixed an issue where deco logs had the same fuel value as planks, instead of being scaled up.
- Fixed an issue where deco ladders dropped oak ladders when broken.
Version 4.1.0
Some textures in this release have been used or modified from the following sources according to their license:
- Oh the Biomes You'll Go
- Terra Incognita
- Compat Makeover
- Promenade
- Wild Nature
- Updated to BTW CE v2.0.2+
- Updated saplings to the new daily growth system. Old saplings may be converted in a crafting grid.
- Added aspen, willow, and redwood wood types.
- Aspen saplings are made with a birch sapling, orange dye, and a fertilizer (bonemeal or fertilizer) in a cauldron.
- Willow saplings are made with an oak sapling, green dye, and a fertilizer.
- Redwood saplings are made with a spruce sapling, red dye, and a fertilizer.
- All trees except aspen have a 2x2 form in addition to their standard form.
- Changed existing cherry wood type to be dark oak, and added a new cherry wood type.
- Dark oak saplings are made with an oak sapling, black dye (or ink sac), and a fertilizer.
- Red autumn saplings are now made with a dark oak sapling instead of a cherry sapling.
- Dark oak trees may be grown in a 1x1 and a 2x2.
- Added white cherry trees, and adjusted the pink cherry leaves texture. White cherry saplings are made with a cherry sapling, white dye (or bonemeal), and a fertilizer.
- Added the ability for birch, cherry, hazel, and autumn trees to grow into large variants.
- Added the ability for oak, spruce, cherry, hazel, and autumn trees to grow into huge variants when placed in a 2x2.
- Added new variants for spruce trees.
- Changed the texture of mahogany, cherry, hazel, and autumn leaves.
- Changed the texture of cherry saplings.
- Changed barrels so that their contents are handled via overlays instead of having a texture for every type of content for every type of barrel.
- Removed chair and gate textures, as they were simply duplicates of the plank texture.
- Fixed an issue where fir planks were associated with hazel sub-blocks.
- Fixed an issue where some work stumps turned into oak chewed logs.
- Fixed an issue where hazel and fir barrels were missing translation entries.
- Fixed an issue where stone moulding decorative blocks had the wrong name.
Version 4.0.0
- Rewrote the addon from scratch as a fabric mod. Note that data is stored in the same way, and thus it is save-compatible (it is still a good idea to back up your worlds before updating).
- Added a config option, disabled by default, to allow diamond pickaxes to always pick up stone intact instead of requiring isolation.
- Added glazed terracotta pillars, crafted with two glazed terracotta in a vertical line.
- Changed unfired terracotta to be crafted with full blocks instead of 8 piles for convenience.
- Added tall grass and large ferns, which can be spawned from using fertilizer on grass blocks, or by using it on ferns and grass to grow them.
- Sock's Crops has been accounted for when adding these - it uses the same id and will not be added by deco if SC is present.
- Added tall flowers, which can also be obtained through using fertilizer.
- Changed peonies, lilacs, and rose bushes to be tall flowers. Old versions may be converted into the new tall versions in a crafting grid.
- Changed the textures and names of some flowers.
- Added mud, created by leaving loose dirt underwater.
- Added packed mud, created by piston packing two mud blocks.
- Added mud brick, created with 4 packed mud in a crafting grid, along with associated sub blocks.
- Added new wood types: mahogany, mangrove, hazel, fir
- For the purposes of smelting and tanning:
- Mahogany and mangrove are equivalent to jungle
- Hazel is equivalent to oak
- Fir is equivalent to birch
- Jungle spiders can spawn on mangrove and mahogany leaves
- Changed autumn saplings to produce different wood types depending on color.
- Changed sapling recipes:
- All sapling recipes can use either dung or fertilizer, and are performed in a cauldron.
- Cherry saplings require an oak sapling, pink dye, and a fertilizer.
- Acacia saplings require a birch sapling, orange dye, and a fertilizer.
- Mahogany saplings require a jungle sapling, red dye, and a fertilizer.
- Mangrove saplings require a jungle sapling, orange dye, and a fertilizer.
- Hazel saplings require an oak sapling, brown dye, and a fertilizer.
- Fir saplings require a spruce sapling, white dye (or bonemeal), and a fertilizer.
- Red autumn saplings require a cherry sapling, red dye, and a fertilizer.
- Orange autumn saplings require an oak sapling, orange dye, and a fertilizer.
- Yellow autumn saplings require a birch sapling, yellow dye, and a fertilizer.
- Added the ability for cocoa beans to grow on mangrove and mahogany logs.
- Added calcite - loose calcite cobblestone can be crated by combining loose diorite cobblestone with bonemeal in a crucible
- Added tuff - loose tuff cobblestone can be crated by combining loose cobblestone with pumice in a crucible
- Changed deco stone variants to behave consistently with BTW stone.
- Granite, andesite, diorite, and calcite are all considered first strata.
- Tuff is considered second strata.
- Slate is considered third strata.
- Changed how lanterns render, and added item equivalents. The old blocks may be converted into items in a crafting grid.
- Changed lanterns to break when underwater.
- Changed wrought iron bars and paper walls to output more when crafting.
- Changed red sand (blocks and piles) to be a subtype of regular sand. Old red sand may be converted into new red sand in a crafting grid.
- Changed red sand to be crafted with 8 sand and 1 red dye to make 8.
- Changed the recipe for coarse dirt to produce 2.
- Added the ability to filter coarse dirt through a wicker filter in a hopper to separate it into dirt and gravel.
- Changed the recipe for podzol to be 8 coarse dirt and a spruce or fir leaf block to make 8.
- Changed the recipe for empty bottle racks to use an 'I' shape instead of an 'X' (high efficiency recipe uses siding on top and bottom and moulding everywhere else).
- Changed the names of flower textures to be more descriptive.
- Changed magma to be made by heating netherrack in a kiln, and removed superheated netherrack.
- Changed nether brick to turn into brick in a kiln, and removed superheated nether brick.
- Changed hay bales and thatch to be made of 8 items instead of 9, and added the ability to decraft stairs into items.
- Removed the ability to rename items using the workbench. This functionality will be restored in a future release.
- Removed the ability to play custom sounds. This will return once BTW updates to 1.6 (with its new resource system), but for now the code was too messy to carry over through the rewrite.
- Removed wood bleach and wood stain.
- Fixed an issue where addon leaves would not properly decay until updated.
- Fixed an issue where addon trees would generate two stumps when smashing a fertilized planter.
- Fixed an issue where the top and bottom textures of pergolas would not properly rotate with the model.
- Fixed an issue where saplings could not grow on coarse dirt or podzol.
- Fixed an issue where climbing a ladder by holding space would climb too fast.
Version 3.0.7
- Updated to BTW CE 1.4.1.
- Fixed an issue where stone was dropping twice as many stone and gravel pile items.
- Fixed an issue where wood subblocks still had their pick block functionality broken due to overrides which did not carry over the CE functionality.
- Fixed an issue where cherry and acacia slabs in the upper half of the block would not saw into mouldings properly.
- Removed base class edits to EntityPlayer.
- Updated to BTW CE 1.3.4.
- Added the ability for silverfish to infest granite, andesite, diorite, and slate.
- Changed addon saplings to conform to the sapling changes made in BTW.
- Changed flower pots to no longer force saplings to display at maximum growth given that mature saplings are now obtainable.
- Fixed an issue where addon saplings would not grow into trees.
- Fixed an issue where stone stairs and infested stone were missing textures.
- Fixed an issue where the sprint button was not working.
- Fixed an issue where CTM did not work on panes.
- Fixed an issue where plants did not display metadata properly in flower pots.
- Fixed an issue where enchanting table particles did not take the extended bookshelf range into account and would only spawn within the vanilla range.
- Updated to BTW CE 1.3.0.
- Changed the vanilla enchantment table to be able to detect bookshelves up to 1 block below and 2 blocks above the enchanting table. Note that 30 bookshelves is still the highest number of shelves which the table will count.
- Fixed an issue where all addon logs sawed into a single plank instead of 4.
- Fixed an issue where cherry and acacia slabs could not be sawed into moulding.
- Fixed an issue where shears were not efficient against acacia or autumn leaves.
- Updated to BTW CE 1.2.3.
- Fixed an issue where the recipe for shingles slabs only produced 1 slab.
- Fixed an issue where chiseled white stone bricks could not be crafted.
- Fixed an issue where item frames, paintings, and canvases were not using the updated item replacement hooks.
- Updated to BTW CE 1.2.X.
- Fixed an issue where squids dropped prismarine blocks instead of shards.
- Fixed an issue where several piston packing recipes were not functioning.
- Fixed an issue where the recipe for spider eye slabs only produced 1 slab.
- Fixed an issue where better grass did not work with deco installed.
- Fixed an issue where animals were still able to eat grass slabs without sunlight.
- Fixed an issue where grass slabs did not change their texture to reflect the current natural light level.
- Fixed an issue where the HC bouncing config option was not being loaded properly.
- Fixed an issue where acacia tables would not connect to acacia fences.
- Fixed an issue where cherry moulding used the acacia texture in inventory.
- Fixed an issue where coal could not be used in ovens.
- Fixed an issue where player skins were not loading properly.
- Fixed an issue where the saw bug recently fixed in CE was persisting when deco was installed.
- Fixed an issue where cherry and acacia logs were missing names.
- Fixed an issue where grass died in darkness, even though it was correctly living under only torch light.
- Updated to BTW CE 1.1.X, and removed several base class modifications.
- Added a config option to re-enable HC bouncing.
- Added framed glass for each wood type, crafted with 5 moulding of the particular wood type in an X, with 4 glass shards in the remaining slots.
- Added iron framed glass, produced the same as above but with iron nuggets instead of moulding.
- Added ash blocks, which can be crafted by packing 8 potash together.
- Added pumice, which can be crafted by packing 2 ash blocks together.
- Added amethyst, which can be crafted with 4 nether quartz in a plus with purple dye in the middle.
- Added amethyst shards, which drop from amethyst when mined in a similar manner to glowstone. 4 shards can be crafted into an amethyst block, and an amethyst block can be crafted back into 4 shards. Additionally, amethyst shards can be crafted with 1 quartz and 1 purple dye. Amethyst shards may also be placed in the world, though they must be attached to a block to do so.
- Changed acacia to have the same burn time as birch (10 items), and cherry to have the same burn time as spruce (6 items).
- Fixed an issue where empty bookshelves were able to be decrafted into books rather than full ones.
- Fixed an issue where several green stairs had incorrect names.
- Fixed an issue where enchanted books were missing their name.
- Fixed an issue where cherry and acacia logs were not able to be used in ovens.
- Fixed an issue where grass could still not grow without sunlight.
- Fixed an issue where addon saplings would delete themselves when trying to grow without space.
- Added shingles and colored shingles, along with a full set of subblocks. Shingles can be crafted by chiseling terracotta in a crafting grid, and colored shingles can be crafted either by dyeing shingles in a cauldron or by chiseling stained terracotta.
- Added bottle racks of each wood type, crafted with an X of planks or moulding. Empty bottle racks can be crafted with 5 glass bottles shapelessly to make a filled bottle rack. They may be decrafted to retrieve the bottles and the empty rack.
- Added a high efficiency recipe for ladders using moulding instead of sticks, producing 3.
- Added ladders for each wood type, made using moulding of the respective wood type. The normal stick recipe produces oak ladders still.
- Added iron ladders, crafted with 7 ingots in an H, producing 7. These function exactly like normal ladders but are not flammible.
- Added bookshleves of each wood type.
- Added decorative, non-functional bookshelves, and changed vanilla bookshelves to enchanted bookshelves.
- Added non-functional books, crafted with 3 paper shapelessly, and changed vanilla books to enchanted books.
- Added empty bookshelves made with 6 siding on top and bottom and 2 moulding on the sides, or with 8 planks in a circle.
- Changed the recipe for bookshelves to be a shapeless recipe with an empty bookshelf and 3 books (or enchanted books for enchanted bookshelves).
- Changed decrafting bookshelves into books so that it ejects an empty bookshelf similar to decrafting barrels.
- Changed the recipe for the note block back to its old recipe of using redstone instead of a latch. While the gold made thematic sense, it made it difficult to justify using note blocks decoratively.
- Changed the textures for painted planks to use a different color pallete and to be less harsh.
- Changed the glass recipe to be 16 sand and 1 nether quartz for 16 glass.
- Changed the recipe for glass bottles to output 6 instead of 3.
- Fixed an issue where trapdoors would always display as oak when used as a hopper filter.
- Fixed an issue where only black stained terracotta showed up in the creative menu.
- Fixed an issue where the game would crash when trying to interact with villagers with an empty hand.
- Fixed an issue where hardcore bouncing was still in effect.
- Updated to API 1.1.1.
- Added the ability to harvest stone intact when using a diamond or better pickaxe or chisel if the stone is isolated from neighboring stone, in the same manner as one used to be able to do in BTW.
- Added slate as a new stone variant which behaves the same as 3rd strata stone, except that it can be placed in each direction similarly to logs. Slate can be obtained by packing 2 stone together. All slate variants are crafted the same as other stone types (this is a repeat from last release with more detail).
- Added slate stone and stone brick items, which are used for crafting slate variants.
- Added slate cobblestone and loose slate cobblestone, which drops from slate.
- Added slate bricks and loose slate bricks.
- Added polished slate.
- Added slate tiles, which can be crafted by placing slate bricks and a chisel in a crafting grid. Slate tiles drop loose slate bricks when broken.
- Added stairs, slabs, and subblocks for all slate variants.
- Added sound effects for concrete powder turning into concrete.
- Added acacia barrels and crates as I missed these in 2.13.
- Changed barrels and crates to no longer require glue in their crafting recipes.
- Changed powder kegs to use glue in their crafting recipe in the bottom center slot.
- Changed chisels to no longer be effective on stone variants to decrease early game viability of digging through them (this only really applies in BTA worlds where they generate naturally), and to make it clear that they only drop when mined with a pickaxe.
- Changed trap doors and doors to require an iron axe to mine for consistency, and for balance with Ruins and Structures.
- Changed cherry and acacia slabs to use the same block id as vanilla wood slabs. Old slabs have been deprecated, and a conversion recipe has been provided.
- Removed hardcore bouncing (not being able to place blocks while jumping) as it mainly only served to make building a pain. In my opinion the feature was never very effective at preventing exploits, and those it did prevent have been separately solved since AAHH by having most early game blocks respond to gravity. At a later date, once I write API hooks for config options, I will add a config option to re-enable this for those who do like the feature.
- Fixed an issue where cracked and mossy stone brick slabs did not drop loose slabs when broken.
- Fixed an issue where 3rd strata stone turned into rough slate when chiseled.
- Fixed an issue where andesite cobblestone tables had an incorrect translation entry causing their name to be missing.
- Fixed an issue where several benches would not render with the wall improvements they should be using.
- Fixed an issue where blood wood and cherry barrels would be lost when decrafting their contents instead of being ejected as a secondary result.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to craft mossy cobblestone stairs would crash the game.
- Fixed an issue where red sandstone would not convert into mossy or cracked variants when fluids were placed above them.
- Fixed a BTW issue where work stumps used stone sounds.
- Updated to Extended Addon API 1.1.0.
- Removed space in filename to assist users on linux.
- Added slate as a new stone variant. It is not yet obtainable in survival but is available in the creative menu.
- Changed the texture of stone variant bricks using textures from Vanilla Tweaks.
- Fixed an issue where trying to remove an item from an item frame in multiplayer would kick the client.
- Fixed an issue with the name of granite cobblestone slabs.
- Fixed an issue where diamond shears behaved inconsistently against creepers and sheep.
- Fixed an issue where squids inconsistently dropped prismarine.
- Fixed an issue where ocelots could still spawn on grass.
- Fixed an issue where shears were still not efficient against acacia and autumn leaves in the server version.
- Fixed an issue where making work stumps out of acacia or cherry did not damage the chisel enough.
- Fixed an issue where the typo for acacia bark from the last release was persisting.
- Changed versioning scheme
- Fixed an issue where flower pots overwrote spruce stairs in inventory. They will properly revert back to spruce stairs when installing this release.
- Fixed an issue where acacia logs dropped cherry bark when split in a crafting grid.
- Fixed an issue where a typo in the translation file caused acacia bark to display without a name.
- Fixed an issue where cherry moulding rendered in inventory with acacia texture.
- Fixed an issue where sawing acacia logs turned into cherry planks.
- Fixed an issue where shears were not efficient against acacia or autumn leaves.
- Fixed an issue where cherry and acacia logs could not be used as fuel in an oven.
- Fixed an issue where it took much less time to make a crafting table out of a cherry or acacia stump than other wood types.
- Fixed an issue with the capitalization of textures for pumpkins and prismarine causing some textures to not load correctly.
- Fixed an issue where dirt slabs displayed the wrong top texture.
- Refactored the addon to use BTW Extended Addon API to increase compatibility with future addons. This is provided as a separate download.
- Refactored file prefix to "Deco" rather than "Addon". This, and the below texture name change, were relics from Yhetti's development and have both been changed for clarity given the opening up of BTW modding.
- Refactored texture names to make them more consistent, following BTW's naming scheme to use things such as decoBlockXXXX and removing ginger_ as the prefix. This means texture packs will need to update to use the new file names.
- Added localization support. Included with the addon in the lang folder is the file Deco_en_US.lang, which contains all english translations for the addon. Anyone who wishes to make and distribute translations is free to do so, and I will include it here if you link it.
- Added acacia trees and the accompanying wood type. Acacia saplings can be crafted with an oak sapling, fertilizer, and gray dye in a cauldron.
- Added autumn trees. These trees generate as oak trees with red, orange, or yellow leaves. Autumn saplings can be crafted with an oak sapling, fertilizer, and red, orange, or yellow dye in a cauldron.
- Added iron trapdoors, crafted with 4 iron ingots and 2 redstone latches, producing 2. They work just like iron doors and will only respond to redstone signals.
- Added spider eye blocks, created by packing 16 spider eyes together, and spider eye slabs.
- Added the ability for fertilizer to spawn ferns.
- Added the ability for the block dispenser to use fertilizer on grass to spawn flowers. The block dispenser will also not immediately suck up flowers placed using fertilizer (but can still suck up flowers in other circumstances). This, combined with the recipe change below, allows for automated production of flowers and dye.
- Added the lily of the valley as a new type of flower, which can be ground down into 2 white dye.
- Added broken paper lanterns, which look similar to normal paper lanterns but give off no light. They can be crafted by excluding the candle from the normal paper lantern recipe.
- Changed grass to not die while in darkness in order to facilitate its decorative use and to prevent ugly dirt under overhangs or dense trees. However, to maintain balance, animals may not eat from grass without sunlight, and the texture updates slightly to reflect this.
- Changed terracotta to break into 8 red sand piles when broken with an iron pick or lower. This and the below change were done for balance with my upcoming world gen addon.
- Changed stone variants (and polished versions) to drop their loose cobblestone variant when broken with an iron pick or lower in order to match sandstone.
- Changed (increased) the hardness and blast resistance of terracotta.
- Changed doors to stack to 16.
- Changed trapdoors above ladders to only be climbable if the trapdoor is attached to the same face as the ladder.
- Changed chair collision and selection box to better match the model. I intend to make further changes here, such as to make the back collidable, but that will require some further rewrites.
- Changed coarse dirt to be able to grow reeds, flowers, and other plants.
- Changed rendering on tables to have a wider leg if the block type uses walls instead of fences to match the thickness of the walls, and changed the legs to connect to each other when adjacent to match the rendering of walls.
- Changed the texture on polished stone, polished stone variants, polished infused stone, cut sandstone, and cut red sandstone columns to better reflect their model.
- Changed the name of several items and blocks slightly to be more consistent.
- Changed the collision box of pergolas to make them a full half block tall to allow stepping onto full blocks from them.
- Changed (decreased) the amount of tall grass which spawns from fertilizer.
- Changed (increased) the amount of flowers which spawn from fertilizer.
- Changed the fertilizer recipe to be made in a cauldron, and to use potash instead of dung. This, combined with the the block dispenser change above, allows for automation of flowers.
- Changed the textures of blood wood doors and trapdoors as they were previously recolors of vanilla's acacia textures.
- Refactored loose slab code to simplify the related code and assimilate it into the main slab code.
- Removed specific textures for subblocks (except columns). Subblocks will now simply use the texture of their base block. However, MCPatcher will still allow texturepacks to override these textures if texturepack authors wish to do so.
- Removed the item form of superheated netherrack and nether brick, meaning they can only exist in the world but not in inventories.
- Removed the ability to stick axes in hay or thatch.
- Fixed an issue where doors would drop 2 items if the top block was broken.
- Fixed an issue where white stone slabs only crafted 1.
- Fixed an issue where painted plank stairs only dropped a single moulding when sawed.
- Fixed an issue where dyeing carpets consumed 16 despite producing 12.
- Fixed an issue where loose nether brick slabs would turn into black stone slabs when applying mortar in a stoked cauldron.
- Fixed an issue where normal loose nether brick slabs were named loose red nether brick slabs.
- Fixed an issue where terracotta subblocks made wood sounds.
- Fixed an issue where most addon tables would not connect to walls below them.
- Fixed an issue where painted plank stairs were not available in the creative menu.
- Fixed an issue where placing a slab against a top slab would crash the game.
- Fixed an issue where soul sand used the stone sound for clients without new sounds installed.
- Fixed an issue where filled barrels would always drop wheat when broken with an improper tool.
- Fixed an issue where diamondium shears made sounds twice when crafted.
- Fixed an issue where dyeing wool with addon dyes required a stoked cauldron instead of a regular cauldron.
- Fixed an issue where black roses would not properly spawn from fertilizer.
- Fixed an issue where the renaming gui erroneously had 2 slots even though only 1 was functional.
- Fixed an issue where renaming items on the workbench would also name items in the top left inventory slot.
- Fixed an issue where renaming an item still required the player to have a certian number of experience levels, even though they were not consumed.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to place a sign would always play a sound, even if placement was not successful.
- Fixed a vanilla issue where right clicking an iron door still made the animation like something had happened.
- Fixed an issue (hopefully) where servers would incorrectly display an error message that the addon was not installed properly if the client was on a high latency connection. Let me know if this still happens as this simply involved increasing the amount of time the server would wait for the client to acknowledge. This functionality was also moved to the Extended Addon API to allow other addons using the API to access this code.
- Added a warning message upon connecting to a server for if the client does not have deco installed. Previously it would simply show no messages instead of the standard Deco version check, but leaving no clear indication that anything was wrong. This would frequently lead to the client crashing, or at the very least causing strange behavior, without the user being given a clear warning.
- Added the framework for custom particles after fixing the block mining crash that this caused the first time.
- Added the ability to place lily pads. However, blocks may no longer be placed against lily pads in order to prevent the exploits for which FC originally disabled placing them.
- Added the ability to enchant the diamondium chisel and shears.
- Changed carpets to be made with 3 wool in a line instead of 2 in order to reduce their utility in the very early game as an easily acquired anti gravity block.
- Changed carpets to require shears or an iron axe to pick up, dropping a single piece of wool of the matching color otherwise.
- Changed (reduced) the amount of carpets used for dyeing in a cauldron from 16 to 12 to match the increase in the cost of wool per carpet.
- Changed the volume and pitch slightly on the new log converting sounds when a stick is obtained to make it more distinct.
- Changed the workbench to require an iron axe to pick up.
- Refactored the slab code internally to simplify the related code.
- Removed complex raytracing against pergolas as in practice it was just annoying to deal with and led to lots of misplaced blocks.
- Fixed an issue where oak doors dropped the cherry door item, and refactored the related code slightly to prevent this sort of bug from coming up again in the future.
- Fixed an issue where all signs made oak particles when broken.
- Fixed an issue where diamondium shears could not harvest tall grass.
- Fixed an issue where flowers could not be planted on coarse dirt.
- Fixed an issue where upside down slabs still dropped invalid metadata. For real this time. Last time it has only been fixed for slabs which had mortar now it is fixed for all slabs.
- Fixed an issue where painted planks slabs only crafted a single slab.
- Fixed an issue where using the hoe on grass played sound twice.
- Fixed an issue where wooden doors made the iron door sound when placed.
- Fixed an issue where iron doors did not play sound when opened or closed.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer where chests would play sounds twice.
- Partially fixed an issue in multiplayer where blocks which used new sounds would not play any sound for clients without new sounds installed rather than playing old vanilla sounds. Currently only block breaking sounds will play for such blocks.
- Added a version check upon connecting to a server. The game will now display a warning if a player conencts with a mismatched deco addon version.
- Added diamondium shears made with 2 diamondium ingots in the same pattern as iron shears. Similar to the diamondium chisel, they do not take damage from crafting.
- Added pitch variance to the new sounds for doors and trapdoors.
- Added sounds for canvases.
- Added a sound for placing iron doors like what was done for wooden doors.
- Changed sounds for fence gates opening and closing, chests closing, and block sounds for rope coils, chain coils, blood wood, and nether groth.
- Changed (increased) the volume of the sound used by steel blocks and the soulforge.
- Fixed an issue where my name tag changes made breeding villagers crash the game.
- Fixed an issue where buttons could not be placed.
- Fixed an issue where one of the door sounds was incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where doors played the open or close sound based on which part of the door was clicked rather than the state of the door.
- Fixed an issue where reeds could not be planted on coarse dirt.
- Added a framework to allow different block sounds for breaking vs converting a block, as well as different sounds based on block metadata.
- Changed the sounds on bone blocks to match bone slabs and bone pillars.
- Changed the sounds when stripping logs in the world.
- Changed the sounds for using a hoe.
- Fixed an issue where sheep could not be sheared with diamond shears.
- Fixed an issue where crafting diamond shears made no sound.
- Fixed an issue where using diamond shears to cut things in a crafting grid made no sound.
- Fixed an issue where the player was no longer able to climb vines and ladders by holding jump.
- Fixed an issue where chewed logs did not connect to addon log spikes.
- Fixed an issue where diamond shears could not harvest hemp.
- Fixed an issue where diamond shears could not harvest leaves, webs, or vines.
- Fixed an issue where the game would crash when spawning ocelots.
- Fixed an issue where the game would crash when breeding sheep.
- Fixed an issue where the game would crash when generating a village.
- Fixed an issue where iron doors were incinerated in the crucible rather than melted down.
- Fixed an issue where hoeing grass would not drop hemp seeds.
- Fixed an issue where the item renaming gui would not display in multiplayer.
- Incorporated Alyx's item frame mod into Deco. Thanks to AlyxDeLunar (Caevin on the forums) for letting me do this!
- Added a system for loading custom sounds. These additional sounds are optional and require a seperate install process. New install instructions have been provided. If the new sounds are not installed, the game will either play no sound or play vanilla sounds in its place, depending on the context.
- Added a framework to allow more in depth rendering modifcation in the future, including custom particles.
- Added the ability to name items at a workbench (the addon block which looks like a crafting table).
- Added name tags, made by combining an iron nugget with leather or cut leather in the crafting grid. Name tags may be applied to mobs to give them the current name on the tag and preventing them from despawning.
- Added sounds for squids, item frames, and paintings.
- Changed sounds for the following actions: opening/closing wooden doors and trappdoors, stripping logs with a chisel, carving pumpkins, and climbing vines.
- Changed sounds for the following blocks when placing or breaking: iron lanterns, chains, netherrack, basalt, nether brick and derivatives, bone pillars, bone slabs (I cannot change bone blocks without changing a lot of other blocks with it), soul sand, steel, and the soulforge.
- Changed item frames to eject their item when punched, and only drop themselves when punched while empty.
- Changed lava and water drip particles to start from a place appropriate to the block below them, fixing a visual issue where blocks like slabs and trapdoors had drip particles rendering far below their model.
- Fixed an issue where a loose stone variant slab falling onto a loose stone variant slab of a different type would combine when they shouldn't.
- Fixed an issue where addon dyes could not be used to dye terracotta.
- Fixed an issue where there were typos in the names of cracked and mossy stone brick stairs.
- Fixed an issue where ocelots were still able to spawn on grass.
- Fixed an issue where the game gave a warning on startup about a missing planks texture.
- Fixed an issue where vanilla oak buttons did not have the button changes applied to them.
- Fixed an issue where buttons could be placed improperly against non-solid blocks.
- Fixed an issue where cherry logs could not be chopped into planks or sticks using an axe.
- Fixed an issue where stripping cherry logs did not drop bark.
- Fixed an issue where some hedge subblocks were called moulding and reverted to moulding when placed.
- Fixed an issue where painted planks took longer than intended to mine.
- Fixed a multiplayer issue where signs placed before a server restart could no longer be edited after saving and loading.
- Reverted rendering changes as they were causing too many issues which I didn't catch in my testing during development.
- Fixed an issue where mining any block caused a crash. This major issue is the primary reason for this release.
- Fixed an issue where water became opaque.
- Fixed an issue where water did not block light.
- Fixed an issue where the item renaming gui displayed an experience cost despite not actually requiring any xp.
- Fixed an issue where the item renaming gui displayed an X over the arrow when it shouldn't.
- Fixed an issue where water did not block light. When I went through the issues with my dev environment that change from last release did not actually make it in.
- Fixed an issue where the renaming gui had repair in its title despite that functionality having been removed.
- Fixed an issue where the workbench was using the vanilla anvil gui.
- Fixed an issue where shift-clicking items out of a workbench could occassionally crash the game.
- Added a chat message displaying the addon version number when loading a world similar to what BTW has
- Added black roses as a new flower type available by using fertilizer on grass.
- Added black dye, obtained by grinding black roses in a millstone. Black dye can replace ink sacs in any recipe except book and quill.
- Added wood stain, made by combining hemp oil with an ink sac or black dye in the cauldron.
- Added chewed blood wood logs, and added the ability to use a chisel on blood wood to make them.
- Added chain coils, made by combining 9 chains.
- Added new directional rope coils. Old rope coils have been renamed and may no longer be crafted, but may still be decrafted into 9 rope to recover materials.
- Added buttons for each type of plank, stone variants, sandstone, red sandstone, and infused stone.
- Added the ability to place buttons on the top and bottom of blocks, and to place them on any solid surface. Note that buttons will only power the block they are attached to if it is solid.
- Added the ability to place all addon flowers, blood wood saplings, and cherry saplings in flower pots, and changed saplings to render at their highest growth stage when in a flower pot. This involved a complete rewrite of the flower pot code which now makes it much easier to add new items to the flower pot. Existing flower pots will have to be broken and placed again.
- Added the ability to retrieve the item in a flower pot by right clicking with an empty hand. Like the above, this will only work with newly place flower pots.
- Added the ability to bleach wood one color lighter or stain it one color darker (cherry -> spruce -> jungle -> oak -> birch) by putting 8 planks and either wood bleach or wood stain in a cauldron. This does not apply to blood wood planks.
- Added the ability to craft unfired terracotta and concrete poowder from red sand.
- Added the ability for hay and thatch to be piston shoveled.
- Added the ability to use dung to dye mod blocks which can be dyed.
- Added the ability to climb vines, ladders, and ropes by holding jump while within their volume. This also allows the climbing of free-hanging vines.
- Added the ability to plant cocoa beans on any variant of jungle logs.
- Added the ability to pack coal and nethercoal into their respective blocks.
- Added the ability to dye carpets in a crafting grid with 1 dye and 1 carpet. It's less efficient but now allows dyeing with fewer than 16 carpets.
- Changed falling concrete powder to form concrete upon coming into contact with water rather than forming it at the bottom of the body of water.
- Changed walls to only form a post to connect to chewed logs above the wall when they are oriented vertically.
- Changed flower pots to be able to be placed on anything with a center point on top rather than only a full top surface (e.g. they can now be placed on fences and walls).
- Changed hopper filtration properties of addon flowers to match vanilla flowers.
- Changed the names of vanilla buttons to include their material.
- Changed hemp oil to be made in a stoked cauldron.
- Changed addon flowers to be burnable in an oven.
- Changed addon flowers to be buoyant.
- Changed the name of the vanilla rose to red rose to distinguish it from the other 2 roses in the game.
- Changed unfired terracotta and red sand recipes to be shapeless.
- Changed addon jack'o'lantern recipes to be shapeless to match the BTW crafting recipe.
- Changed ocelots to only be able to spawn on leaves (not hedges), and increased their spawn rate slightly to compensate. This makes it possible to keep chickens in jungles once the trees have been removed. This should only minorly affect later game balance and is primarily intended as part of an effort to make jungles possible to build in after some tech has been acquired.
- Changed textures for blue and white dye.
- Changed hemp oil and wood bleach to be buoyant to match glass bottles.
- Changed (refactored) how directional blocks are handled internally to simplify the related code.
- Changed (refactored) how sawing addon logs works internally to simplify the related code.
- Fixed an issue where unfired terracotta did not display a kiln overlay while cooking.
- Fixed an issue where candles and vases could not be dyed with addon dyes.
- Fixed an issue where there were useless recipes to dye white carpets with white dye or bonemeal.
- Fixed an issue where using addon dyes to stain terracotta resulted in terracotta with invalid metadata.
- Fixed an issue where only black painted planks could be bleached.
- Fixed an issue where only oak planks could be painted.
- Fixed an issue where wood bleach could not be crafted with white dye.
- Fixed an issue where fire would not attach to nethercoal blocks, despite being able to remain there indefinitely.
- Fixed an issue where placing signs or doors made block breaking particles.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to place signs or doors made a sound even when a block was not successfully placed.
- Fixed an issue where the name for the vanilla wooden door item did not have oak in its name. I had previously renamed the block rather than the item.
- Fixed an issue where glass panes had the wrong name and broke instantly.
- Fixed an issue where several technical blocks were being given names from addon blocks.
- Fixed an issue where using pick block on cherry stumps gave the stump instead of the log.
- Fixed an issue where using pick block on stone variants always gave granite.
- Fixed an issue where using pick block on an upside down addon slab could result in invalid metadata.
- Fixed an issue where log spike side texture did not rotate with block orientation.
- Fixed an issue where loose stone slabs always dropped the granite variant.
- Fixed an issue where upside down slabs dropped invalid metadata.
- Fixed an issue where entities had issues colliding with pergolas.
- Fixed an issue where the addon's fence gate changes were not applied to oak fence gates.
- Fixed an issue where thatch could not be crafted back into straw.
- Fixed an issue where thatch stairs could not be crafted.
- Fixed an issue where walls with a wall above them and next to a wall with a non solid block with a solid lower surface did not correctly render their full height wall connection.
- Removed jungle planks from bleaching/staining to maintain the requirement of venturing into a jungle to get access to them.
- Fixed an issue where white wool could be dyed white using addon white dye.
- Fixed an issue where wool could not be dyed in a cauldron using addon dyes.
- Fixed an issue where fertilizer could not be applied to new farmland or planters.
- Fixed a server side issue where upside down slabs still dropped invalid metadata.
- Added terracotta slabs.
- Added placement sound to cocoa beans.
- Changed hay and thatch to not spawn mobs on them, and to not consume hunger when harvested with a diamond axe or higher (same as leaves).
- Fixed an issue where shears were not effective vs cherry leaves or hedges.
- Fixed an issue where thatch and hay were still not piston shovelable.
- Fixed an issue where cocoa could be destroyed instantly and made the wrong sounds when broken.
- Fixed an issue where using fertilizer on grass always used the animation for a failed use even when succeeding in spawning flowers.
- Fixed an issue where all wood types made oak signs.
- Fixed an issue where I replaced nethercoal using the wrong id. This should not have any effect on your worlds except that a) nethercoal should now be properly packable, and b) blacksmith trades wanting nethercoal will now work. This should not affect any nethercoal items you have in your world.
- Fixed an issue where addon logs and painted planks could not be used to make potash.
- Fixed an issue where some concrete slabs had duplicated names of other colors.
- Fixed an issue where fertilizer never spawned blue roses.
- Fixed an issue where addon wooden buttons made the stone sound when placed.
- Fixed an issue where item frames dropped flower pots instead of themselves.
- Fixed an issue where concrete slabs only crafted 1 instead of 6.
- Fixed an issue where cherry log variants could not be crafted.
- Fixed an issue where the high efficiency recipe for cherry fence gates used blood wood siding in the middle.
- Added cherry trees. Cherry saplings may be made by combining an oak sapling, fertilizer, and pink dye in a cauldron. Cherry logs and planks use vanilla's dark oak texture, and jungle spiders cannot spawn on cherry leaves.
- Added cherry planks, along with sub blocks, doors, gates, and trap doors, using vanilla's dark oak planks. Cherry planks and sub blocks may be used in wood-based crafting like any other non-painted planks. Cherry planks have the same furnace burn time as oak, and the bark can tan leather in the same amounts as spruce (3 units per tan).
- Added blood wood and cherry barrels and crates.
- Added painted planks slabs.
- Added chewed logs and log spikes corresponding to each log type (except blood wood).
- Added stripped blood wood logs, blood wood, and stripped blood wood, made in the same way as vanilla logs. Thanks to Sockthing for the stripped side texture!
- Added blocks of nethercoal, made with 9 nethercoal, which burn infinitely to all sides like blocks of concentrated hellfire.
- Added thatch, made by packing 9 straw, and thatch stairs.
- Added hedges, crafted from leaves in a crafting grid, which work exactly like leaves but can't spawn jungle spiders.
- Added hedge subblocks, made on the soulforge. Subblocks for cherry and blood wood leaves are crafted directly from the leaves, while vanilla types are crafted from hedges.
- Added end stone bricks and subblocks, made by crafting 4 end stone in a square in a crafting grid.
- Added infused obsidian, using vanilla's crying obsidian texture, made by combining obsidian and soul flux in a crafting grid. Infused obsidian is a valid block for making a nether portal.
- Added fortune beacon effect to diamondium blocks.
- Added night vision beacon effect to prismarine lanterns.
- Added an overlay texture to magma, superheated netherrack, and superheated nether brick, which displays at full brightness, similar to cobblestone and stone brick lava overlays.
- Added concrete subblocks.
- Added sounds to placing doors and signs.
- Added signs of each wood type.
- Added the ability to color sign text by right clicking the sign with dye.There are a couple color mismatches which I cannot fix due to how format codes are handled in minecraft - pink is more of a light salmon color, and brown maps to red. This is because those colors do not exist in the format codes so I chose the closest approximation. I may attempt figuring out how to change the color through the rendering code for a later release since I'm editing that code anyway.
- Added the ability to edit signs by right clicking with an empty hand, and changed signs to not display the gui when placed. Currently, this removes any color because otherwise it corrupted the text but I will try and fix this in a later release.
- Changed (refactored) how walls work internally, and changed them to render without gaps when stacked. They should now match how they work in vanilla 1.16. They also form a post only when the block above them visually should connect (I have to add these exceptions manually for each block so let me know if I missed any).
- Changed fence gates to render lower if a wall is to only one side instead of both (matching newer vanilla).
- Changed fence gate selection box to match the rendered model.
- Changed fence gates to no longer require a block beneath them when placing.
- Changed panes to connect to anything with a flat surface (like walls and fences), and to connect to walls.
- Changed hay texture back to the old one. Thatch has the new hay texture since the textures better match their associated items.
- Changed layout of the chain texture and the model bounds of the block to allow for more freedom for texture artists, increasing the maximum width from 3 pixels to 7 pixels.
- Changed carpets to use their own texture instead of pulling from the wool texture to allow more freedom for texture artists. With how I was doing it previously it was not even possible to override with MCPatcher.
- Changed chewed logs to use the stripped log texture for their corresponding wood type, and changed the texture to rotate with the orientation of the chewed log.
- Changed wood planks sub blocks to no longer have wood in their names (except blood wood).
- Changed magma blocks to emit a low amount of light.
- Changed the behavior of quartz spread. Now it is most efficient to place multiple ore blocks around each magma rather than the reverse.
- Removed the addon's changes to planters as grass planters are no longer obtainable.
- Fixed an issue where hay bales dropped old wheat when destroyed by an explosion.
- Fixed an issue where hay bales broke instantly. Axes are now the appropriate tool to use on hay bales and thatch.
- Fixed an issue where all addon slabs required a diamond pickaxe to mine. Now only sandstone slabs do.
- Fixed an issue where mortared slabs and stairs did not drop their loose version and did not count as mortared for the purpose of loose blocks sticking to them.
- Fixed an issue where normal stone brick slabs and stairs were not craftable.
- Fixed an issue where chewed logs did not connect to addon logs.
- Fixed an issue where polished stone slabs could not be recombined into polished stone.
- Fixed an issue where some blood wood sub blocks were still missing names.
- Fixed an issue where fences and walls still connected to benches, corners, and sidings of their own type.
- Fixed an issue where addon walls rendered as a fence in inventory.
- Fixed an issue where addon walls had a different collision box than vanilla walls.
- Fixed an issue where fence gates did not render lower next to addon walls.
- Fixed a vanilla issue where fences and walls still connected to fence gates even if they were rotated to where they should not connect.
- Fixed a BTW visual issue where mod fences rendered differently from vanilla fences in inventory.
- Fixed an issue where trapdoors killed grass beneath them while closed.
- Fixed an issue where bonemeal was still being wasted when clicked on a fertilized planter.
- Fixed an issue where painted planks stairs dropped themselves when sawed instead of splitting into subblocks.
- Fixed an issue where blood wood chairs were not craftable.
Thanks to sockthing for all sandstone textures in this release!
- Added chains, crafted with 3 iron nuggets in a vertical line.
- Added concrete powder, made by smelting 4 sand and 4 gravel with dye in a crucible.
- Added concrete, formed when concrete powder comes into contact with water.
- Added mossy and cracked sandstone, created when sandstone sits under water or lava, respectively, for a time (like stone brick).
- Added large sandstone bricks, created with 4 cut sandstone in a square in a crafting grid.
- Added mossy and cracked large sandstone bricks, created in the same way as mossy and cracked sandstone but with large sandstone bricks.
- Added subblocks for all new sandstone variants.
- Added subblocks for mossy and cracked stone bricks.
- Added the ability to light torches on lanterns and chandeliers.
- Changed collision on chandeliers to take up a larger space to match their model. This was actually a lingering bug from a long time ago when FC changed how block bounds work internally and I messed the bounds up when converting chandeliers.
- Changed trapdoors to cause a block update when opened or closed. This fixes several issues, including torches sticking to trapdoors in invalid ways and falling blocks supported by trapdoors which have been opened.
- Changed granite to be made from andesite instead of diorite as it was still too easy to accidentally make granite from diorite.
- Changed shears to be the appropriate tool for carpets instead of axes. Axes being effective against them was a temporary measure since shears do not have an easy hook to add blocks they are efficient against.
- Changed the texture for sandstone bricks slightly.
- Removed a few more unused textures.
- Fixed an issue where wood fences would not connect to nether fences, even though nether fences connected to wood fences.
- Fixed an issue where several wooden subblocks did not have names.
- Fixed an issue where addon stone-based slabs broke instantly.
- Fixed an issue where infused stone broke instantly.
- Fixed an issue where all slabs dropped red sandstone slabs.
- Fixed an issue where all crates dropped oak crates.
- Fixed an issue where axes were not effective against workbenches.
- Fixed an issue where wood dropped stripped logs.
- Fixed an issue where using a chisel on non-stripped wood in the world did not give bark.
- Fixed an issue where all normal sandstone variants crafted into base sandstone stairs.
- Fixed an issue where infused stone variants only dropped normal infused stone.
- Fixed an issue where cut sandstone subblocks had the wrong bottom texture.
- Fixed an issue where several orientable blocks rotated on turntables incorrectly, including a fix where barrels crashed the game when rotated (and every time loading the save thereafter). This affects empty barrels, bone pillars, and basalt.
- Fixed an issue where addon jack o lanterns were not able to light torches.
- Fixed an issue where stone slabs could not be recombined into stone.
- Fixed an issue where conflict warnings would show on startup. These never caused problems and were simply a result of how I change references for some vanilla and BTW items, but now they won't show at all.
- Added bone pillars, using vanilla's bone block texture, crafted with 2 bone blocks above each other.
- Added wood, which are logs with bark on all sides, and stripped variants, created by combining 4 logs or stripped logs in a square in a crafting grid. Wood may also be stripped using a chisel in a crafting grid, similar to logs.
- Added polished stone and subblocks, using the vanilla stone slab top texture, made by smelting stone in the crucible.
- Added stone slabs using the actual stone texture, and changed vanilla stone slabs to be made from polished stone.
- Added magma blocks, obtained by heating netherrack over stoked fire while in the nether. Magma blocks may spawn nether mobs, and they form basalt when coming into contact with water.
- Added the ability for nether quartz ore to spread to adjacent magma blocks while in the nether. This was done to make quartz more available in response to the increasing number of uses for quartz for aesthetic purposes. This should not affect balance significantly, except for making repeaters and turntables slightly easier to obtain, and gold is still a limiting factor on those.
- Added the ability to cleanse nether bricks into bricks by heating it over stoked fire then running water over it. Similar to quartz, this was done to make bricks more available for aesthetic purposes, without changing the balance of clay for pottery.
- Added the ability for snow to rest on or around carpets, pergolas, lanterns, and chairs.
- Added the ability to pack ender pearls into ender blocks.
- Added polished sandstone and red sandstone, plus subblocks for each, using the sandstone top texture on all sides, made by smelting sandstone in a crucible.
- Added sandstone and red sandstone bricks, plus subblocks for each, crafted by combining 4 polished sandstone in a square in a crafting grid.
- Added stairs and slabs for cut sandstone and red sandstone.
- Changed the name of smooth sandstone to cut sandstone to match vanilla.
- Changed cobblestone walls to drop themselves for consistency. It always felt very strange that only cobblestone walls exploded into items, when stone brick and brick walls do not, plus it was the only wall out of more than fifty in the game to not drop itself.
- Changed mobs to not be able to spawn on glass. This does affect balance slightly, but the change in BTW happened before quartz was added to the glass recipe, and having to light up large areas of glass can be very ugly.
- Removed the kiln recipe for basalt as there is now a more interesting way of obtaining basalt. This also indirectly fixes an issue causing craftguide to crash the game when opened, however the root cause is not fixed. I believe it is coming from the addon adding kiln recipes through reflection.
- Removed several unused textures.
- Fixed an issue where placing chairs while facing up or down resulted in incorrect facing.
- Fixed an issue where loose stone variants turned into regular stone when passing lava and water over them.
- Fixed an issue where stained glass dropped the block instead of the item when picked up by a block dispenser or silk touch.
- Fixed an issue where loose stone variant slabs were not able to be crafted back into full blocks.
- Fixed an issue where diorite loose stone brick crafted into the wrong stairs and slabs.
- Fixed an issue where stained glass did not appear in the creative inventory.
- Added slabs for prismarine variants, white stone, white stone brick, mossy cobblestone, stone variants, and loose stone variants.
- Added stairs for mossy cobblestone, stone variants, and loose stone variants.
- Added subblocks for cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, and stone variants.
- Added carpets, crafted from 2 wool items next to each other. 4 white carpets can also be dyed in the cauldron with a dye.
- Added the ability to make stone variant stone bricks. Crafting a polished stone variant with a chisel will make a block of loose stone brick of that stone's type.
- Added red nether bricks, made with 8 nether brick items with 1 hellfire dust, along with matching subblocks.
- Added chiseled nether brick and chiseled red nether brick.
- Added basalt, made by cooking netherrack in a kiln, and polished basalt, made by smelting basalt in a crucible. Basalt is a valid block for nether spawns, like netherrack and nether brick.
- Added infused stone, using vanilla's black stone textures, created by combining basalt with soul flux in a crafting grid. Polished infused stone may be made in a crucible, 4 polished infused stone can be combined into bricks, and polished infused stone can be chiseled. Unlike basalt, infused stone prevents nether mob spawning.
- Added coal blocks, crafter with 9 coal. Warning, these are extremely flammable.
- Added the ability to chisel stone variants into stone variant loose cobblestone in a crafting grid.
- Changed stone variants to drop themselves.
- Changed the name of moss stone to mossy cobblestone for consistency.
- Changed filled barrels to stack to 16. This keeps them useful as dense storage without being quite so powerful (32x efficiency down to 8x efficiency).
- Changed stone variant textures to their vanilla 1.14 versions and tweaked up derivative textures.
- Fixed an issue where bonemeal could be wasted by applying to already fertilized blocks by removing addon changes to the behavior. The old thing the addon was doing, removing bonemealing grass to make flowers, has been changed in BTW so the addon changes are no longer necessary.
- Fixed an issue where the podzol recipe was only requiring 1 coarse dirt but still produced 9.
- Fixed an issue where powder kegs could not be crafted with new barrels.
- Fixed an issue where red sandstone slabs could not be combined into full blocks.
- Fixed an issue where stone variant cobble and stone brick dropped their mortared version.
- Fixed server-side crash on startup related to a missed obfuscation map in the server version.
- Fixed an issue where basalt broke instantly.
- Fixed an issue where black carpets instead of white could be dyed, and changed carpet dye recipes to use 16 per dye to be consistent with wool item dye amounts vs wool blocks.
- Fixed an issue where carpets had the wrong mob spawn offset, leading to mobs spawning at the top of the block instead of the carpet surface.
- Fixed an issue where the recipe for granite cobblestone to take precedence over the recipe for diorite cobblestone, leading to Any diorite cobblestone made in bulk to turn into granite before making more diorite.
- Fixed an issue where stone variant slabs only produced a single slab.
- Fixed an issue where chiseling stone variants produced the wrong results, and could only be performed with undamaged chisels.
- Fixed an issue where loose stone variant slabs and stairs were missing crafting recipes.
- Added barrels for each vanilla wood type, capable of being rotated similar to logs. Barrels may store items by surrounding the barrel in a crafting grid with 8 of the item, and these items may be retrieved by placing the barrel in a crafting grid. The contained items will be output in the crafting grid and the empty barrel dropped as a secondary output. Items which may currently be stored are wheat, hemp, carrots, potatoes, and fish (all items must be raw). More will be added in the future. Old BTW barrels remain in the game but may no longer be crafted. Existing ones may be crafted into addon spruce barrels, which share the same texture.
- Added crates for each vanilla wood type, which can be crafted by placing 4 siding surrounding glue in the crafting grid, producing 2.
- Added new carved pumpkin variants, created by progressively chiseling pumpkins to get new variants. This may use the pointy stick or sharp stone as well.
- Added prismarine shards as a new common drop from squids.
- Added prismarine crystals, obtained from 1 prismarine shard and 1 glowstone in a crucible.
- Added prismarine, obtained by combining 4 prismarine shards in a crafting grid.
- Added prismarine bricks, obtained by combining 4 prismarine in a crafting grid, producing 4.
- Added dark prismarine, obtained by surrounding an ink sac in prismarine shards, producing 2.
- Added subblocks for all prismarine variants.
- Added prismarine lanterns, obtained by surrounding a prismarine crystal with prismarine shards.
- Added the ability for walls to connect to any flat surface just like fences.
- Added subblocks for smooth sandstone and smooth red sandstone.
- Changed sandstone subblocks to only be craftable from regular sandstone.
- Changed stone, sandstone, and white stone fences to walls. Let me know if I missed any other stone-based subblocks.
- Changed crafting a diamond chisel with smooth stone to produce a loose stone brick block instead of 4 bricks for convenience.
- Changed vanilla carved pumpkins to be aquired through use of a chisel. This may use pointy sticks and sharp stones as well to avoid pushing pumpkin seeds back in the tech tree.
- Changed hopper filtering properties on a number of addon items.
- Fixed an issue where axes were not effective against painted plank stairs.
- Fixed an issue where painted plank stairs were not flammable and were not buoyant.
- Fixed an issue where fences connected to sidings, corners, and benches in incorrect ways.
- Fixed an issue where fences connected to walls.
- Fixed an issue where walls had the wrong hitbox.
- Fixed several issues where mod walls rendered incorrectly.
- Added red sand, created by surrounding a hellfire dust with 8 sand piles in a crafting grid, and red sand piles, which behave like regular sand piles.
- Added red sandstone, along with smooth and chiseled variants, made in the same way as regular sandstone but with red sand.
- Added painted planks sub blocks, obtained in the same way as normal plank sub blocks.with a saw.
- Added hay stairs.
- Added wood bleach, crafted with hemp oil and bone meal in a cauldron. This lets you turn painted planks back into regular planks by combining 1 bleach with 8 planks in a cauldron, which was a far easier solution than duplicating every single recipe that used wood for painted planks. At the moment they turn back into oak planks, but in the future I may add the ability to use different shades to turn them to other kinds of natural planks.
- Added the ability for fences to connect to anything with a solid flat surface, instead of just solid blocks.
- Added the ability to stick things to the flat face of trapdoors.
- Added the abiltiy to climb trapdoors as if they were a ladder, provided that there is a ladder beneath them. This, combined with the change below, will allow for better interactions between ladders and trapdoors (and matches what vanilla has now).
- Changed (increased) the hitbox of ladders by 1 pixel to match trapdoors so you don't get stuck on trapdoors on the same side of a block as a ladder.
- Changed all addon recipes using dye to make 8 units per dye to match BTW's wool dye recipes, and moved them to the unstoked cauldron for consistency. This affects glass, terracotta, and planks. This also fixed an issue where painted planks were unobtainable.
- Changed the podzol recipe to be 1 grass block combined with 8 coarse dirt, producing 9 podzol, with the intent of reducing the number of grass blocks that need to be piston shoveled.
- Changed podzol to drop coarse dirt when mined.
- Changed chairs and pergolas to require an iron axe to be consistent with other decorative wood items.
- Changed wrought iron lanterns to be made with 8 iron nuggets around a nethercoal torch. This moves them to before the soulforge but still preserves the cost associated with non-firestarting lighting.
- Changed several addon metal reclaiming recipes to return 2/3 of the metal. Apparently those had never been made consistent when BTW changed metal reclaiming to be 2/3 efficient for gold and iron. This affects wrought iron bars, iron lanterns, and chandeliers.
- Changed recipes to create chiseled stone variants to actually use the chisel in the crafting grid. Now that the diamond chisel takes no damage when crafting, it is a much more viable tool for use in crafting. This affects sandstone, red sandstone, stone brick, white stone brick, and black stone. As a part of this change, sandstone and black stone slabs can now be combined back into full blocks instead of chiseled variants. This also moves chiseled stone brick to before the soulforge.
- Fixed an issue where addon doors dropped the vanilla door item.
- Fixed an issue where stripped logs dropped normal logs when mined.
- Fixed an issue where the recipe for loose diorite produced loose granite.
- Fixed an issue where painted planks used stone sounds.
- Fixed an issue where white stone bricks used wood sounds.
- Fixed an issue where I broke placing trapdoors on the bottom of a block last release when fixing the other issue related to trapdoor placement.
- Fixed an issue where fences would not connect to new fence gates. Previously I fixed this for oak fences but this fixes it for all fences.
- Fixed an issue where paper walls were classified as the wrong material and so used the wrong tool and could spawn mobs on top.
- Fixed an issue for both chairs and pergolas where they would break instantly.
- Fixed an issue where white stone brick columns were missing a texture.
- Fixed an issue where paintings could only be crafted with black wool.
- Fixed an issue where painted planks did not drop the correct siding when sawed.
- Fixed an issue where addon doors dropped 2 doors if the top block was broken.
- Fixed an issue where andesite loose cobblestone had an incorrectly named lava overlay texture.
- Added the ability to make nether portals of varying size. They must be a rectangle between 2x3 and 21x21 internal space.
- Changed diamond armor to diamondium to match tools.
- Changed the diamond chisel to not take damage when crafting.
- Changed coarse dirt to only produce 1 per craft to better balance it with packed earth.
- Fixed an issue where trapdoors could not be placed in the lower half of their block when placed on the side of a block.
- Fixed an issue where oak fences did not connect to new fence gates. A later release will include a fix for all fences but the other issues fixed in this release were pressing enough.
- Fixed several recipes (most notably including logs) not having their secondary outputs working.
- Fixed diamond chisels being consumed in crafting.
- Added the workbench as a decorative, non-functional replacement for the old crafting table.
- Added glazed terracotta, made by smelting terracotta in a crucible. I was encountering some strange bugs in the texture rotation code (east and south would only rotate to 2 rotations instead of all 4) so instead I just made 4 textures for each. It's not ideal but it works.
- Added doors, trapdoors, and fence gates for spruce, birch, jungle, and blood wood, and renamed the oak versions to include "Oak" in their name.
- Added coarse dirt and slabs. Coarse dirt is crafted with a dirt block and a gravel block in the crafting grid. Note that it must be the non-loose variant of dirt.
- Added podzol, crafted with a grass block and sand.
- Added painted planks, made by putting any unpainted plank in a stoked cauldron with dye.
- Added pergolas, using the model and texture of the vanilla campfire, crafted using 4 of any wood moulding in a diamond.
- Added stripped logs, made with a log and a chisel (iron or diamond) in the crafting grid.
- Added the ability to obtain granite, andesite, and diorite blocks. Diorite loose cobblestone is made from 8 loose cobblestone and a piece of quartz in a crucible. Andesite loose cobblestone is made with 8 diorite loose cobblestone and 8 stones (or 1 of each). Granite loose cobblestone is made with 8 diorite loose cobblestone and a piece of quartz. Cobblestone and stone variants may be aqcuired in the same manner as their normal versions. Stone brick is not yet obtainable.
- Added polished variants of the stone types, obtained from the appropriate stone type in a crucible.
- Added the ability to obtain cracked and mossy white stone brick in the same manner as normal stone brick variants.
- Added the ability to craft wicker without weaving using 8 sugar cane in a checkerboard on a soulforge, producing 2 wicker.
- Changed hay bales to be crafted using piston packing.
- Changed hay bale texture to vanilla's.
- Changed (improved) placement rules for trapdoors. Placing them against the side of a block remains unchanged, but placing against the top or bottom of a block now orients it based on the player's look direction (matching vanilla placement rules).
- Changed logs to have separate top textures per log type.
- Changed logs to be called "log" instead of "wood".
- Changed the speed of diamond chisels to be much faster.
- Changed the name of the diamond chisel to diamondium chisel to match the other diamond tools.
- Fixed an issue where stained terracotta using addon added-dyes were made in a crafting grid and not a stoked cauldron like with vanilla dyes.
- Fixed an issue where bonemeal could not be applied to farmland or planters by hand.
- Disabled vanilla block overwrites. This means trapdoor placement improvements and log top texturing will not be present, and some trapdoors will have the wrong texture rotation.
- Fixed vanilla overwrites causing crashes.
- Fixed an issue where wheat could not be used to craft anything.
- Refactored the addon system to be centralized. Almost all the code is the same but just structured differently to make future development easier. This will require a clean install. This should not affect your worlds but please make a backup of your worlds just in case. Also the addon config file is no longer needed.
- Added unfired terracotta, made by either a single clay ball or a single nether sludge surrounded by sand piles in a crafting grid. This replaces clay blocks in the creation of terracotta to reduce the cost in response to BTW's changes to clay.
- Added granite, andesite, and diorite, along with cobblestone and stone brick (and loose variants) of each. They are not yet obtainable in survival but are in the addon and are in the creative menu.
- Added the diamond chisel, crafted with a single diamond ingot. It serves the exact same purpose as an iron chisel but has significantly more durability and is faster. The primary purpose of this is to make it less tedious to acquire large amounts of stone brick.
- Added the ability to apply mortar in a stoked cauldron. This both increases the ease of building and allows access to blocks such as walls before having a block dispenser, while being late enough in the tech tree to not impact the balance of the early game.
- Renamed hardened clay to terracotta (following vanilla).
- Changed paintings to use the wool item instead of the block.
- Changed the name of cobblestone stairs. Before it had the name "stone stairs" which led to a duplicate name with the stairs actually made of stone.
- Removed change to glass pane recipe, they will now make 16 again instead of the 12 they used to make with the addon.
- Removed the ability to make pieces of glass from sand piles in the crucible in response to BTW's change to the glass recipe.
- Flowerchild: BTW creator.
- Yhetti: previous deco addon creator, continuation with permission.
- SockThing: code, textures.
- jorgebonafe: code.
- Kaos: creator of the first incarnation of the deco addon.
- Hiracho: ideas, bug hunting.
- Vanilla Tweaks:
- Quark:
Some textures have been used from Vanilla Tweaks. Their license allows inclusion of their work as long as there have either been modifications to their work, or their work is incorporated into a larger original work (aka anything that is not wholesale redistribution of the pack).
Vanilla Tweaks:
This addon is provided under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, which can be found here